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Profile of Emilio5639
I was wondering if anyone has enrolled into Bubble University by Carisa Hendrix. I'm interested in the course, I was curious on how others felt and if the content that was on there was able to be worked into there act. Thanks for the help.
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Profile of ellisd
I also was considering getting the course when I have the money. Another alternative is the Kids Entertainer Academy. I've been told they just added a bubble course but I don't see it listed on their site yet.

Balloon Twisting for all of Sacramento!
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"Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain."
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Profile of Blindside785
The bubble course on the Kid’s Entertainer Academy or may not be an extra charge. I got to view the course a few weeks ago. The teaching makes you miss the Julian Mathers type of teaching. My personal schedule and toddler doesn’t allow me to do the Balloon Twisting Workshop, but the way he taught and laid everything out with scripts and live performance I’d be totally confident with the materials to go out and do it if I honed in on it.

With how this course is laid out you learn somewhat of how to do the bubbles, and even in the beginning he doesn’t really go over how much solution or exactly what PH thing you have to buy. It was so frustrating.

His pricing section was..whatever you think is fair negotiate it with the person..and if you have a long way from the parking lot to the venue put that in your contract. It was laughable information.

A huuuuige downer tor me, you DO NOT get the feel for a how a live performance should be or what it looks like. I guess if you want to fling bubbles around this may be for you. The information, again, leaves more questions than answers.

I contacted Zivi and told him all the things he should put in there and he said that they are always gonna improve it. But seriously, comparing the fine print of Bubble University to the KEA, I would go with Bubble University.

Would not recommend this and comparing it to the balloon twisting workshop, it’s night and day. I would not feel comfortable with the information given on how to produce a bubble show.

I’m going to invest in Bubble University within the year for certain.
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Profile of jimhlou
I've met Carisa, but haven't taken the course. I would recommend it for anyone serious about doing bubble shows. Her "secret" to making the bubble solution is worth the price of admission! I'm not a bubble person, but I found her presentation (lecture) to be very interesting.
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Profile of Dynamike
I will like to entertaining schools and libraries with bubbles on the side when I have no weekday magic or clown shows to do. I would call myself "Professor Bubbles." Performing gigs with bubbles is very rare in my area. It might not exist in my area at all.

But the main question is what is the average amount of time it takes to perform a bubble show? I can take a minimum of 30 minutes. I would not feel comfortable going to an organization performing a short show. It seems a lot is explained in the course. But it reads nothing on how long it takes to do a full show. I was looking online and cannot find any reviews about the course. What are your suggestions?
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Profile of Russo
I've usually done 30 min.for Children only - 45 -60 min for Family or Adult Shows - as long as it's ENTERTAINING - leave them wanting more.
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Profile of Dynamike
Russo, how long have you had the course? Do you think the course fits the price?
Mary Mowder
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Profile of Mary Mowder
Where do you perform Bubbles?

Outdoors would seem subject to wind and weather in general and indoors I can just imagine the mess. a few bubbles may not seem like much but I can imagine the host's reaction to bubbles on their floors.

Have any of you Bubblers seen the results of bubbles hitting a carpet after time (like if you practiced near your own carpets)?

Am I wrong about this?

By the way, I love watching a good Bubble Act.

-Mary Mowder
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Profile of Dynamike
I agree with you, Mary. That is why I am looking at a different type of gig. I am not interested in performing a bubble show inside a house for any type of party. I am not interested in performing outside either. I am only concern performing a bubble show in a gym or on stage for a school assembly. A library will be of interest also. I will bring a tarp so all the bubbles will land on it, keeping the kids walking area from getting wet and slippery. I do not know the size of the tarp yet. Repeat, no house or outside parties.
Mary Mowder
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Profile of Mary Mowder
Sounds like a good fit Mike.

Best of luck.

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Profile of 0wen
Most outdoor bubble performances that I've seen is just a giant bubble making session and kids running around playing with an popping the bubbles. Various creations - giant bubbles, tons of smaller bubbles, etc - no real "show" to it; but that's not a knock - it's a popular festival draw and most people seem to enjoy it. I'm building a bubble cloud machine currently - (helium filled bubbles for shapes and advertising and the like), and think the bubble jam would go great with it.

