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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: What happened, was this... :: A Magic Castle Moment (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of bishthemagish
Performing at the Magic Castle was a dream come true for me. And it was one of the best magic experiences that I have had in my lifetime.

Meeting Pete Biro, Ron Wilson and Billy MCcomb was a thrill.

The close up room at the magic castle is one of the few places in the world that presents close up magic as a performance art form. Pictured on the wall are large paintings of Dai Vernon, Jay Ose and Charlie Miller.

The room had a nice backstage for the performer and the seats are theater seating with spotlights that highlight the action.

The Magic Castle Hosts seat the guests and members. After drinks are served by the cocktail wait staff the Magic Castle Host introduces the magician and the show is on.

I opened with the Dice Chop cup, The shell game, Coins to glass, Four card selection, Ambitious card, Another look at rub a dub dub, Matrix, Dienamic Diamonds and closed the show with the cups and balls with the loads.

Over the week, Pete Biro, Whit Haydn, Billy McComb, Max Maven, Tony Picasso, Robert Cooney, Bobby Reynolds, Rich Cowley, Tod Brown, Kirk Grodske, Richard Rumble, Aye Jaye, Rich Freeman, Paul Green, Neil Lester and many more came in to see my show and some of them my lecture.

Over the week the shows smoothed out and I lost those first night jitters that all performers have from time to time. I was then asked to perform at the members lunch on Friday afternoon.

Also performing in the close up room that week was David Yee. An outstanding magician and contest winner who had performed at the Magic Castle for over 12 years.

Besides doing an amazing show including some of the most creative magic that I have seen in a long time. David also performed a flawless three card monte and a flawless cups and balls routine.

I will write more about the magicians I met and some of the magic I saw and the people I had magic sessions with at another time.

I have been invited back to perform at a later date… It was both a thrill and an honor to have performed magic at the “World Famous Magic Castle"…
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Landrum, S.C. by way of Chicago
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Profile of Stanyon
Way to go Glenn! You've come a long way from "Old Chicago". Your dad would be proud.

Cheers! Smile

aka Steve Taylor

"Every move a move!"

"If you've enjoyed my performance half as much as I've enjoyed performing for you, then you've enjoyed it twice as much as me!"
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Profile of bishthemagish
Thank you Stanyon, I just put up a short video clip of me performing two of my close up routines taped at one of the shows at the magic castle at my web site.

I will also post a little more about the magicians I met while there on a later post!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Profile of icicular
That's great...It must be a great honor to be asked to perform there. I imagine it having all kinds of secret passages and whatnots. I'm such a sucker!

A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B. - Fats Domino
The great Gumbini
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Profile of The great Gumbini
It has one VERY SPECIAL secret passage that is a must see! I absolutely love that place!

Good magic to all,
