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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Accessories :: Beyond ESP by Michael Murray :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Steve Brooks
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Beyond ESP by Michael Murray


Beyond ESP is a set of ESP cards unlike any other. The cards are printed with a unique black back design, which separates it from the leagues of playing card-style ESP decks on the market. This actually looks like a deck of cards that might be used in real ESP tests. But what’s more, the cards are very subtly marked, providing you with a very powerful mentalism tool. They come complete with the following routines:

3SP (Michael Murray & Paul Younghusband): A 3-phase routine, which builds from cold reading to identify a chosen symbol, predicting another freely chosen symbol, and both the performer and spectator shuffling the remaining ESP symbols into the same order.

Think As I Think ESP (Wayne Dobson): The spectator and the performer read each others minds, each one identifying which symbol the other freely choose from a shuffled packet.

MindProwler Especial (Banachek): The spectator randomly places a number of ESP cards in various pockets while the performer’s back is turned. Turning back, the spectator is asked to place their hand over any pocket and the performer can immediately name which symbol is inside


The description above, while being obviously ad copy is a very accurate description of both WHAT the product IS as well as a few effects you can perform with the cards themselves.

Yes, the cards are marked, but the folks at Magicbox are NOT trying to hide this fact. I can't blame them, the way these cards are done is very clever indeed. It does take a bit to learn the markings (at least it did for myself), but once you have this down the miracles that can be created are limited only to your own imagination. Smile

Is this trick the next best thing since the invention of Peanut Butter? No, it's not. However, in the context of the effects that are made possible by using these special cards, I will say I think this set of cards rocks - especially for you folks who are into tricks of the mind as it were.
While many serious mentalism effects are easily done with these, I feel magicians will find doing several mental type tricks a breeze as well. Fact is, mentalist or magician, these cards may be right up your alley. Smile

You receive a nice twelve page booklet with photos to help you get started and instructions for doing the basic routines. In addition, you also receive a deck of twenty five (25) black backed MARKED ESP cards, five (5) red backed and MARKED ESP cards, four special ESP cards and two small envelopes. For the price, I think this package is a major bargain and recommend this to anyone looking for some strong ESP type effects to add to their current set. Smile

My rating:

Suggested retail: $21.68 / £11.99

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Magic Box
11 Percy Street
Newcastle Upon Tyne

PHONE: 0191 232 5335

FAX: 0191 261 1920
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks