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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magicians of old :: Erdnase The Expert at the card table. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of bishthemagish
I feel that Erdnase/ E.S. Andrews should be talked about in the magicians of the past section because I feel that he was a magician.

His book was started as a self published venture as most things in magic today are a self published or self produced ventures.

We all know that in the first part of the book the reason that he published it was that he needed the money.

Also many performers and writers of the day often used pen names or performing names. So having his name spelled backwards is a very interesting mystery as to who he really was.

The other reason that I feel he was a magician and not a card shark is that if he had that skill at the card table and with three card Monte he could make at least a living at the game.

He may have gambled and that is stated in the book but I do not think that cheating or advantage playing was in his nature.

Comparing my own life and trying to profile a man by a book that he wrote leads me to believe that he was very much like Dai Vernon, Or Jack Pyle or me in many ways. And I could say this about many other people that I have known in magic over the years.

We all have the skill to do three card Monte for money and we don't. We can advantage play at the card table and we don't. I can thimble rig and do the shell game for money on the streets and I don't.

The point is that I feel it is a magician thing that they usually don't cheat people even though they can.

And most of us live a life of ups and downs and often need the money and often publish books.

I never met or heard of a real card shark that wrote and self published a book but I do know many magicians that did.

And if a magician would read and use the material in the book they may find that the material is better if used for magic. It is material that is presented as demo material. Including the twelve card fancy stock.

Bottom deal in fact everything. I feel is better for demo poker deals and magic. And I have played poker and there is no way I would use the twelve card stock to advantage play in a poker game.

If you do not think so try it in a safe game and see how good it is for card sharping.

My hats off to you Mr. Erdnase... Not just because you wrote a book that inspired card magicians and lives on as one of magic’s best books on card magic.

But you fooled them into thinking you were a card shark and left behind a mystery that may never be solved or agreed upon.

You fooled them in life and continue to fool people in death.

And that is what I feel is a real magician...
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Profile of lchemist
Mr. Bishop:

That was a very touching piece. Thank you