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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Food for thought :: Flexability: Coin sleights vs. card sleights (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Chris Becker
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New York, NY
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If I don't have a pack of cards with me, I can often use business cards. For reformations of course, but also - simply marking the cards on their back - for things like twisting the aces. So card moves can be transferred to other objects indeed.
Looks impromptu ... but isn't! Heh, heh!

Best, Chris
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<BR>Cards don't cheat people. People cheat people.
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St. Paul, Minnesota
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As I was contemplating the "Elmsley count as concealment for secret attachment" conundrum, it occurred to me that I AM aware of something that has utilized a card count for just such a thing.

Paul Harris's "Ultimate Rip-off".

In this routine a card is apparently ripped into four pieces, then 3/4 restored. The "Pieces" are displayed with a count that is (in essence) the E-Y-E count.

The specific function of the count? To conceal a secretly joined condition.

To me, the purpose of this thread is about seeing connections, and (hopefully) inspiring those who might normally think, "That blankity-blank move has NO connection to this blankity-blank move."

If it served its function for anyone, I am ecstatic. (I know I have learned something!)

Later my friends,


Along with Sid, I'm wondering how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

I once saw some Hell's Angels stomping on a guy who looked like Zippy the Pinhead. if this counts the answer is five.