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pure effect
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Profile of pure effect
I do a lot of research into magic and would like to know who inspired you all to start magic, If it was a magician or family who ever, id like to know. thanx
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Profile of TheHungryMagician
It was a combo of a magician at a local restaurant and a "Card Cheating" special on the travel channel.
Forever starving,
Smile Hungry Smile
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Profile of Thinker
I was in the mall, and some guy did a lot of good stuff, then I promisse to myself that I would learn magic, and I did.
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Profile of locas
I was inspired by a friend who showed me a couple of tricks and he also introduced me to a magic store.
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Profile of LBP MAGIC
I was actually living in Guatemala at the time and people where talking about things that David Blaine could do. I found it interesting even though I was just imagining what this guy could do. I was talking to a friend about it and he pulled out a silk handkerchief and made it disappear. I was just shocked. He taught me a simple rubber band effect and I have been performing magic ever since!
Reis O'Brien
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Profile of Reis O'Brien
I bought a cheap card trick book at Barnes & Noble and a couple of decks of cards from the dollar store and sat down at a coffee shop one rainy cold night. I just thought it would be neat to know a few card tricks. I had no idea that this would become so much a part of my life!
Homo vult decipi; decipiatur
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Profile of rannie
I was inspired by my dad who is a businessman with fantastic sleight of hand. He was quite a card man too. I remember how he would be the center and life of every party, reunions etc. I got tricks and magic books for presents instead of toys. I am forever thankfull!

"If you can't teach an old dog new tricks, trick the old dog to learn."

-Rannie Raymundo-
aka The Boss
aka The Manila Enforcer
Chris Thibault
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Profile of Chris Thibault
My grandfather used to do a trick for me. He only did one trick, I would cut the deck into four piles and the top card of each was an ace. I was hooked.
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Profile of Magictrickster
That was probably the first card trick I ever saw as well, Quickerthantheeye'. I still use it now (although not part of an act - more as a trick to entertain friends - and it still gets a reaction of surprise from most who see it.


Harry Murphy
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Profile of Harry Murphy
This question has been asked a couple of times and I posted the long version a couple of times here at the café. Short version is that I was “forced” or drafted into magic while staying with my uncle one summer. He ran a flat show at a carnival.

The operator of the carnival’s Ten-n-One was short an act, had some magic props, and "borrowed" me from my uncle. I was trained to do a short magic act and sell a post card. I was billed as the worlds youngest Professional Magician (I was 12 looked 7).

I got hooked by standing in front of an audience. The looks on the faces of the audience hooked me. Magic has been central to my life since (that’s almost 50 years ago).
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
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Profile of JamesinLA
Great story, Harry.

For me, it was a few things: my older cousin made a deck of cards all become the same card! (Svengali). I saw a circus clown float a silver ball behind a cloth (zombie), which blew me away as a kid. I saw Tony Curtis as Houdini and wanted to be Houdini, and started doing escapes. Read everything about him from the library. Even barged into the local cop station as a teenager and challedged them to lock me in their Peerless handcuffs, which I escaped from. They accused me of having a key and told me to beat it. Lastly, a local magic dealer in a little booth of a magic shop suggested I buy Ganson's Routined Manipulation books. After that, I was doing birthday shows with very kid-appropriate effects such as Houdini's needle swallowing (mothers loved me for that!) and opening the show with Ganson's split fan production of 75 cards.

Oh, my friend we're older but no wiser, for in our hearts the dreams are still the same...
Kent Wong
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Profile of Kent Wong
When I was growing up, my father and I weren't always that close. He was a great dad, but he had to work a lot and as a result, we didn't get a chance to really bond. Well, one summer our whole family went on vacation to San Francisco. We visited Fisherman's Wharf and there was a little magic shop next to Riply's Believe it or Not wax museum. The performers in there were doing what I considered to be amazing magic. I also saw my dad really get into the tricks. I purchased a few pocket tricks from that shop and it kept going from there. The really nice thing about it was that magic also created a common point of interest for both me and my dad and since then, we've really grown a lot closer. So, if I had to name one person as my inspiration, it would have to be my dad.
"Believing is Seeing"
Pakar Ilusi
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Profile of Pakar Ilusi
A cheap coin prop trick when I was 8.

David Copperfield. At 15.

David Blaine. At 27.

Criss Angel. Just a couple of months back.

Not very diverse, I know...
"Dreams aren't a matter of Chance but a matter of Choice." -DC-
Jim Wilder
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Profile of Jim Wilder
I had many influences ranging from family members to my mentor(s). Also, the local magic club was essential once involved. Many of my strongest influences now are men and women in Ring 35, who always are supportive and guide you in a direction towards being better. Remember... respect your elders... they often bear wonderful wisdom.
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Profile of prospero
I've always been interested in magic, but I got seriously interested in the art when I was 13 and my parents took me to a cabin in the wilderness without television or electronics. All I had was a deck of cards and some books. Anyway, once I finished reading the books, I remembered my long love for magic, tried to figure out a few magic tricks, then as soon as we went into town my parents bought me the Mark Wilson Complete Course in Magic.
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Profile of andl
My grandfather always showed my some small card-tricks and rubbed a coin into his arm and so on... that was GREAT!!! and real magic for me...
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Profile of #1magician
For me it was when I was a I saw a magician, doing a magic show at a Canada Day Celebration. I was amazed. so I started looking for all the magic I could find. also seeing resturant magicians rekindeld my love for magic. now I'm really deep into it
i dont call 911, i simpily perform the bullet catch and than point the bullet at them and ask if they care to try.