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Profile of neil__
Name: The Art of Sleight of Hand

Author: Jay Sankey

Publisher: Sankey Magic

Date:Aug 2006

Length: 45mins

Difficulty: NA

Out of 10: 0/10


Ok, I've got a fair few of Jays DVDs. The last few I've skipped because for me a lot of the content was just re-worked and re-presented tricks he's done in the past. I am a great admirer of Jays work and he is very funny and talented. He's not for everyone I know, but he is a well established name in the magic community.

Anyway, back to the DVD. I decided to buy this because it looked like it was something different which would teach me more about sleight of hand as well as taking other magicians views and tips on sleight of hand, how to improve it, things to look out for etc.


Basically, this DVD is a 45 minute documentary. 9 magicians are asked their views on different magic subjects and spread throughout the DVD is each magicians 2 minute routeen (none of which are explained - not that I was expecting this). Ok, so the routeens are good, Jays is pretty funny, but they are all very short, yet all show some form of sleight of hand.

On the back of the DVD case it states: - "This DVD is a unique opportunity to learn the REAL SECRETS TO SLEIGHT-OF-HAND".......... This is laughable! No secrets are given what-so-ever! Each magician is asked a question or asked to give their view on something and in turn they answer. They are asked to give their view on, "The importance of timing" and the answers are nothing new......... Timing is important, and its best to do the sleight on the off beat..... next question.

It gets even worse when they are asked something like, "what super human magical power would you like?" Ha ha, I was left wondering what on earth this had to do with the art of sleight of hand??? I don't even care what super human power they'd like, I want to watch and learn information on sleight of hand, not which X-men character they'd like to be!

Nothing what so ever was learnt from this. I doubt even a beginner would get much from this. It really is useless tat and it might as well go in the bin for all I care.

In their defence, all the magicians are great, and the routeens they show are great but the content of the dvd is not what I'd expect from the title of the cover.

On the sleight (ha ha) plus, you get two free tricks with card gimmicks "Locomotion" and "Private Property". These are ok, but I won't use them. It seems like Jay should have sold the two tricks as the product with a free DVD on magicians talking sleight of hand and other blab, not the other way round.

Jay should stop bringing DVDs out every 2 months unless it really is good quality because I'm going to really think twice about buying anything else of his. It is a great shame because as I say, he is very talented! But this DVD is just a con in my opinion.

I'd be interested if anyone actually liked this........


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Profile of erdnase101
It cant be that bad from it? Maybe if you put some heart into what they were saying about sleight of hand and think of situations where what they said could be useful, maybe you might be able to get something from the dvd.
Phil C
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Profile of Phil C

This actually sounds much more interesting to me!

Somehow, I got tired of DVDs and books that teach tricks.
It would be great to hear people talk about presentations, theories and ideas.

I would like to hear a more detailed review on the Content or the material discussed in this DVD.

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Profile of magicbern
Actually, I prefer this kind of DVD rather than run-of-the-mill ones that just have the standard format of trick performance-explanation. These do provide fodder for thought...another similar one is also produced by Sankey called Create your own MAgic. A very evocative and profound presentations on how you can make your own magic more powerful. Getting the tohoughts of seasoned pros doesn't seem such a bad idea! However, it depends on your own preference, but to call it 'useless' and only suitable for the 'bin' is a bit too subjective and unfair. Give Sankey credit for introducing something other than the norm - this -out-of-the-box thinking is how he's made his name and endeared himself to a section of our populace.
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Profile of evolve629
How often do we get real footage of magic or documentary on magic? So, I think I'm going to get my hands on this one for sure.
One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in - Wayne Gretzky
My favorite part is putting the gaffs in the spectators gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside! - Bob Kohler
Phil C
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Profile of Phil C
I'm glad you guys agree with me too.
Would like to see a review soon Smile
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Profile of davidpaul$
I couldn't agree more with neil___ see first post. I have a lot of Jay's DVD's etc. but this one well save your money. In addition to the above review, here are a few sample questions that are asked to the following magicians.( some I never heard of) Jason Maloney, Ray Chance, Colin Bartlett, Mike Skutt, Richard Sanders, David Peck and a couple more.

Do you think there is real magic?
If you had Supernatural Powers what would you do?
Who are your inspirations? (same answers we've heard before Vernon, Carney etc.)
What is your favorite sleight?
How do you practice?
The rest of the questions are quite frankly dull.

Yes there are some short performance pieces, but I was hoping for some disection of effects and more on the art of sleight of hand. Didn't happen.
I'll sell you mine for $15.00/ paid $25.00
Save your money...Sorry Jay...
David Paul
The rest od the DVD is an advertisement for Sankey products.
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Profile of Sooty
I would liken this DVD to an average night at a magic club.

You'll see a bunch of effects, not performed particularly brilliantly, without explanation. Then kick around a bit of chat that fails to get under the skin of that topic for the evening, in this case 'the art of sleight of hand'.

I would rename this DVD 'The art of earning a bit of extra cash using my mates, in order to feed my kids'.

I was hoping for so much more. Some of the questions are just bizarre. They may as well be telling us which colour socks they prefer wearing.

As long as people buy, JS will keep churning this stuff out.

