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True Magic Volume 1 and 2 by Aldo Colombini - DVD !!!
Live in Hong Kong ??? Is this new material ???

Seen at Murphy's Magic Supplies.

True Magic Volume 1
by Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini is one the world's foremost magicians. People around the world love his magic, love his humor and love him! In these two volumes of DVD's, Aldo Colombini will share a series of his favorite brand new magic tricks with you, including cards, rope, etc... As all magicians should know, Aldo's magic is strong, direct, and fun to watch while using some very clever and simple methods. Of course, there will be no exception in these two volumes! And now, please enjoy the True Magic by Aldo Colombini!!!

True Magic by Aldo Colombini contains these incredible effects:
Contact Colors - A three-effect routine with a killer ending! You will see what happens when coincidence meets luck!
Jesters - The back of four jokers change from blue to red one at a time, and then change back to blue instantly!
Hong Kong Colors - A spectator inserts a card into a deck, then the back of its mate and the entire deck change color. A perfect opener.
Fling - Produces a series of bewildering feats in which randomly shuffled cards jump magically into pairs!
Get Off My Spread - The thought of card is vanished inside the sleeve, and reappears inside the pocket! Twice!
Rope In - Aldo is an award-winning magician in rope magic: this is his new rope routine which is blended with lots of stunning effects!
Cutting Edges - A four Kings assembly routine with a very surprise ending: The spectator cuts to four Aces!
Men of Mystery - With a prediction card, you reveal two selected cards and the three mates of each selection!
Personally Yours - A sticker is cloned from one card to another three. Three of them vanish all of a sudden and assemble on only one card!
Deep Impact - Two cards are selected. Three predictions match the first card, change to match the second and jump into different pockets!
Full Speed Aces - Using four Aces to identify a selected card, the final ace magically changes into the selection!
Flip Flop - Two selected cards are revealed by 'Flip Flop', and finally the cards change place!
Transpo Elevator - An elevator routine using Ace, Two, and Three. The cards jump to the top, sandwich, and change places!

True Magic Volume 2
by Aldo Colombini

True Magic by Aldo Colombini contains these incredible effects:

Trident - Three spectators each select a card from three packets, and they are the only ones with different colored backs!
North By Northwest - A selected card travels from packet to packet invisibly!
A Book Is Better - A selected card vanishes from the deck. The spectator finds it inside a book where the spectator has chosen the page number at random!
Take a Punch - A prediction is a perfect match to the spectator's selection, and even the punched holes match exactly!
Super Link - Watch the handling of Aldo's linking rubber band. Very clean! Very convincing!
Face Off - A three-phase card routine, sandwich, prediction, etc... You can stop at any phase you like!
The Peak Cup - Watch the chop cup routine of Aldo, full of fun and mystery. Easy to do, and easy to follow!
Mini Maxi - A selected card in a normal size deck changes places with a jumbo size card!
Kowloon Oil & Water - Four red cards are mixed with four black cards and they separate. Not only this, the red cards and black cards change places!
Desperado - You show four jokers. They capture a selected card and change into four-of-a kind!
Cheating Jacks - Four Jacks are separated and reassemble several times. And the amazing ending will impress even the most discriminating spectator.
The Birthday Card - A spectator finds the words "Happy Birthday" on a card that corresponds to his or her month of birth!
Reverse Revelation - Three Aces fly to another packet, and the one remaining finds two spectator's selections.
Running Time 113min
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Profile of Kaylan
Thanks for the commercial, but isn't this supposed to be for reviews? How about a review of the DVDs? Or are you requesting one?

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Profile of Jean-Luc.R.
It is a request for a review.I do not have any interest in the selling of these DVDs.

Do you have comments ,reviews ,questions or anything else to say about this 2 DVD set?

I found some strange facts behind the production of this DVD.... in Hong Kong.

Read through this passage typed in this webblog found on the web.

Somebody could give some explanations????

Just asking ???
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Profile of HiraseMagic
I live in Hong Kong for more than 20 years, so I think I can say a couple of words.

There are not many magic shops in Hong Kong, the one which produced this DVD set is called "MAGICTONE" which is quite famous in Hong Kong. It is famous among the magic beginners and the reason is simple, they know how to promote.

However, it used to sell pirated VCDS and DVDs. And they (now!) sell a lot of packet tricks using a brand new name without acknowledging the creator. In simple words, they are the Hong Kong "Penguin Magic" shop!

Please, don't support them. Magic is dying in Hong Kong...
If you want to know more, I think many of the Hong Kong magic lovers would like to say a few words here. Am I right, mickey_w?

