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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Seamless Linked Rubber Bands (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of daffydoug
Last year or thereabouts I purchased the Evan's linking rubber bands. I don't believe they are still available, but I like the effect. Let me elaborate that last point. I think the instructions were horrible, but the workmanship on the ten linked bands was top notch. They are seamless and even close examination doesn't reveal the seam. Of course, any other way would be pointless as the spectator's are going to want to look closely at these to try to find such a seam.

I want to incorporate these into my close-up, but the problem is wear and tear. If I spend a lot of time perfecting this, then I am going to want it to be a keeper, but normal wear and tear would limit the life of these linked bands considerably. Now if the effect is no longer available on the market as I believe, then I will have to resort to making a set of my own.

Now I'm lost because I have no idea how this was done and done so seamlessly.
Does anybody here know of a technique for linking these bands to perfection as comes with the purchased effect? What kind of glue would be used, and how is it done in such a way that the joins do not show?

If you have done this or know the secret, then I would appreciate your help.
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Profile of emyers99
I've often wondered this as well. I've always loved the effect but want to give them away at the end in linked condition.

Slightly off topic, check out volume 1 of Daniel Garcia's new DVDs for a killer three phase rubberband routine ending with a super visual mid-air link of two rubber bands. The method is very creative and not difficult to master but you may or may not find it practical. The bands can't be examined while linked but they can be handed out after they are unlinked.
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Profile of daffydoug
So you , as I , have probably looked at those linked bands with a magnifying glass trying to find the seam! It's not visible! that is what makes this effect so good. If there were a visible seam, as I said, any half-way curious spectator could surely burn you over this.

The seamlessness of the bands as sold is indispensable.

I like your idea of being able to give them away after the effect. A killer souvenir, to be sure. but financial considerations don't allow that, unless you can construct your own sets, and that requires some arcane knowledge which I am now seeking... verily the purpose of this thread.

Do you know if they are still available on the market? How are yours holding out as far as wear and tear?
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Profile of KenW
Why not try contacting the manufactor? You might just get lucky since it is no longer on the market.
Al Angello
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Rubber bands dry up in about a year.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of daffydoug
Yup. That is part of the problem...let's call it "band rot" for lack of a better word.

I have tons of cards that are grouped by category and purpose on my shelves, and I keep them banded with rubber bands...I always discover after a time that the bands have rotted and snapped leaving the cards loose. However Broccolie (sp?) bands seem to old up indefinitely for some odd reason.
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Perhaps, if anyone is actually serious about making the bands themselves, they will use the "Search" function. I found quite a bit of information here at the Café, and am astonished that folks with so many more posts than I hadn't an idea as to being able to find the information here.

It took much less time to find the information than to reply to this, so why not take the time spent in typing and invest it in one's own self development?
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Profile of Turk
I seem to recall reading that rubber bands can be preserved if kept in the refrigerator. I know thast someone posted something about preserving dental dam in this manner and he has some that has been so preserved for at least a couple of years.

Anyone know about this and can provide more specific information?


P.S. I just did a search and found this info:

On 2004-06-20 03:52, broothal wrote:
I got an entire roll (100 m) of dental dam for free from my dentist. That was 10 years ago and I still have 90 m left.

On 2004-06-20 15:25, broothal wrote:
Dental dam must be stored in a cool place - I've kept mine in the fridge, and it's still as elastic as when I got it.
Magic is a vanishing Art.

This must not be Kansas anymore, Toto.

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Profile of daffydoug
On 2005-10-06 14:58, Ignore me... wrote:
Perhaps, if anyone is actually serious about making the bands themselves, they will use the "Search" function. I found quite a bit of information here at the Café, and am astonished that folks with so many more posts than I hadn't an idea as to being able to find the information here.

It took much less time to find the information than to reply to this, so why not take the time spent in typing and invest it in one's own self development?

I will ignore you.
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.
Sam Tabar
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Yes dental dam will last longer if placed in a small ziplock bag with a little powder in it and stored in the door side of the refrigerator. You can wash it with water if you're ready to use it. I guess this will also work for rubber bands, though I haven't tried it yet.
"Knowledge comes from finding the answers, but understanding what the answers mean is what brings wisdom." - Anonymous
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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of emyers99
I posted a reply a while back but it got deleted for some reason. Henry Evans was at the MagiFest last year and was selling these so I"m guessing he still has them.
Doc Pepper
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As for storing the rubber bands in `cool' places. As a sideline of my magic, I also make balloon animals. I buy LOTS of balloons when I buy. I store my extras (bags) in shelves of the door in my freezer. I have stored large numbers of balloons for a year. When I need more, I take out a bag and give them time to thaw well before messing with them. Due to this `proven' method, I now store my dental bands, star rubber bands, regular rubber bands, and dental dams in the door of my freezer as well.