However his restaurant magic dvd and front row Sankey are great. Get those instead. You'll learn far more about the 'art of sleight of hand' from those.
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Profile of matt.magicman
It os AWFULL for the reasons stated in the first post
however, if like some of the people above you like this kind of dvd
please pm me as mine is up for grabs at just £10
yes, half price!
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Profile of joseph
If you read the ad, it does not state that these performers teach the tricks, but maybe it should have....
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Profile of davidpaul$
Joseph wrote: If you read the ad, it does not state that these performers teach the tricks, but maybe it should have....
That's not the point. The DVD has VERY LITTLE to offer in advancing one's understanding, skill, or enlightenment on the Art of Sleight of Hand.

(I agree with Sooty's post above and his statement says it all:
"I was hoping for so much more. Some of the questions are just bizarre. They may as well be telling us which colour socks they prefer wearing.)

Buy "Front Row Sankey" his best DVD in my opinion.
Guilt will betray you before technique betrays you!
Phil C
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Profile of Phil C
Hm... interesting....
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Profile of matt.magicman
I'll go with the front row dvd
so much magic, great live performances, and lots of clear explanations
my best sankey buy so far........
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Profile of erdnase101
Hear, hear.
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
I am a die hard fan (his last dvd was very good) but I think I will skip this one. He does have a trick coming out next month that sounds very intriguing called Moving Violation. It's a moving hole effect.

Thanks for the honest reviews, guys.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of rikbrooks
I like Jay a lot but I have to agree that this DVD was wildly disappointing. I learned nothing of value.

I would say that if you are at that stage where you are moving from rank beginner doing the 21 card trick and looking to move to the next step you might get something of real value here. There are a few gems of wisdom such as, "Vernon was right when he emphasized natural movements".


I hate to criticise Sankey but well, I'll look closer at the next Sankey product.
Review King
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Profile of Review King
Well, I can understand some points folks are making. But, I just started watching this DVD and find it quite interesting. I only just started, so maybe it will continue to be in interesting, or drop off.

I LOVE close-up magic. Anything I can read or hear about the subject from working pro’s, peaks my interest.

Do I care what Richard Sanders thoughts on the subject of sleight of hand are? Well…since I’m a GIANT Richard Sanders fan, yes I do.

The Vernon Revelation series is filled with classic magic that is taught, but my favorite parts are just hearing the Professor tell stories and share thoughts on magic.

The ad for Jay's DVD says:
Watching true pro's do what they do best in front of a thrilled audience is an education in itself, but the “real gold” of this DVD is found in the DOZENS of intimate interview segments.

Take your own sleight-of-hand to the next level as each seasoned performer generously shares their invaluable thoughts on:

The Keys to Outstanding Sleight-of-Hand
Their Favorite Sleights
Philosophies on Practicing
The Importance of Timing
Advice to Beginners
What they Love About Performing Magic's living up to that so far. I don't see it misleading at all.

So..right now I’m enjoying Jay’s new offering. It includes two effects that I’ll look at. Not sure if I’ll do them, but they are real bonus material.

When I'm done watching it, I'll give my complete thoughts.

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the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
I love hearing advice from pros. That's why I was excited about this project. But from what others are saying, it sounds like most of the adice isn't that insightful. But I'm curious to read your thoughts, MagicChris.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
Review King
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Profile of Review King
OK, I watched it through. Standouts are a talented Magician named Wij that does a clever, very funny, chop cup routine. Richard Sanders performs his "Alpha Deck" routine. If I didn't know the method, I'd have been fooled.

I haven't gotten to the two bonus tricks included. They come with gaffs that are professionaly made, so I'll check them out.

Is this worth $25? Well..if you're looking for a DVD that teaches tricks, no. If you don't enjoy listening to Magicians that make a living performing, discussing their thoughts, then no again.

Did I come away with any ideas I can use ( meaning it made me think a way I hadn't before ) the answer is yes.

I realize that isn't a screaming " this is a must have " endorsement. I'm saying I enjoyed it. I think Jay included the two bonus tricks ( I think he should have performed and taught them ) knowing that most folks wouldn't care for the DVD as it is.

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of rikbrooks
Here to me is the key, from the back of the DVD case:

"Take your own sleight-of-hand to the next level..."

OK, I waited. Maybe I over-goaled. Maybe I was asking for too much. I mean, how many ways are there to perform a retention of vision pass?

Quite a few actually. I would have liked to see him give me some insights on his own. Or a card pass, or a false shuffle. I'm not even talking about tricks here, but concepts, ideas, well, ANYTHING.

Let's try this another way, if you went up to a magician and told them, "I'll give you $5 if you'll help me improve my sleight of hand" and he told you "OK, my favorite sleight is the Goshman Pinch, $5, please." Would you feel good about it? He didn't demonstrate the Goshman Pinch, he just said that's what he preferred.

In fact, if the performers had demonstrated, taught what they said, then I'd have no problem with this DVD.

"See? With the Goshman Pinch I can show both hands empty, but when I first started doing this sleight my dirty hand had to cup a little, like this. That's because I had to strengthen the muscles and, know what? There's no way around that so keep at this sleight and it will come to you."

THAT wouldn't help me (I know the Goshman Pinch) but I would have thought, "I bet that's going to help a lot of people".

I've heard it said (and I've repeated) that if you learn just one thing from a book then it's worth the price. I didn't learn anything from this DVD.