In love with magic!
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Profile of Jean-Luc.R.
I was not aware of that problem in Hong Kong!!!!
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Profile of mickey.w
Right you are, hirase....(thanks a lot Hirase, I've read your e-mail, and as you wanted I will say something here. Smile )

I don't think I know who wrote this, but I would probably write the same stuff too......This shop is forms of ripping off other people's creations.

I would say not much stuff now, that blog above stated the issue pretty clearly I think.

what I want to say is to refer to that "Jaguar" logo printed on the cover on that DVD.

Doesn't it look

check these links:;forum=2
(from 10th post onwards);forum=2

So which "JAGUAR" are we talking about? check out the Official site from those guys:

COMPARE THEIR DESIGN WITH BICYCLE CARDS. From the card case to the back design, I will call it nothing more than a steal.....or cheap ripoff as you call it...

they can't fan, made of cheap plastic stock, heck thick, and sells them more expensive than bicycles.

Their sales even tell customers this!!!

"....You know guys the US PLAYING CARD CO. are soon going to stop shipping their stock of Bicycles to Hong then only Jaguar cards will be available in Hong Kong. Start buying these and get used to it...."

How lame is that?

And you know, if you check out those product links (it's in mandarin....ask some of your chinese friends to translate them for you), you might find out the reason why they make such cards.


let me list some victims here:
hole sensation
coin flux-2
stand-up monte
very wild

And good old lord they have the guts to promote such unethical Brand on this TRUE MAGIC DVD SERIES!!!

man.....guys you judge for yourself.
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Profile of Magius
As another magician who lives in Hong Kong (who is rather busy with all the MYP PP work), I'm just going to agree with Hirase and Micket and shout "They're right!"

Yeah, it's obvious what they are doing is wrong, they barely try to hide it. They usually go for begginers or people who... well, not mean spirited, but who don't want to use money to buy magic. It's an understandable phenomenon, I mean, many people have used or use BT, Kazza, WinMX, and all those programs-- it's understandable, but still unethical.

But that aside, they are still a bad company because they really don't care much about magic. It's one thing to make money off people's sweat, it's even worse to do that while damaging magic by doing the stupidest of things. They give the worse advice to begginers, telling them to buy the newest, the hottest, or the seemingly hottest anyway. And really, the sales people there flash a whole heck lot, but, I don't know why, and don't know what it shows about the intelligence level in Hong Kong, but somehow, A Lot Of Hard Selling seems to work.

Basically that's what they do, they sell you a raven, they sell you the bat, they sell you a fake perfect pen, they sell a sterling scotch and soda (I believe they CLAIMED at one point to have made a hong kong version with Sterling... which I don't think is true), and sell you fake copies of Michael Ammar 1-3, David Roth 1-3, Dan Harlan 1-3. They manage it, then they get their money, and maybe, if they are lucky, you return.

This is really... yeah, you get what I mean. Just, you know, raise awareness about how pathetic your country is. Go Communistic Democracy or whatever they label us.

Edit/PS: I tried jarguar as well. While lots of mainland companies do it too (I know a billion copies of Ramblers and Bees), theirs aren't really that good.. the fact that they tell begginers to use that stuff instead of good old Bikes... sheesh)
Steven Leung
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Profile of Steven Leung
Everything about this unethical company is true. I suggest everyone in the magic Café send a complaint letter to Murphys Magic Supply to ask them to stop selling this DVD to any dealers.
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"Being fooled by a trick doesn't always mean they are having a good time" - Homer Liwag
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Profile of MagicBomB
I am another one who come from Hong Kong. Hirase,mickey and Magius tell the truth of how this BS magic shop rape magic. They sell rip off item, pirate DVD,VCD.... registering a association of magic in Hong Kong , namely Magic Culture Association of HK....

The most BS is, I heard that they will give their customer a choice when the customer asking for an video. The customer can choose a copyrighted DVD or pirated one,which is cheaper. The fact is, even though the customer choose the copyrighted DVD, what they get is a more pretty version of pirated version. I think some of you may not be able to imagine how real this pirvated DVD can be.

What I think is they are clever. They are trying to let the public know they are ethic,which is completely BS. They do everything a magic shop does, or even more, eg producing some series of DVD that is another ripped off, the story of Jarguar deck..... Most of us in Hong Kong hate this shop a lot. Please, don't support that shop and any product related to that.
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Profile of mickey.w
Let me do a recap here....if all sounds confusing, let's put a recap here:

[u]First, there was MAGICTONE COPMANY LIMITED, this company famous for it's unethical ideas.....

then afterwards they found out they had earned a lot of money from their acts (probably from cheating..) so they decide to get things more sorted out.

