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Osborne Plans

I was thinking about either buying one of Paul Osbornes illusion plans, or saving up to get the black book. First question is: which would you recommend doing?
second: Which plan would you recommend, I was something fairly simple to build, but effective (not just an appearance or vanish)?

note: I own the illusion systems books 1 & 4.


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The Black book will get you more for your money plan wise but if you don't have $100 up front go for the classic illusions book. It has many classic plans. Sub TrunkSuper X, sword box, doll houses, phantom cage, bump in the night. Both books are good for the plans you get. Single plans I would go for simplex sub trunk but then why not pay the extra $2o and get the whole classic illusions book? ~Tim
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Thanks..but first of all I already know how to build the sub trunk, dool house, sword box and the temple of beneres or whatever lol... so you think that black book would be the way to go??? does it have good descriptions on building the tricks?? any better than the illusion system books?

Donald Dunphy
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Hi -

I own some of Paul's individual plans, and also the Big Black Book.

If you have seen Paul's plans in the pages of Genii, then you have a taste of what is within the Big Black Book. There's some other things as well in the book, but mostly Genii plans reprints (more than 100). Lots to choose from!

I built a Chimney Illusion and also a Sleigh Illusion from The Big Black Book (one illusion is named "Happy Holidays". I can't recall the name he called the other illusion). I built cardboard mock-ups first, etc.

If I knew I wanted to build a specific illusion, then I would go with the individual plans, if they were available. But it is very much a personal decision, as to how much information you feel that you need.

I know that he makes the regular plans with more details and in a larger format (blueprint size). I also feel that his tips on presentations are better with the individual plans.

I was impressed with the individual plans for The Chests of Mystery and The Queens Cut. Those are the two plans that I invested in. I plan to build The Queens Cut before the end of the year.

What other information are you seeking within these new Osborne books or plans? You asked about, "good descriptions on building the tricks." What do you mean by that?

If you are looking for tips on sawing, fastening, painting, etc. you may wish to check out Rand Woodbury's video tapes. Another excellent resource is a book called, "Professional Illusion Building for the Home Craftsman" by Dick Gustafson.

Back to Paul. If you go onto Paul's site, look for the book called "Easy Build Illusions." I don't own that book, but if I were to want to build some of my first illusions, I would buy that book, or buy the individual plans for the illusions that he mentions the book contains.

- Donald.

P.S. Here's a post I made on another forum about choosing your first illusion: Post on Pine Belt Magic Forum, in thread......llusion.
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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When I was talking about descriptions, I meant detail...u answered that pretty much.. The sleigh trick is in his 4th illusion system book, and yes I think that they are planned out pretty good... What are some of the easier tricks that are in his black book?? and really kool productions, or tricks similar to the shadow box..

one more q? (are there any of the classic illusionist tricks in the book)?

eg. sawing in half/..



Oh yea, whats your favorite trick from the book, the most visual and does it have any tips like the illusion system books?



Posted: May 30, 2004 3:37am

Ok..maybe one more question lol

Which is a better buy (quality, price, and overall) getting both illusion systems book 2&3 or the black book?

Donald Dunphy
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Victoria, BC, Canada
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Hi David -

I don't have my copy of The Big Black Book handy. It is locked away in my storage locker just now. So, I can't answer some of your questions. Perhaps someone else can.

Also, I have glanced through copies of Illusion Systems Books 1, 2, 3, & 4, but don't actually own them. So I can't really make a book to book comparison.

It sounds to me, that you like certain illusions and illusion ideas. As we know about magic, sometimes what we choose to perform is about personal choice (although, a professional should always be concerned with the audience's choice too, and choose to perform magic and illusions that the audience likes, not just what they like).

I can't really make specific recommendations to you, as I don't really know enough about you or your situation. What is your style? Where do you perform? What will your audiences be like? Etc. Etc. What appealed to me, may not appeal to you.

For example, the Christmas Illusions really appealed to me, as that is something I was looking to put into my holiday shows.

There were also other ideas that appealed to me. I liked his artwork for his version of the arabian tent mystery. It was a saloon themed prop. And he also made a jumbo hippity hop Dalton Brothers (wild west outlaws) that changed to the Lone Ranger and Tonto at the end. (This was a different theme on his Lion and Cobra Illusion). I thought that those two went nicely together, and could make a nice western themed routine. I never built them, though. But I remember them.

He also had an illusion that was a version of a Tubes Illusion, which appealed to me a great deal, because I have always wanted a cabinet illusion, and always liked seeing the tubes illusion.

He also had an illusion that just used a set of deceptive steps, and a basic platform, which was a card trick, where the girl appeared, holding the selected card. I thought that was a cool idea.

I also liked the Vampire Illusion. Princess Tenko does such an amazing presentation of this illusion.

Some of the illusions that really appealed to me, I'll never build because they wouldn't work with my partner, aren't my performance style, and also won't work in the venues that I work in.

Again it's such a personal thing, I just don't know what to recommend to you.

For my next book, I will be purchasing "Easy Build Illusions" (one reason that I really want this is because he re-published his awesome Illusion Planning book within this book!), then "The Classic Illusions Vol. 1". There are illusions in those two books that appeal to me and my performance style. Then, more of the individual plans (I have some specific ones in mind).

- Donald.

P.S. Because it seems that you want to have a large menu of illusion ideas to choose from, perhaps something like the Big Black Book might be best for you. Then you will have over 100 illusion ideas to choose from. I'm sure that you will find some that appeal to you. By the way, you will not find many of Paul's plans for traditional illusions in The Big Black Book. So, you will not be getting smaller version of those plans. It has mostly new variations of ideas.
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of clubber89
Ok thanks..

first of all my style is kind of futuristic. now, I have just started building illusions, so I don't think that I will have a full illusion act for 3 or 4 years (arg, lol) I am just in the process of building my first (the vampire illusion, but I modified it). I am not performing on stages (yet) I perform most of my magic at my cabin ( I have a large deck and then I set up a background that I am going to make out of pvc) I am also planning to start Birthdays. In illusions I like really VISUAL and new kind of tricks.... hope this can help you know my style and info a little better?


And does the black book have tips, and tricks like the illusion system books, or any other cool features...or is it just the genii plans?

sorry bout all those q's...i just want to research before I buy...

I think that my dad said that he would buy me books 2&3 if I build 2 or more illusions out of my first two books...I might see if he can buy me the black book instead!!

Donald Dunphy
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Well, there aren't the same amount of details in the Big Black Book as in the other books. If you have seen the Genii plans within the pages of Genii Magazine, Paul's format is one page with a scaled down version of his plan, facing a page with a short written description of the effect, workings, maybe a couple of tips, etc. Two pages for each effect. Maybe a few exceptions.

There are a few tips in The Big Black Book. Some additional material has been printed before in Genii feature issues. There is also a nice article with photos about Aubrey's Illusion Collection, if I recall correctly.

I have a feeling that if you like futuristic type magic, then Andrew Mayne's illusions may appeal to you more. There are several threads on his illusions in the "Grand Illusions" section of the Café, as well as this "The workshop" area.

However, virtually any illusion can be themed a certain way, if you put your mind and creativity to it. So, Paul's illusion plans may suit you fine.

Its really up to you whether you are seeking a penetration, a vanish, an appearance, an escape, etc. Then look at all the different ways of accomplishing that type of effect (the different illusions), and decide on the illusion you want to build. You should look through the list of his plans on his website. Many to choose from. (Of course, there are more and different ones spread throughout his whole collection of books.)

- Donald.
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Yea thanks.. I have visited his site before, I'm not really sure about buying single plans yet (kind of expensive, plus I don't need super big details) Mainly I am not looking for maybe an escape trick, a dividing trick and a vanish trick for now. Then I can add a little touch of illusion to my stage magic act. I want to appear.. do a couple parlor tricks, make another assistant appear.. do an escape trick.. do some more parlor tricks, maybe some card tricks, then some sort of dividing trick (mismade girl, cutting in sixths, ect..) then the vanish to end my show??

how does that sound// any recommendations that may fit that ?

Thanks, youve been a great help (even if you cant answer this question lol)

p.s. I have also looked at andrews work, nothing really interested me that much (except the specter cabinet) I also have his meyhem book ( I was a little dissapointed, ive seen him do better work)

Thanks again
DAvid you own any of pauls videos?? do you know anyone that does? are they good?

They seem like they would be funny?


Donald Dunphy
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I don't own any of Paul's videos. They seem a little too adult-oriented for me (I read the warnings). I'm kind of a conservative guy.

