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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: What makes a DVD good? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of kissthecaptain
Are you guys more concerned with quality of magic effect, quality of delivery, pace, quantity of material, flash and trash effects, quality of production? What makes a DVD or video good for you? Say quality blows and you only get 3 tricks, but some famous magician is in it, do you buy it? Or is a no-name with 20 tricks, shot well, a better buy? I, personally, don't care who the magician is, as long as I can learn something I would actually use. And it helps if the quality is better than it looking like it was shot in someone's livingroom or kitchen. But, how fancy does an instructional DVD have to be?
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Profile of Kozmo
There is really only one thing that makes it good for me...well maybe a a pro...a guy who performs for a thing that I can use....a line...any on thing...a bit of something...misdirection...all you have to be able to do is see my quality which is nice when its good is not that important...thats its educational....i would much rther watch a pro work than to see the tricks and how they are done....
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Profile of kissthecaptain
That was, clear. Thanks.
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Profile of redstreak
I think that the number one thing on a DVD is good tricks (I include good presentation when I say a "good trick"). Everything else is secondary.
Bill Hegbli
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
A good DVD must have material that is commerical and usuable in the real world. I believe we all want to learn new secrets, handling, and entertainment touches that will enhance our own abilities. But if you are not successful, how can purchases trust your abilities.

I also agree with everything tedb said. I watch an old clip of Fred Kaps over and over, just to try to anyalize his technique. The video is really poor and fuzzy.

If you are thinking of producing a DVD. Create some original magic, present it in the venue intended. After 10 years of performing the routines and analyzing every move, word, and action. Then go win the IBM Gold Medal or the FISM Convention Grand Prize. Then put it on your video and sell it.

No I would not be interested in 'Mr. No Name' showing me magic. That is what the internet on line videos are for.
Mike Walton
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I noticed that now I'll only buy a DVD (book, video, whatever) for a specific routine that is clean, magical, performance tested, and audience engaging. Ideally the routine will present interactive and engaging patter. I'll also buy a DVD for a different take on a sleight that I've been working on, but need a new way to proceed with it.

I buy based on recommendations here and at other sites on the net so I don't look to big names magicians as evidence that the material is "good." If there isn't a recommendation from a trusted source or from someone explaining their recommendation, then I won't buy the material. I don't buy for quantity anymore as I have enough mediocre effects or ones that need the routine contents and patter reworked. Video quality is beneficial but not essential if all of the other elements are present.
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Profile of kissthecaptain
Even good magic can be hurt by bad production. It's like, would you eat a Filet Mignon handed to you in a paper bag by a homeless man? It's like, why bother? If your magic is good, present it in a way that is nice, and easy to watch, right? Otherwise its like ketchup on Sushi...hard to swallow and doesn't make much sense. Sorry, I'm hungry.
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Profile of locas
To me a good dvd is the number of tricks or moves that I will end up using , the magician is important as well, different people might have different taste on each magician style of teaching.
Fayaad Manie
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Profile of Fayaad Manie
In my opinion a Good DVD comprises, amoungst other things:

Practical material
quality production:
quality picure and sound
Presentational tips
Tips on misdirection
Good Theoretical aspects
Strong magic
Well taught

Also, it is not the amount of tricks that are taught, it is the quality and practicality of the effects taught. If there are 20 effects taught on one tape and you use only 2, then its a bad DVD. IF on the other hand, you have only 5 effects and you use 4 of them. then the DVD is an excellent one.

It is more of a psychological thing to have more effects on a particular DVD, this makes one want to buy it becuase you feel you are getting more value for your money and because you have a wider choice of material to choose from. This, however, is a fallacy.
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Profile of owen.daniel
I generally buy a dvd if there is something on there that I know that I want to learn. I will rarely just by a DVD if I THINK that there may be something of interest in it. This way I know that I have not wasted my money (unless I can't learn the which case I am going to have to learn it until I deem it not a waste of money).
I think one of the most important things about a DD is the quality of the teaching. If the teacher is good then I am more likely to learn. Does he explain clearly? Is he friendly? Does he rush the magic? Does he explain the reasons etc. etc.
The quality of the shooting can be a problem some times but in most cases this is not a problem.