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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: My review for Max Maven's "VideoMind" Phase Two : Close-Up Mentalism. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Eddini_81976
I was actually surprised I liked this. From seeing him on the "World's Greatest Magic" specials, I didn't care much for his stuff. I'm SOOOO not into mathematical, elimination type of stuff, because I think audiences pick it up. I LOVED this stuff though. I guess there's only so much you can do on T.V. I guess. As you know I judge on tricks, methods, and video production. I rate on a 1-10 scale with 10 being perfect. As you probably know I NEVER rate anything a 10, because nothing in my opinion is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. I may rate like a 9.5...ect.

1. Shape Up - I love this a lot, and it fooled me. I IMMEDIATELY added it to my trick list, and am frying people with it. What a awesome, powerful, subtle prediction effect. Very Easy, and Very Clean. I rate it a solid (9).

2. Changeling - This was a "okay" trick, but if audience members were to pick certain numbers, I think they may pick-up on some word play. It did however fool, me since a certain number was picked. I think the method is cool, but I'm not sure how you would carry it around, without things getting "messy". I rate it a (7).

3. Isolation - What a TRUE GEM on this tape that totally fooled me. I'm going to do it once I go to Hank Lee's to buy the gimmick. I just just think I could make it well enough...ect. What a awesome Magazine/Book test though. I rate it a (9.5).

4. Key To The Future - I loved this one as well. I'm not sure how to make this box. I mean I have the box and all. I think he said he used cardboard for the hasp??? I'd change the envelope method two. I would'nt use t** envelopes but o**, and just use d***** s**** Cards. I hope I'm not tipping the method. It just hard to describe what I'm talking about. Anyway, I love the presentation, the motivation for the Card box...ect. I rate it a (8.5).

5. Symbalance - I liked this trick a lot as well. Very easy, but a fooler. It got me. It will take practice on the presentation (as all tricks should), and what to do and look for in each person's pile. I rate it a (8).

6. Positive Negative - This trick got me only a little only because of the outcome. All and all I didn't care much for it. I even tried it with my family, and I bombed. I even went home to make sure I worded my prediction right, and I did. I thought, that, that was what I screwed up on. I don't think they "got it" or me for that matter. I've studied the presentation more as well. I rate it a (6).

7. The Hawk - This is one of the BEST on this tape. I was half-way fooled as far as method as far as the card's backs go. The other part I didn't pick-up on though. Again this is hard to describe without tipping methods. I'm also not sure what the G****** Principle is either, but what a AWESOME feat this is. My only complaint as far as doing street work is r******** the d**k goes in a timely manner. That aside like I said I was fried. This might be good for single "close-up" shows. I rate this a very solid (9-9.5).

I rate this tape a GREAT solid (9) in all. Very good, and very practical mentalism here. I even bought a pack of bicycle cards, because I knew this tape had tricks with them, for $8.50. The cards didn't even have a box. I just use a old empty bicycle card box to carry them in. It was the only E.S.P. Deck they had though. I think it was worth it. I like Bikes anyway. BUY THIS TAPE !!

Thanks, Ed, (Eddini).
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Steven Evans
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Profile of Steven Evans
I agree completely, this DVD is awesome.
Phil gives you some solid material.

Nice review.Smile:
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Profile of paulduggan
It's a great DVD. And if you're looking for some cards can I recommend Beyond ESP from They are the best 'special' ESP cards I have seen and the 'special' bit allows you to do 'Shape Up' face-down which, to my mind, makes it stronger and irons out a possible wrinkle or two.
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Profile of Eddini_81976
On 2004-08-17 08:40, paulduggan wrote:
It's a great DVD. And if you're looking for some cards can I recommend Beyond ESP from They are the best 'special' ESP cards I have seen and the 'special' bit allows you to do 'Shape Up' face-down which, to my mind, makes it stronger and irons out a possible wrinkle or two.

Thanks for the advice Paul. I've actually thought about doing a certain something to the backs, of certain card so that I can do it in a face-down manner. I don't have a credit card (I WON'T own them) so I CAN'T buy things online anyways. Thanks for the tip though.
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Aron Devin
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Profile of Aron Devin
Video Mind is the first thing I ever bought from L and L Publishing and it's still one of my favorites. Phil Goldstein's book "Thabbatical" has a lot more effects with the same type of feel the effects have in the tape series. Check it out if you get a chance, "esp"ecially the one titled "Seak" on page 46. It's unreal.
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Profile of marko
The close-up volume is my least favorite in the set, but you're right, there's some good, workable material in it. The ESP card effects are awesome. Get the other two volumes though. You'll found a lot more great stuff.
Thought: Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently there must be a beverage.
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Profile of Eddini_81976
On 2004-08-17 12:45, marko wrote:
The close-up volume is my least favorite in the set, but you're right, there's some good, workable material in it. The ESP card effects are awesome. Get the other two volumes though. You'll found a lot more great stuff.

Marko, I do mostly (80% of the time), Street/Close-Up work. Are the other effects on the other two tapes doable in those situations? I've heard of the Thabbatical, but didn't know Phil Goldstein wrote it. "Esp"ecially" ? I have the packet trick ESPecially Wild which rocks. What a great effect. Whats on the other two volumes ? How is Guy Bavli's stuff? I heard (and read) bad reviews on his stuff. I wanted to buy his first tape, but heard it wasn't good from my dealer. Other Mentalism tapes I have, are Bob Cassidy's "Mental Miracles", Larry Becker's "Mental Masterpieces", and Jon Tremaine's "Close-Up Mental Act". I loved the Tremaine & Cassidy stuff. I like Becker's stuff too, but a lot of that stuff you need to buy, and is more for stage. I loved the Lottery Routine, but again, I would buy it rather than make it. I liked his Ultimate Flashback too, but again you need to buy it, and it's not explained.