- Donald.
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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So, anything you can add about the post above the video one??



p.s I'm not sure if I asked this, but what is the easiest trick in the book?? just wondering

Donald Dunphy
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The book, "Illusion Planning", by Paul Osborne talks about routining an illusion show. It was out-of-print. I mentioned that it had been re-published in his newer book, "Easy Build Illusions."

Jim Snack also has a section in his Success-In-Magic Course on how to routine an illusion show.

For me, the way I have been doing my one hour show of magic and illusions is this format:

Appearance Illusion
Guillotine (comedy routine)
Sub Trunk
Magic (a grand finale silk production)

Now, my appearance that I have been using is the Victory Carton Illusion. I want to replace it by building Andrew Mayne's Infinity Cabinet, because it can be rolled out, looks cleaner at the end, etc. Either that, or Paul Osborne's The Chests of Mystery (which is why I bought those plans). I would have also considered Bryce's Screens, too.

Then, I am going to build Paul's Queens Cut Illusion (themed variation on a Cutting in Sixths) to replace my Head Chopper, because I am trying to eliminate all blades, choppers, swords, etc. from my kids and family shows. The Queens Cut uses jumbo playing cards instead of blades, and that suits my interests just fine. It is still a penetration, just not doing it to a volunteer.

By the way, I also like Paul's Palanquin Illusion. Not just as an appearance, but because one variation he suggested was to use it like a spirit cabinet, and then make the person appear at the end. I thought that was a cool idea.

Does this help you at all?

- Donald.

P.S. Tip - It is stronger to finish your show with a vanish and an immediate re-appearance, as opposed to just finishing with a vanish. A vanish leaves the audience wondering and is a weaker applause cue (they need to stop and think). That is why, for example, you should do the vanishing coke bottle early in the show, as opposed to at the end. A production (such as how I finish my show with all the silks, etc) gives you more of an automatic applause cue.
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of clubber89
Ok thanks. First of all you never answered my question when I asked what one of the simplest tricks to build is in the book?

and also...Do you have any recommended tricks that are good for a vanish-reappear (you know like eg. two shadow boxes.. I go into one, dissapear...then the other is shown empty...then I appear)

For the vanish I might use something like Paul's THE PHARAOH RETURNS (you may have seen it in book 4, or the big black book) but I want a really cool, unique way to appear??

Any ideas....
Do you by any chance have an e-mail (you are helping me out soo much with my illusions lol)

and is that sleigh trick by any chance called HERE COMES SANTA CLAUSE?

p.s if you have heard of the caterpillar illusion, do you know any simpilar ways to build it?? or tips??



Posted: May 31, 2004 1:14am

Oh and in your show plan..what do you mean by magic?
like card/coin??
Donald Dunphy
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I can't recall too many of the illusions in the Big Black Book, because as I said before, it's buried in my storage locker. So, I don't have access to it, or the information in it. I am going purely by memory.

I can't remember what is the easiest unless you mean to build and then that would be one of his variations on the Arabian Tent Mystery. Easy to build.

Yes, I think the Sleigh Illusion that I built was the plan called Here Comes Santa Claus.

Don't know off-hand about vanish-appear recommendation, or the pharoah returns, or the caterpillar illusion. Sorry. And like I said, without the book, there's only a certain amount I can do or remember.

Maybe someone else could help you on those ones.


Posted: May 31, 2004 1:23am

By magic in my show, I mean stage magic routines. Like linking rings, torn and restored newspaper, etc.

I really don't do many card tricks, except when I perform mental epic I use a Svengali deck.

The only coin routine I do is with a coin tray (routine from Al Lampkin's book, The Funniest Magic Show in The World).

- Donald.

P.S. I guess that technically, an illusion like the sword cabinet or the temple of benares, would be a vanish and a re-appearance. Because you show the cabinet empty (except for the swords) part way through the routine.
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of clubber89
Yea.. I was thinking about using the "pharaoh returns" (it's kinda like a subtrunk, but with deceptive base and a frame (kinda hard to explain) Then I may wheel out a shadow box, modern cabinet, or something like that.

When might you be able to access your book?
Donald Dunphy
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Not for a while. I'm in the middle of a big move, and it will be buried in storage for at least another 3 months.
- Donald.
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of fredpaulbailey
The Cane Cabinet is a good illusion to make yourself disappear from the stage and re-appear in the audience.