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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: I thought 'I' started this! (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of gallagher
I've been working on,...working with,
transitioning my 'old Show' , into something....'else'.
It's a sloooooow process,..but,... : ) fun!,..?..'challenging'.

I'm basing it, in the moment, around a piano (of sorts),
and March Music, for the 1880's to 1910's.

Musically, I'm not the most talented...
I have to really work, and work,..and woooorrrrrk, on pieces.
(This 'ablity', probably my ONLY talent!)

To help pull thru the doldrums of practise,
I like researching the piece,..the composer,..the times.

A piece, I've fallen in love with(!),...'The Cotton King', from J. P. Sousa.
Researching it,..THIS came up(!).

John Phillipp Sousa was commissioned to write it,
for the 1895 'Cotton States and International Exposition'.

+ Walter McElreath described the fair in his memoirs:
"The railroad yards were jammed every morning,
with trains that brought enormous crowds.
The streets were crowded all day long.
Every conceivable kind of fakir bartered his wares.
Dime museums flourished on every street ...
Vast stucco hotels stood on Fourteenth Street ...
I spent a great deal of time on the streets looking at the strange crowds — American Indians, Circassians, Hindus, Japanese, and people from every corner of the globe — who had come as professional midway entertainers or fakirs." +

I've been oft told, "The U.S. has no,..'tradition', of Busking."

Gosh,..and I thought 'I' invented it!..!! : )

Seriously,...maybe the automobile killed the 'tradition', in the U.S.(?).

wishing everyone a glorireiche Tag!

p.s.: Couldn't let 'cha go,..without.... : )
D. Yoder
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A young man develops a New Show not realizing that one day it will become the Old Show. Old Man develops a New Show that he hopes will one day be the Old Show. I guess you can call Wisdom. Glad to hear you are creating!
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Profile of gallagher
Thanks Doc. : )

Yeah,...I guess we're the 'new' old ones. : ]