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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: Honestly, (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of gallagher
Honestly, I had nö intentions of taking a moment of your time,
…or giving of my time;
sitting, formulating co-ersion amonst my scattered,..emotionally shadowed thoughts.

The chaos of infinite possiblity. Freedom. (?)

Reading a Post,..20 minutes ago,..
an adress, 'of interest', poked me in the eye.
A quarter of an hour of sand, has passed thru the glass,
(i SWEAR, was ONLY sand!)
I find myself,…still,…rubbing my eye.

My 'Eye-yi-yi-yobia' probably started some years ago.
it seemed to me:
Everyone was,…IS(!…!) asking for,…'donations'.

As a Street Performer, I'm more then comforatable,
with the proposition.
my sophy has always been:
1. When I'm finished. / When YOU are finished.
2. The 'Hat' stands,…by itself.
Nö hype. Pressure. Guilt-gab.
„If enjoyed what you saw…..
If you can afford it….“
3. Here and Now. You and I.

For me, this has always been,..IS,…Street Performing.

I know, from a distance,
with two feet firmly in
the 'Money-back-Guarentee/2 Bonus-Points-on-Top/
and a-free-Balloon-Animal-for-your-Child' Economy,….
my 'vision' is more a….hippie halucination from the 60's.
Like peddling nitroglycerin on the 'San Andrea fault'.

But,…my gut grumble,
is nö Halucination!
…shakey knees and all.

A few years ago,
a great French magician WON Fism,..
1st place.
With the dream of buying a truck,
and having a 'traveling road show',
…he went to,….'gofundme'.
Where's the passion,..the need,…the fire?
(…the 10,ooo bananas he won?…?!!)
, get it together yourself(!).

Two years ago,
a great coin magician/producer
came up with a really nice idea, for a new playing card design.
Sö he went to 'gofundme'.
[The funds DIDN'T flow(!),
sö he dropped the idea…
as quickly as I drop powdered cards.]

Where is the passion?..?!
Where is the willingness,..
to take the risk!
The belief in one's-self,…
The belief in the Ideas that sprudle from one's self(!)
Doing it.
Living it.
Taking what comes(!).
Belief in the World,..we're part of(!).

Breaking bread at the table of Gods!

Where one can savour the sweetness of nervous sweat.
The crunch of grit, gravel, and dirty finger nails,….
The smell of heat on a brow,
..of Pitch cooling winds.
Where one can share, with others, who looked failure in the eye,..and spit.
With others, who looked failure in the eye,…and winked.
Where one can rub elbows with the armless,..
Play 'piddly-wack', with smilers.
Shakehands with the hooks.
Hear stories of truth, experience,…vision.
Hear the laughter of optimism.
Hear songs sung sö bright and vivid(!),
nö colour can classify them,..
nö rhythm can fence them in.
'Do-ers'. Dreamers. Fighters.
Dancers of un-heard songs…..

The security, of the 'beggars steak'?
"Medium rare,..two shakes of salt."
!.!! Punish me, with 106 days of Monika's cooking!
…but NOT the 'beggars steak'!

Limp, lame,…bland.
Juiceless. Colourless. Silent.
Worse then hunger itself.

Often asked: "Can you live from it?"
Deep, from my toes, the responce errupts(!).
Thru my heart,…around and around in my pitted belly,..
un-leashing from the frwshness in my lungs!
…no 'brain-drain' at all(!),.
(Like the best of orgasms!)

"I live BECAUSE of it."


'gofundme' websites should have a:
'kickmeintheballs' button,
as well. : )

A soothing concept, for me,
would be a website: 'goingforit'.
Nö finacial corrosion,..
Simple, emotional, human support.
…'good vibes', back-pats, and 'karma kisses'.
Recognition and Respect, for those who….go for it.
: )

Fullfilling a 'Dream', is all about,
…getting out of bed,..
and carving it from the stones around us.

Gotta go.
Dinner’s ready.
„Coming Monika,…my dear.“ : /

Gallagher Hayes

p.s.: "Show a little faith,
there's magic in the night.
You're not a beauty,…
but hey,…
you 're alright.
And that's alright with me."
D. Yoder
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Profile of D. Yoder
Hmmmm. I am not sure what I think my friend as I digest your thoughts. As I drink my morning coffee and go about my day with my tip box on the ground in front of my case at Central Market, your musings will be rolling around in my head.
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Inner circle
1173 Posts

Profile of gallagher
Doc,..good morning!
Thanks for your thoughts, on my thoughts.
I actually share the SAME thought!
I'm not sö certain about what I wrote(!).
It was a gut,.."ahhHHH!"

My children (37, 33, 29, and 25) are scatter about the land.
To humour me,…and to keep check of my sanity,
they read my ponders,…
and reply(!).
Their responce was seemingly united.
"Times have changed Pops.
The economics of today are different,..
then of YOUR times.
Your economics DON'T/WON'T work in today's juggle.
Not to be offensive,..
but you're outdated,..passed over.
When you've finished your 'last show',
we'll take your dried bones to a museum,..
and they'll be stood up next to T-Rex."

I'd always hoped for a spot in Madame Tussaud's,…
between Dolly Parton and Audrey Hepburn….. : (

Well,…like I say Doc,…I'm not sure myself.
I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR,…un-certainty(?)…
(funny thought!)

Have a pleasantly interesting day.
Your 'Lebanon Bologna partner in Pleasure',

p.s.: Has Society 'become'* secure oriented?
* in earlier times, I would have written: 'sold out to'.

The taste of 'risk‘(!),…i must admitt,..
still lures me(!…!),
….like the juice of a steak.

….that made the vegetarians curdle…. : )
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Inner circle
1173 Posts

Profile of gallagher
I swear(!),
it has to do with the water!

,…or LACK(!), of water.
….in the wine.
: )

Strive, struggle, strain,—
openly,— gruntingly(!);
sö your children's children's children
will not wake each morning,—
Dreams belong left to the pillows…
Wishes, to pennys tossed in the wells...
And 'Magic',— was simply the name,
of a basketball player,
….from long ago.

Sö they will not bite their lip and bow their head,
wondering what 'heart'…..felt like.

Limberg/Trollinger 2018
Löwenstein, Baden Wüttemberg
..and a bag of Lay's,….'light'.
D. Yoder
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Profile of D. Yoder
We'll take your dried bones to a museum,..
and they'll be stood up next to T-Rex."

In the Museum of Anthropology in Washington, DC there is a skeleton of a dog resting its front legs on the chest of the upright skeleton of the man who owned it. I tried to convince my children to have my skeleton mounted and donated to a local school where I taught for many years. I could just stand in the corner and hold a potted plant or something, or they could put me in the lobby with a welcome sign and a seasonal hat. Somehow my suggestion was not received well.
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Profile of markmagic
Love the banter!
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Profile of Goldfield
Mr G,
Karma kisses for you and your loved ones..thank you for making me THINK and FEEL
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love & be loved in return.
ed rhodes
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Rhode Island
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Profile of ed rhodes
I wish I could do a "go fund me," but I don't think I could convince anyone to give me a significant amount of money As far as "having the drive to 'do it yourself,' " my drive is in making the electric bill payment and getting food on the table. There isn't a lot left after that to get magic with.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax