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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Ebooks, PDF's or Downloads :: Assemble - Liam Montier (a Magic Portal review) (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Assemble - Liam Montier

The Hype:
A BBM EXCLUSIVE VIDEO DOWNLOAD - ASSEMBLE! Four Queens are (REALLY) dealt onto the table - and impossibly assemble together! This super clean assembly routine is the end result of year's of tinkering from the Montinator. He was determined to create an assembly that started with the four of kind really being dealt down - the exact opposite of almost every other version of this plot.

Assemble is the final iteration of his work - Liam's goto 'assembly' and a flawless, anytime, anywhere, no gaff, borrowed deck masterpiece. Learn it today on this exclusive download!

My Take:
Looks like that little magic elf, Liam Montier, has been busy churning out miracles again. The amount of Stuff he churns out can't leave much time for a life.

I have been a fan of assemblies since when back when someone floored me the first time with Macdonald's Aces. I couldn't sleep until I had learned it. There are some problems inherent in the method though. You have to introduce gaff cards into the mix and you can only do it with the Aces. A lot of audiences have become familiar with the old 2 sided card and would like to choose another card to pull its mate together. So, when Big Blind put of Alex Elmsley's "Flight to Witch Mountain", I was ecstatic. A beautiful assembly with no gaffs and any card cand be chosen. Haven't done the Macdonald's since.

Now Liam has come out with another assembly that looks nothing like I was used to.You can use any four of a kind. You show them and then show them being put down on the table. No monkey business. You deal three cards onto each face down selection (he uses Queens). You spread the first four cards showing three and you take the four and put them back into the deck. You do this with the other two selections. You get to the leader ace and turn the top four cards over only to find that they have become the four queens. An instant transformation that really is beautiful.

And the best part is how easy it is to do. It only takes a four minute video to teach you so you know it can't be complication. No counts, no slights. The only place where a traditional assebly might trump this one is that the cards do travel from one pack to the leader. This is all done on top of the deck which really covers the dirty work.

For just $5.99, this latest by Liam should find it's way into your set. If you are at someone's house, you can even use their cards. Recommended.
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Profile of tltq
The issue with this trick is that it is not new.

Jim, this message is not for you. I'm aware that you found out about this after you made the post. This message is for those who do not know.
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Profile of magicthree
Nice find.
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Profile of fonda57
The performance if the trick by Columbini fairly well shows how it is done. I think the Montier is much better. Me has spoken.