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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: Advice (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Paul V
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Hi Everyone,

I am very interested in learning the effect were you can produce a mouse with your hands, I have a link below to show what I’m trying to achieve. The production happens around 1 Minute and 11 seconds, any advice or guidance would be very appreciated as I am having difficulty in locating information on how to do this production.
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Profile of gallagher
you start with a piece of cheese... 🧀

WoW!,..the guy is great!
Thanks for pointing the video out.
What a great Magician.
What a great Act.
What a pleasure.

Paul V
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I can’t stop watching his video’s, when I saw the mouse production my jaw dropped. I’d go as far as say it’s probably the best effect I’ve ever seen 😊
Dick Oslund
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Well Paul, you cannot LEARN an EFFECT. An EFFECT is what the spectator PERCEIVES.

The link didn't "work" for me, so I don't KNOW exactly what he did, except that you say that he produced a mouse. There are many ways to produce livestock. In my 70 years of performing, I've produced doves, a rabbit, a chicken, a skunk, etc.

Since you are obviously a beginner, it would not help to tell you how I produced them. (You wouldn't know the technical terms, etc,)

We do not discuss secrets in this forum. When you have at least 50 "qualified" posts, several fora will automatically open, and, you'll be able to discuss methods. However, no one will automatically "tip" their secrets. When you have 50 posts, you will likely have enough experience that you wont need to ask, or you will know how to tactfully and respectfully, ask for advice.

The first thing that I learned (regarding a trick) was that one should never ask a magician how he did a trick. You may compliment his performance, and, depending on his judgment of whether you are qualified, he may or may not tell you his method.

You cannot BUY a TRICK! A trick only exists while it is being performed. You can buy a PROP with which you can perform a trick.

MAGIC only "happens" in the mind(s) of the spectator(s)

Magic is not inherently entertaining, The performer's "job" is to make the trick entertaining, using a good PRESENTATION.

I suggest that you invest in. read, no study,Tarbell. You will learn PRINCIPLES.
Paul V
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I have a theory on how it’s partly achieved, there’s just one little issue that’s niggling my head but as secrets can’t be discussed here I’m unable to elaborate more. I have tarbell, with the mouse being produced from the flat hands onto the floor I was thinking it may be similar to the cigarette, vanish gimmick but in reverse
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Profile of TheTableTopTrixta
The magicians name is Maciej Musialik a.k.a. Diobo. He has spent years on this original routine. I belive It should stay original.
Paul V
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In that case I shall gracefully back off then out of respect to him, I wouldn’t appreciate someone copying me. I was just more interested in learning it for my own enjoyment more than showing laymen on the street or at a gig. I’ll get over it lol
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Profile of TheTableTopTrixta
Isn't it amazing Paul. Try a hamster Smile
Paul V
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Maybe I should of worded it better, the main part for me out of Diobo’s routine I am interested in is the seemingly, bare handed production of the mouse, not to say I want to produce a mouse but something entirely different. The method of the production is the best I’ve seen
Paul V
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On Jul 10, 2019, TheTableTopTrixta wrote:
Isn't it amazing Paul. Try a hamster Smile

Lol 😂 I’d love to but I have a fear of rodents, I’m mainly interested in learning the production he uses, if there’s a prop or gimmick on the market that could achieve that. I know of the Raven but that’s the opposite way round. I would probably do a signed note / bill vanish, then make an object appear with Diobo’s production method, containing the signed bill. Maybe a Lemon or an Orange if possible
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the Wilds of Ireland
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Profile of deadcatbounce
I've seen him several times - last time was Blackpool convention. He was lecturing and performing - but that wasn't enough for him..He was doing his routine any chance he could get, and hatting the magicians... Smile Not only is his act brilliant - but he's the hardest working street performer I've seen. He rarely misses an opportunity to hat. His lecture was also good, but he didn't touch on his effects. The part of his show that stumped me for a bit was the transformation from paper to egg. The effect is so old, that most modern day magic guys wouldn't suss the method. I'm old. But I still didn't spot till about the third time I saw him. Gazzo took him in hand when he first hit the UK.

"With every mistake - we must surely be learning..." George Harrison.
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Profile of JoeJoe
The one thing I don't think you have thought of is: the mouse. It is not a prop, it is a living creature ... before you can even start to think about gimmicks and handling, you have to learn how to take care of a mouse.

And being as how you want to perform with this mouse, it is not just a pet it is a partner ... which means you are going to be spending a lot of time with this creature, not just the few moments that you actually perform with it.

I know many are thinking "it's just a mouse", but I assure you there is more to taking care of a mouse than you may be thinking ... there are entire isles in the pet store devoted to taking care of such a creature.

Personal opinion: unless you like mice and already have a mouse, there is no need to learn how to do this. Get a puppet or something. All of my experience says "it is more work that it is worth".

Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=]
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On Oct 16, 2019, deadcatbounce wrote:
I've seen him several times - last time was Blackpool convention. He was lecturing and performing - but that wasn't enough for him..He was doing his routine any chance he could get, and hatting the magicians... Smile Not only is his act brilliant - but he's the hardest working street performer I've seen. He rarely misses an opportunity to hat. His lecture was also good, but he didn't touch on his effects. The part of his show that stumped me for a bit was the transformation from paper to egg. The effect is so old, that most modern day magic guys wouldn't suss the method. I'm old. But I still didn't spot till about the third time I saw him. Gazzo took him in hand when he first hit the UK.


The interesting detail is that he squeezes water out of the 'paper' during the last toss into the glass. very deceptive
Harry Murphy
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Very skillful from what I could see. The cameraman was his best friend! The cameraperson was either misdirected or a good friend who knew when and what to focus the camera on. I'd say the person behind the camera was effectively misdirected by the performer's skill.

No gimmick needed. A gaff for the glass stem bit. Mainly some knowledge and skill. All this can be done with a ball and if you can do it with a ball then you have the basic skill to do it with a mouse. Go back and reread JoJo's post.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
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Profile of markmagic
Try a rabbit.