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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: My Review for "The Very Best Of Jay Sankey Volume III". (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Eddini_81976
Let me tell you I got all three volumes, and the stuff is killer and he's funny to boot. I'll review the other volumes as well. I rate on a 1-10 scale, with ten being perfect. I judge on the tricks, method, and video quality and production.

1. Collect Me Not - This is a very cool card trick that was on one of his Sankey-Tized tapes. It was good to see how well it played live. The count used is a little tricky I think. I rate it a (8).

2. Fiery Reunion - I didn't care much for this trick, and from the reaction of the audience I don't think they did either. The method is okay though. I rate it a (6).

3. Ouch - I really love this one. This is going into my list of tricks soon. Because of this tape, I'm going to need to carry a bunch of extra Thanks This is a very easy to so torn-n-restored type of card trick. It's amazing how this guy comes up with this stuff. I rate it a (8.5).

4.Parallel Worlds - I got to admit I was fooled, for some reason I thought he put the whole dech in the box, I'm not sure why though, so it was an extra kiccker to see just the mini card in the big card box. I need to buy a miniature deck now. I LOVE this, and it too is going on my performing list very, very soon. I rate this a (9.5).

5. Fly By Night - This is a awesome voodoo type of card trick with staples. I'll have to try this to see how this out to see how it plays. I rate is a (7.5).

6. Slipstream - This is a very convincing card through card effect. This is GOLD !!! I love this trick, it's simple to do. I rate it a (9.5).

7. Leaving Home - This is another ultra visual classic of Jay's. This will take some pratice though. I rate it a (9).

8. Ship In A Bottle - This trick is another very visual trick that just kills people. I'm putting this as well into my list of tricks. This is a awesome animation type of trick. I rate it a (9.5).

9. Magnet Card - AGAIN, another very visual card trick. This uses a slight that Jay uses that will take some practice. This is a ambitious card type of trick with a twist. I rate it a (9).

10. Slick Splits - This was "okay". I think the coin trick following it is far superior though. This trick is very pretty to watch though. I rate it a (7.5).

11. Mr. Clean Coins Across - This has to be the cleanest version of this type of trick I've seen with coins which I admit is limited since I'm more into cards. This is probably the most technically challenging trick on the tape, but if you can master it, you got a real winner. I rate it a (9.5).

12. Card To Pocket - This is one of the BEST versions of this type of card trick that I've seen. It's also not to hard to do, as a lot of it is done on the off-beat. This is YET another trick that I hope to be doing REAL I rate it a (9).

13. @#X! - This trick is GOLD. This is a perfect follow-up to Card To Pocket, or an amitious card routine. I'd love to do this, but I just can't get that f*** down. This is one os his best. I rate it a (9.5).

This tape is very good. I love it. It's just so creative. I forgot to rate the second volume tape as a whole, but I rate that tape, this tape, pluss volume one all a 9. Great, great stuff !!! Ed, (Eddini).
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Profile of atrudo
I agree that this tape is very good. It is actually my favorite in the series. I thinmk that if you try fiery reunion you will be surprised. It plays much better vlose-up than it did on the tape.
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Profile of mattisdx
Great review ! Smile
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Profile of marko
Aside from @#X! (or Paper-Clipped), my two favorites on this volume are Ouch and Ship in a Bottle. I think these effects illustrate Sankey's ability to create clever and powerful card effects that breath life, animation and personality into the cards.
Thought: Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently there must be a beverage.
Fast Eddie P.
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Profile of Fast Eddie P.
Nice review, thanks!
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Profile of Dougini
Very good review of all three..I now MUST acquire these...

(rubbing hands together, insane Sankey-like laughter fading off into the distance, hee-hee-heeee!)

Caleb Wiles
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Profile of Caleb Wiles
Thanks again Ed

I thought this was a great DVD. The Ship in the Bottle is great. I also loved the Magnet Card and Card To Pocket.

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