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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricky business :: About me page (4 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Atlanta GA
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Profile of MikeClay
Well I have seen some good advice above, so take this like eating fish (Take the meat, throw away the bones)..

The content you build, the pages you add to your site, and all copy needs to target a few things.
1. Market Complexity: (how mature is the market, and what is the marketing immunity level at) The more mature the market, the more in-depth the copy needs to be. EX- Immature... "This pill helps you lose weight; wanna buy it?" The immature market only needs an offer.... a VERY mature market needs a Unique Mechanism

The Unique Mechanism makes you different, and it needs to be leveraged to make you stand out.
EX- We have a diet pill that will help you lose 15 lbs in 2 days (promise), using a blend of Asian herbs and spices (UM), and if you buy a 90 day supply today you get 70% off (offer)

I am trying to keep it simple, because I don't know where everyone is in their marketing journey.

2. You need a business WHY (Simon Sinik) and you need a MISSION Statment that emphasizes your WHY, targeting your ideal client.
3. A Timeline of your journey (make it client focused)
4. You will need a list of values pointing to goals that target and resonate with your ideal client.

Then you put it all together for an about US page..
Here is an example of a VERY strong "About US"

Not a Magician, but the ELEMENTS he is using are the same as I am listing above.
And his website is more of a stacked FUNNEL pushing prospects back to offers and landing pages.

I hope this helps, and can help you in building a strong page.
its ok.. balloon dogs don't bite