They wanted to promote their magic, so (seemingly) they opened a seperate assosciation called MAGIC CULTURE ASSOCIATION OF HK, which in reality doesn't have any recognition from the real side of the Magic community in Hong Kong.

They wanted to make their own DVDs, and therefore LIVEMAGIC COMPANY LIMITED is OPENED to do just that. Responsible for all videos they have made.

They wanted to Make their own cards (maybe so they can make fake copies of other people's effects and sell them as their own) so TINGO MAGIC COPMANY is opened, and is responsible for producing JAGUAR CARDS and supplying packet tricks (those cheap remakes) to MAGICTONE. [/u]

is produced by LIVEMAGIC,
has the promotion logo of TINGOMAGIC and JAGUAR CARDS I believe,
and is Sold Through MAGICTONE in Hong Kong.

which is basically the same gang of people.

wicked isn't it? no one can do A thing!
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Profile of GicMa
This is Eddie from Hong Kong. First of all, I would like to let all of you know that there is a keen competition among the magic shops in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, most of them want to win the other magic shop by ruining others’ company’s name. Am I right? ‘Mickey.w’ from ‘Somagic’ and ‘Ambitious Card Freak (Steven Leung)’, the owner of the REAL RIPPED OFF magic shop ‘Magic East’?

Livemagic is the most famous magic company in Hong Kong which is appraised by many top magicians and magic companies in. Its contribution of magic in Hong Kong is undeniable, so ‘Livemagic’ always appears in the mass media and highly appraised. So, obviously, it is the main enemy of those small and unprofitable magic shops. As a magic lover, I don’t want to see you guys doing this kind of stupid thing to fight each other and ruin each other’s name by those UNTURE facts. But I can understand, jealous can make you two, or even more guys crazy.

Mickey, you are still young, why do such kind of stupid thing? Don’t always be tempted by others by gaining benefits from them. You can not deny that, Somagic, the company you belongs to is selling those low quality ripped off magic props import from China in a very cheap price like rubbish, why you can saying so many irresponsible things so loudly?? Or do you really think the following items are original? I think you are clever enough to recognize…….

Those victims are:
1)Every product from Tenyo which are ripped off. As the owner of Tenyo said that because of these ripped off products, so they never to export their products to Hong Kong.
2)2 DVDs produced by ‘Somagic’, including lots of Larry Becker’s original effects and many card tricks including ‘Two Card Monte’, ‘Thunderbird’ etc…….

Ambitious Card Freak (Steven Leung), everyone in Hong Kong know that your company, Magic East, produced many ripped off videos which is a shame of every Hong Kong magic lovers…….The followings are the victims:

1)‘Reset’ by Paul Harris
2)‘Oil and Water’ by Juan Tamariz and Rene Lavand
3)‘Invisible Palm’ by Larry Jenning
4)‘Twisting the Aces’ by the Professor
5)‘Daley’s last trick’
6)‘Out of this World’
and many many more……….

All of my friends and me bought all of my magic props in every magic shop in Hong Kong including Livemagic. I have bought REAL Raven, Scotch and Soda and even over 30 original DVDs from them. And of course I have also misled to buy some ripped off props from ‘Somagic’ and ripped off video from ‘Magic East’ also………What a shame…………..

Finally, what I can say is, being one of the 6000 Magictone’s and Livemagic’s members, please stop attacking our best magic company in Hong Kong anymore. For those magic lovers who are not living in Hong Kong, I tell you that, this company is the only magic company in Hong Kong which is approved by the ‘Hong Kong Tourism Board’ as a ‘Quality Tourism Service accredited shop’ which must pass stringent assessments each year. You can prove it from the below link:

I hope the above information useful and apologise for my poor english.
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Profile of mickey.w
Excuse me?

I'm terribly sorry, but by listing how other shops in Hong Kong does no better,


You have original items for sale?

No doubt. No one said you don' just sold them along WITH the unoriginals.

why don't you try NOT shifting the topic away, and Respond to the above items?

What have YOU have to say about YOUR ripoff Items??

This topic is about YOUR DVD.

Please do take note that I have NO RELATION, AT ALL, with any Magic Shop in Hong Kong. I just happen to be a forum moderator of a magic forum which happen to have linkage to a magic shop in Hong Kong. My Stance is NEUTRAL.
Review King
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Get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of kuroko
Being an amature magician from Hong Kong bearing Absoutly 0 relationship to any of the above shops. I've read both Mickey and GicMa's statements. I have the following comment.