Works for me ... Doc Pepper
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Profile of glatner
Hmm.I do not have a lot of knowledge about how to make elastics, what temperature rubber has to be heated to etc, but if a band was cut in a down, across, down. Like this: -|_ going down to halfway into the band with an exacto knife, (you'd need to do it under some for of magnification), acros for around and inch, then down. Then gluing it with soper glue and sanding the eedges, it MIGHT work.

P.s., not asking for any major secret, but what is "dental dam" I'll do a "search" just so "ignore me" won't spaz.
Ignore me...
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Hmm... not exactly spazzing *laugh*, but here's my point.

If the user with more than 4000 posts had searched, he would have found much information regarding actually making the bands ALREADY posted here at the Café, including many pointers on problems that can arise. As he has strongly declared he is ignoring my advice, he is just denying himself the information through his own insistence that someone give it to him, instead of doing a little work himself.

At least now folks can know his refusal to search for himself is a philosophical stand, and that he requires others to do the work; knowing that allows a decision on whether to invest time on his behalf when he himself considers doing easy research not a good use of his own time.

Remember: If you build a man a fire, he will be warm for a day; if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life. *laugh*

Glatner, I sent you a PM.

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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of emyers99
Dear lord. Here we go again off on another tangent. Daffydoug and I have had our disagreements over the years but I think he had every right to ask his question. His question was directed at a specific effect marketed by a specific person. I'm sure he probably did search the archives but as we all know, that can be about as fun as deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls sometimes. Bottom line is that since this is America, he has the right to ask any question he wants despite the fact that it may have already been asked and answered 3 years ago by someone else.

Now let's all be friends and go back to answering the original question. (something that seems to be a forgotten art here at the Café these days).
Al Angello
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Eternal Order
Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
I have been following this thread, and others before it, and it appears to me that there is no REAL linked rubber bands commercially available. I carry a wrist full of rubber bands everywhere I go, and do stargazer and other tricks for every kid I meet, I am known as the rubber band guy, and if I could give linked rubber bands out to adults the way I give out the star shaped rubber bands to kids I would be a very happy boy, so the bottom line is, can I purchase a bag full of linked #19 rubber bands ANYWHERE ON EARTH. I do not want to fuse them myself, I do not want to glue a cheap imitation, I want the real thing at a reasonable price.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
Tom Jorgenson
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At one time, Nielsen Magic sold George Murray's Linking rubber Bands....they were also seamless. You might see if they are still available thru Norm Nielsen.
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Ignore me...
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Emyers, I don't deny doug had a right to post his question, and not search the archives. I also have the right to point out how much time it would have taken to do a search, compared to how much he invests in writing.

Actually, I thought his question was directed at making linked bands himself. "Does anybody here know of a technique for linking these bands to perfection as comes with the purchased effect? What kind of glue would be used, and how is it done in such a way that the joins do not show?" Is it such a stretch to think of looking up such information, even with simple terms like "linked bands," the first page of which gave me the complete information within the first 11 results?

Let me try again, then.

daffydoug, use the search function on "linked bands. You will find a thread with complete information on making them within the first 15 results.

Emyers, it was so easy to find, I think that it is my right to point out how easily I found it (as I noted in my first post). Fifteen results (actually eleven, but it may move in the future) to wade through isn't quite the Dead Sea Scrolls, but perhaps that's just my own perspective.

In any case, at least those interested now know that the complete information on making the linked bands is there, should they take the time to look for it. I don't think it unfair to ask for a little effort, instead of spoonfeeding the information; call it an investment in character building. Cheers!
Sam Tabar
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On 2005-10-12 00:56, Tom Jorgenson wrote:
At one time, Nielsen Magic sold George Murray's Linking rubber Bands....they were also seamless. You might see if they are still available thru Norm Nielsen.

No, Norm Nielsen's site doesn't carry it anymore.
"Knowledge comes from finding the answers, but understanding what the answers mean is what brings wisdom." - Anonymous
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Profile of acmp
I just love the way things get off topic...

On 2005-10-11 19:15, emyers99 wrote:
... I'm sure he probably did search the archives ...

I'm glad you mentalism has reached this level

On 2005-10-11 19:15, emyers99 also wrote:
...Bottom line is that since this is America...

Not here. And you yanks should wake up and smell the tea, the world doesn't stop at your borders, there's a whole world of stuff out there, don't be so blinkered.

On 2005-10-11 19:15, emyers99 also wrote more stuff:
Now let's all be friends and go back to answering the original question. (something that seems to be a forgotten art here at the Café these days).


I have no idea how to make linking bands without a seam, any glue that wasn't the same elasticity and colour as the original band would leave a seam. So maybe you need a glue that fits. try latex. I would guess that a simple diagonal cut (perpendicular to the wide face of the band, diagonally through it's depth) would minimise any hard edges that would exaggerate the seam.

just my 2pence Smile

"Well if I had one wish in this god forsaken world, kids
It'd be that your mistakes would be your own"