I've worked festivals with guys doing indoor bubble shows but I've not made it to one yet; so no idea what's involved in a structured show. I've tried asking at the various Bubble University retailers and to Carissa for some details and the description is pretty vague; but all involved are terribly unresponsive which doesn't really motivate someone to spend money on the product. Smile
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Profile of Dynamike
The following is very interesting:

Tom Noddy has been performing bubble shows for many years. He performs around the world at schools, fairs, festivals etc.

Nowadays he does not use a cigarette anymore. He use a vape pen:

He also uses a handheld fog generator:

I already purchased his book.
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Profile of 0wen
Thanks Dynamike!

That's by far, the best bubble act I've seen. Ordering the book now. Also a bonus anytime Carson is brought back...
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Profile of 0wen
Not relevant to Bubble University (very few reviews of this available anywhere, which is maybe a review in itself?), but I reached out to Tom Noddy. The fog device he uses is available for around $100 from Dustin Skye - who I also reach out to and is helpful. I'll be picking one up soon. He also has some other products available that are pretty visual - flaming bubbles and such.. Haven't priced them out but I may pick one up when I start putting things together for this addition this spring.

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Profile of Dynamike
Thanks for the information. I did become friends with Dustin Skye on Facebook. I will be purchasing his equipment soon.
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Profile of 0wen
The Tom Noddy book is pretty good. Easy to follow and enough content to easily fill a show I would think. A steal at around $2 ($20ish list but I had Prime credit from an earlier return!) Looking forward to playing around with the bubble show idea - looks fun enough.
Damian Jay
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Profile of Damian Jay
Hi, I moved from magic into bubble shows about 8 years ago and now perform my own bubble show all over the UK. I just want to add to this topic that if you are serious about working with bubbles and creating your own bubble show... then like magic .. be prepared to put in the time and practice for each bubble effect. Not to mention learning how to make a decent bubble juice. There are different bubble mixes depending on what bubble effects you want to do. And the same bubble mix may not work in every venue. You also need to learn how to tweak the mix for different conditions. More of less humidity etc. And to take into account if the venue has draughts (theatres are terrible for onstage crosswinds) and the dreaded Air Con.

Back to the OP question tho.... I have spoken to several people who have taken her course, all have said it's a great course. Only one has had the patience to stick at it and keep going.
The bubble course on the Kids Entertainer hub is, in my opinion, ... Meh! it gives details but not enough.

The thing with bubble courses, and magic courses, marketing course ... in fact ANY course... it all depends on WHO is providing the course and IF they actually WANT you to succeed... or they are just after your money and will tell you a little of the 'secrets' just enough to get you interested, but leaving out the 'real' secrets of how it all works.

I'm not suggesting for one second that Carissa or the KEH is doing this at all. Far from it. Just be prepared to keep on learning.
If you don't like putting time, energy and a LOT of effort into things... steer well away from bubbles Smile
Unlike magic where you can learn the mechanics timing and routine ... with bubbles you do all of this and although you do your best to create the best performing environment.... you are totally at the mercy of that environment and air currents.
If you do take up bubbles ... welcome to an amazing world Smile
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Profile of jcmazzolado
Carissa course is very well done. It is not plug and play nor something you will be able to just learn and perform. It gives you all the information and routines to pick form to put together your own show. The solution formula is worth the price of the course. I bought this as a potential add on and my son in law went through the material and put his own show together. He used the concepts taught in the course as a foundation.

Like Damien says - you will need to put work into it as Orlando humidity required learning how to make the solution. Bubbles opens up a lot of additional bookings.
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Profile of aheller5
I am a kids show magician and thinking about adding bubbles in my show. I wanted to put the birthday child inside a giant bubble. Heres my question most bubbles are used with dawn soap or something similar. What happens if the bubble pops and gets in the childs eye or breaks out with a rash. Do you think its a good idea to get the parents to sign a waiver etc... or am I worrying to much. I know in todays society people are looking for money!!!!!