GicMa, Magictone is Infamous here among the magician groups in HK, for one reason, it sells Pirate VCDS in the old VHS age, and in the recent few years, pirate DVDs! You can probably guess why they have so many memembers, people like cheap deals, and would just join the club for the cheap source of such ethical materials.

I personally have nothing against them making their own dvds now, but heck , these are the same people who used to be selling Pirates and ruining our local communtiy, why support them now?

Eddie, if you feel ashame of buying from shops that sells so called "ripped off video" and china made props. You should be more ashame of the association "Livemagic/Magictone" you're in. These people not only sells the "ripped off video" as claimed by you, but they also sells the "china made props" which they tell their customers they're made in UK/USA? What's worse, THEY SELL PIRATES, which I believe non of the other shops you mentioned above do..

I don't care if they'd joint force with Aldo or if they're making their own DVDS or if they'd somehow gotten the ‘Quality Tourism Service accredited shop’ now. They used to sell pirates, they're now lying to their customrs abt their playing cards, who know what they're going to do next?
D Byrd
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Ok I understand both sides of the coin here. What I don't understand is what this has to do with Aldo's DVDs or are you saying that they ripped Aldo off?

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Profile of green
I am a magic hobbyist in HONG KONG. I have to admit that magictone(or livemagic),somagic and magiceast get some problem exactly as each of them claiming each other. but that point is why adlo cooperate with one of these son of the XXXCH magic shop in Hong Kong? among ripped off things, magictone(or livemagic) must be a winner.

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Profile of kuroko
On 2006-01-23 12:51, D Byrd wrote:
Ok I understand both sides of the coin here. What I don't understand is what this has to do with Aldo's DVDs or are you saying that they ripped Aldo off?


Well Byrd, for your informaiton , Aldo had now joint force with (livemagic/magictone) and are releaseing this dvd called 'True Magic by Aldo Colombini', and I think that's the the reason this topic got started at the first place. And I do beleive Aldo at sometime before, had been ripped off by these people? By now, they're paying him $$$ and making a DVD for him, so why will he care about the unethical side of this shop?
Review King
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Profile of Review King
I wrote Aldo and told him about this.
I told him we can't announce "it's a celebration" until we know more.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of mrmagicalbert
I am one of long time guys in the field of Hong Kong, and I am long time friend of Aldo. I feel the battle smoke in this topic and I wish to share some facts to our friends who may wish to know more about this small city.
1/ The info which provided by Mickey_w is the facts., i.e. "Magic Tone"is using different names to run the business in order to confuse others.
2/ GicMa's info are partly true, i.e. the company is famous with bad name because their unethical ways to run the business in the magic lovers' crowd. They have beginners customers as they have shops in malls. I agree with they have a nice website to promote as one of their owner is a computer guy.
I don't agree is they have "Famous" magicians in the company., as I believe the active magicians in the city are not in touch with them.
I don't think the "inner circle" of Hong Kong magic society have agree with what they have don't till now.
3/ There are a big competition in between magic shops in here, as there are more than 10 shops in this small city. The facts is why all shops suppose aims in fight with this company, is it true that they are big? I don't think so, the facts is they are harming the customers as the guys in this topics may had been their victims.
PS: I would clear about myself, I am also an owner of a magic shop which would be the oldest one open long before those in the city., and we are the first enemy that "Magic Tone" try to fight with.
4/ Back to the topic, I understand that the Aldo's DVD are not rippoff., which were products of the company when Aldo last visit Hong Kong. It is a striaght business deal. Business is business, there are small market in here, and people who have the level in this kind of products may not interest to collect them, not because of Aldo but the company. I heard about they are selling in buy one get one free deal.
I don't know whether Aldo still in touch with them in the moment, and I don't know about the contents of the DVD as I don't have them. But I believe Aldo is a very good magician and always have good stuffs.
5/ Presonally, I don't support any business about "Magic Tone" as they harm the art a lot.
6/ But I love Aldo......
7/ If any friends contact with Aldo may also let him know, his name may be ruined because he work with this company. On the other hand, I found that there are one package trick named "Pest Control" under "Tingo Company" product and printed by Jaguar cards is a rippoff of Aldo's "The Fly" if Aldo never release the right to Magic Tone.
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Profile of spencerlai
I am sure there are many people had brought the priate DVD from Magic Tone in the past. (They bought the pirates because they were persuated by the shop keeper.) Why don't we ask those guys to post their receipts and pirates to prove! I think this is a strong proof with no argue. Let the whole world know the fact.
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