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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Grand illusion :: Andrew Maynes "Walking Through a Mirror" :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I am looking for a one person illusion. I've seen this illusion performed on TV and I liked it. Is anyone familiar with Andrew Maynes' version? Comments?
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In my stage shows I use an illusion I built using the same principle. Instead of a mirror, mine uses glass.

The glass panel has two 3" holes cut out in it. I step behind the glass, put my arms through the holes, and my assistant places a pair of handcuffs on my wrists.

I then take a drape and hold it in front of the glass panel.

I lift the drape up, letting the audience see I am still encased in the glass. I move the drape side to side. The audience clearly sees I am still handcuffed and behind the glass.

Then I lift the drape over my head for a second, then drop the drape to the floor. I am now on the OTHER SIDE of the glass, yet I am still handcuffed.

This is a perfect one-man illusion (except for the assistant cuffing me). I have done it without the assistant, and placed the handcuffs on myself, or have an audience member do it for me. Either way, it is a great effect!

Bengi Smile
Andy Leviss
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Andrew's version is just the kind of illusion I love--brilliantly simple and no moving parts to go wrong. For a great one-man illusion, you can't go wrong with it. I've corresponded with the gentleman who manufactures the commercially available version, and he told me that there are some improvements to the effect from the version in the book, but I have no idea what these might be (and I do know that as it reads in the book, it should work quite nicely if you find or make a mirror the appropriate size).
Note: I have PMs turned off; if you want to reach me, please e-mail [email][/email]!
Lee Alex
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(Tee hee Andy!)

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I have Andrew Maynes book, which of the mirror effects are you refering to in the book? Could you please give me the title as it appears as it sounds interesting

phillip Smile
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It is in his book Solo-X. I forget the specific name, but it should be obvious.

It is a large mirror, the top cut narrower than the bottom. There is a screen behind it. Magician holds up a cloth, audience sees both hands extended from behind. He drops the cloth and he is in front.

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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones

I have Solo X but I was looking in his latest large illusion book and there were several in there

Billy Diamond
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We build several large scale illusions and stage props and sell to several big name dealers.

Hank Lee is currently advertising our Walking Through Mirror (which is NOT an Andrew Mayne version). Please allow me to state that Hank Lee does NOT have an account with us!

My deepest apologies to those who may have experienced any difficulties with orders through Hank Lee. Also, if you are a happy Hank Lee customer, I have no problem with that. My goal here is to set the record straight and say that I am not going to let Hank Lee ruin my reputation.

Feel free to inquire about feedback from my many happy customers. I will bend over backwards, work all night, and do whatever necessary to make sure my customers and potential customers are happy. If I run behind schedule or run into a snag I believe honesty is still the best policy.

Billy Diamond - Owner
Extreme Reality Illusions
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I want to add a few comments regarding Billy Diamond's customer service and product quality. I ordered one of Billy's Walking Through a Mirror illusions through Hocus Pocus. The mirror is outstanding and Billy's modifications make it an extremely effective piece of magic. He has been awesome in responding to my emails regarding specific questions. I think Billy is truly one of the "good guys" in magic.
John C
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On 2002-01-14 15:38, p.b.jones wrote:

I have Solo X but I was looking in his latest large illusion book and there were several in there



can you tell me a little about the book? I have a friend here in South Florida that will build the illusions for me. He is not a magician and requires detailed plans. Are the plans in the book adequate for my friend? I mean, do they really detail everything in order to build the illusion.

I received this response from the author of the book:

"Your Wellington guy will have to figure out a number of things (which he should if it's a custom illusion)."

Not being a veteran illusion builder I don't exactly know what this means.

You, having had the priveledge of owning and reading the book, can you - or anyone - help me in understanding just what the author means by in the response above when he says, "..will have to figure out a number of things.."

Are the plans missing something? What exactly will my illusion building friend and I have to figure out?


John Cesta
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What you want to do is one of the trickier, no pun intended, aspects of magic. I am familiar with the book, and he gives a fair number of dimensions, but not all of them. An experienced illusion builder would be able to think through it all, and deal with some issues as they came up, and determine what should be done for the item to look deceptive, not too bulky etc.

A general cabinet maker, carpenter type might go purely for strength... like 3/4 inch plywood, and you would need a semi to haul your show. Or he may not pay attention to the careful details, or even understand those things that are the icing on the illusion.

Also, unlike with silk magic or making something with coins or balls, it is nearly impossible to give "all" dimensions when dealing with a human assistant. It depends a great deal on the size of the assistant for one thing. Is it a daughter or son who weighs 70 pounds or is it a person who weighs 150 or more? Or is it someone in the middle? Obviously this makes a big difference as far as cutting and shaping.

You might read the posts below on "building for larger assistants", Thomas Wayne and I each address about the same issue that is of concern to you. Personally, I think if you want to get into illusions, and have no experience building them, and neither does the carpenter, then you might be better with a different book. This one has some good theories, and decent drawings for a person with background, but it is not extensively detailed for a beginner.

I believe the book(s) called "The Great Illusions of Magic" by Wels might be more suitable and there are others too.

A number of illusionette effects might be suitable to you too... depending on what you are doing. For example, Sword Thru Neck, Dagger Head Chest, Guillotine or Wrist Chopper, Electric Sawing thru a Woman or Visible Sawing (Harbin Style) or a one man levitation.

John C
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Dear Mr Duck,

Thanks for the informative reply. I understand a little more now about illusion building and what exactly I can expect and should look for. I was at an illusion building friends house last night and he provided me with a ton of illusion books and some plans.

I've now got books by:

1. Byron G. Wells (The Great Illusions of Magic)
2. Paul Osborne
3. Rand Woodbury
4. and others.

I am actually putting together an illusion show using my kids, they are 6 and 4 so they are failry small.

Thanks again Mr Duck.

John Cesta
John C
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If I run behind schedule or run into a snag I believe honesty is still the best policy.

Billy Diamond - Owner
Extreme Reality Illusions

I'm with you Billy! I can amend your statement above to say that, "...honesty is the ONLY policy..."

I would personally never change my opinion of you or your company (or any company) based on what I heard or saw others doing. I would have to experience a displeasure directly with you or your company representatives.

John Cesta