The Mentalism Books I have are, Craig Karges small book, (Which is awesome). I don't here much about him here, or anywhere, but his stuff is awesome. I have, Barry Richardson's "Theatre of The Mind, Ted Lesley's "Paramiracles", T.A. Waters "Mind, Myth & Magick" (Which is phenominal), George Anderson's, "It Must Be Mind-Reading Too", which honestly I thought was a rip-off. Too much confederacy, for my taste,, and Larry Becker's "Super World of Mentalism". I love his method for the Headline Prediction using a certain something we all have I bet. He also has a great trick with film canisters and a quarter (I think), it's been a while since I read through it. Thanks again, Ed, (Eddini).
"Treat Others As You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ
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Profile of Eddini_81976
Oh yes, I can't forget, Corinda's "13 Steps", and Anneman's "Practical Mental Effects. I also have Tarbels volumes 4 & 6 which has awesome Mental Effects. I'll get the other volumes eventually one day. Ed, (Eddini).
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Profile of aamwood
Max Maven is truly one of the best mentalist. I just finished watching the whole 3 DVDs. What are other mentalism DVDs that are worth buying ? I have R Osterlind. His stuffs are cool too.
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Profile of aamwood
Oops I just received Banachek Psi DVDs also. I will wathc it . It shopuld be pretty good too based on the review I have read.
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Profile of MentaThought
The Halloween-ish character that Phil "Max Maven" Goldstein presents is not to my own particular liking, and I don't even think it works especially well for Maven himself.
Having said that, I do believe his multi-video series is quite a worthwhile effort and is jam-packed with a number of great effects which he performs well.
In my view (and, judging from what I've read in the "A Penny For Your Thoughts" mentalism topic here, his "Autome" book test, which utilizes ordinary, off-the-shelf books (the "natural force book effect" being operative here) is probably the standout effect of the video series. However, there are a number of other excellent effects and Maven and his cohort Eugene Burger do quite a good job explaining how they're done.
All in all, I think Mr. Maven's mentalism video series can be considered to be, shall I say, "a thing of terrifying beauty." (Those who've seen the series will, I trust, appreciate this description!)
"A good mentalist ... will teach you a miracle because he understands the subtleties ..." -- Banachek

"If this works it'll be BEAUTIFUL!" - The Amazing Kreskin on a stunning effect he performed on his 1970s television series (PS: it worked)
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Profile of MentaThought
On 2004-08-21 21:28, aamwood wrote:
"Max Maven is truly one of the best mentalist. I just finished watching the whole 3 DVDs. What are other mentalism DVDs that are worth buying ? I have R Osterlind. His stuffs are cool too."

Some of my favorite mentalism videos are the 3-volume "Desert Brainstorm" series in which a number of very good mentalists perform in front of a live audience and, as well, "The Best of Syzzygy" (sp?) Vols. I &II.
With the "Desert Brainstorm" series one has the chance to watch a number of working mentalists perform and then, in the course of their subsequent explanation segment, interact with their colleagues about their performance while seated around a big octagonal table.
To me one of the greatest things about the "Desert" trio of video is the chance to observe and learn from the participating mentalists, each of whom displays his very own, unique style, which in most cases contrasts dramatically with those of his colleagues.
I like the two "Best of Syzzygy" videos because they offer one the chance to watch a well-known professional mentalist -- in this case, Lee Earle, the Syzzygy newsletter's founder -- bring to life "the best of the best" of numerous mentalism routines which were originally first publicized in print in the pages of his wonderful newsletter. I truly wish there were MORE of this kind of thing; that is, recordings of printed mentalism material actually being brought to life as Earle so admirably does in the two "Best of Syzzygy" videos.
Indeed, considering how the pair of "Best of Syzzygy" videos I have was first produced in the mid-1990s, I wish Mr. Earle -- and, as I write this (and we've never met before, nor have we pre-arranged anything, have we Mr. Earle?) I feel compelled to aver that I sense that Mr. Earle is the scion of generations of Irishmen (aside from his celtic looks he's simply so full of blarney) -- would produce some some follow-ups to this initial "Best of" series.
"A good mentalist ... will teach you a miracle because he understands the subtleties ..." -- Banachek

"If this works it'll be BEAUTIFUL!" - The Amazing Kreskin on a stunning effect he performed on his 1970s television series (PS: it worked)
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Profile of Pants99
Hey Eddini you're not the only one without credit cards!!! Those things are scary!!! But I don't let that stop me from getting stuff online. I always (100%)of the time use money orders!!! God bless those things...just email the company that you wish to buy from and ask for an addreess and a name to make it out to. A lot of places have the info on there "FAQ" pages of the site. If you're like me and always on a budget you can score some awesome deals this way. Just my 3 cents. Be kool beans!!!

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Profile of michalsedlacek

first of all, sorry for my terrible English. Please, could you help me? It is all about Max Maven's The Hawk. It seems to me that it doesn't work 100 %. Do you have the same experience? Or what is the mistake? It works about 80 % of time, but not always.
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Profile of Trentonmatthew
Hi Michalsedlacek you might find this post helpful:
At the bottom, the author of the post realizes that “the hawk” is not flawed, but he did not understand the paired cards.