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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Knots and loops :: The RainBow Ropes (4 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Desmanthus
I was just wondering if this effect is worth picking up.

Sincerely Yours,

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Alan Munro
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It's a nice effect, but the ropes have to be worked with to soften them. The knots don't seem to slide smoothly until the rope is softened a bit. I played with it a bit at a local magic shop, but I didn't like it. By the time that the ropes are soft, the white part isn't so white. I'm not even sure if the dyes on the rope are colorfast -- could present problems when washing the rope. Someone else could probably address that issue.

There's a similar routine using only white rope, on a Dick Stoner video -- it has to be the best routine of it's kind that I've seen. I believe that it's on his tape "More I Spell Magic F-U-N".
Scott F. Guinn
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Profile of Scott F. Guinn
Check out my routine for this prop, "The Magic Jumprope." Originally designed as a humorous filler, it has become a feature-a real show stopper for me. It's in my 2001 Lecture Notes, My "More Magic" book, and you MIGHT still be able to find it on Visions at
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than magic tricks." - Scott F. Guinn
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Profile of Dolini
I have an older version. I don't have a die problem. I like the magic produced. Its fun and audience responce is good.

Dolini Smile

PS - Scott yours is a hilarious routine. Smile
John O'Shea Dolan
The Great Zambini
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I've used rainbow ropes for years. Always plays well. Suitable for the street, close up, parlor, kids, adults.
If you can't find a set of reasonable quality, I'd suggest you make one yourself.
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Profile of KingStardog
If this is the three colored loops forming one giant multi-colored loop. I have it and
it's only a few dollars, so throw it away when it gets dirty and buy a new one. I don't know what else to say, but it kind of feels like filler to me so I put it behind the Mak rabbits, or Run Rabbit Run while things are still quieting down. Kids love it, but it's not a hand out item. The gim is easy to spot up close.
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Alan Munro
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I just found-out that Duane Laflin carries some knit Rainbow Ropes. The knit ropes should be as close to perfect as you can get!
You can order them from
I may order a couple sets, myself!
Alan Wheeler
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I recently been using the knit ropes, sold as "The Patriotic Ropes," and they work as well as Alan Munro guessed they would.

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Bill Hallahan
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I like the rainbow ropes effect, both because it is both relatively easy to do and it gets a good response from old and young alike. It is a good close-up trick and it is almost angle proof. Sometimes, I like to pretend I am going to make the ropes all the same color, and then I act suprised at the different outcome.
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Profile of DougTait
The knots don't seem to slide smoothly until the rope is softened a bit.

Don't tie the knots too tight and they will slide much easier. You can make it appear that the knots are tight by exagerating the amount of force you exert on the ends of the knots, but only loosely tie them so they will not slide by themselves.
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Profile of MikeMgc
I have been performing cards, coins and mentalism for several Years now but I never got into Rope Magic. I decided to go for Rainbow Ropes the Remix from Fooler Doolers as I wanted to add one Rope Effect into a Set I am putting together for a parlour performance.

Regarding the Fooler Doolers kit, the Ropes are excellent quality (knitted and just the right length), the DVD production is very good, the teaching on the DVD is excellent and the effect itself is brilliant.

I have added my own presentation to this where I vanish the first knot and apparently fuse two of the ropes together in my fist, I then fuse the final rope by blowing the knot off the rope. This seems to go down very well.
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Profile of StevieDee
I love the effect and have used it for years. If your rope set is properly made with the raw ends secured, you can even wash them in soapy water (even in the washing machine) without the colors fading very much. That will also serve to soften the ropes a bit. You could also find some nice soft rope you like and make your own set with some aniline dye from an art supply store. Daryl's version is excellent as well (and in his hands a total miracle) but I prefer the cheapie old versions D. Robbins used to sell if you are going to steal off the knots instead of popping them off.
Dick Oslund
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Hello Desmanthus!
Your name caught my attention! and your one sentence OP did, too. I infer from the OP, and from the number of posts under your avatar, that you are at least, relatively, new
as a magician. (Correct me, if I am mistaken. I'll await your response, before I say any more regarding the OP.

I, frankly can't remember much, other than the title, Rainbow Ropes or Patriotic Ropes, so, I won't comment on the trick itself. Others above in the thread, for the most part seem happy with it. I have no idea of the price, either.

I do know Alan Munro and Duane Laflin. Alan works a lot in the Grand Rapids area. His second post just above would be enough for me, if I was considering adding the trick to my show. (It has been many years since I've bought a prop in a shop). I've known Duane for over 20 years, we've worked together at regional conventions. I've been a guest in his home. He wouldn't sell junk.

If you respond, I'll be happy to make some comments regarding adding a trick to one's act. --How much performing experience do you have? What sort of audiences? What type of tricks are you performing, etc.?

Yr's, 'til the hat is empty!

Dick Oslund
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I think you will be waiting awhile for a response from the OP, since he posted this over twelve years ago!
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Dick Oslund
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EGAD! Thanks Kabbalah! I usually look at the date--I must have written that while I was taking a NAP!!! I think I had better buy some "Fountain of Youth" pills!

Did you hear about the "salesman" in Florida who was arrested for selling Fountain of Youth pills. The police said it was a "con". When they "ran his record", they found he was a "habitual offender". He had been arrested for the same offense, in 1969, 1947, 1922, 1909, 1888, 1865.......
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Profile of JayF
On Jul 19, 2002, Scott F. Guinn wrote:
Check out my routine for this prop, "The Magic Jumprope." Originally designed as a humorous filler, it has become a feature-a real show stopper for me. It's in my 2001 Lecture Notes, My "More Magic" book, and you MIGHT still be able to find it on Visions at

I see that Scott wrote this comment over 10 years ago, but I've got to say that I think his routine is still simply fantastic. I have performed it literally hundreds of times since I saw him do it in a lecture. I perform it in almost every kid and family show that I do.

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I thought I'd share with all of you the patter I've been using for a good number of years to lead into Scott Guinn's presentation for the Rainbow Ropes.

Here's what happened. I was hired to do a Harry Potter show years ago at a library the night one of the books was being released. At that point, I had read none of the books and had seen only the first movie. I figured I'd better do a kind of parody type show or the kids would figure out I didn't know what I was talking about. The librarian who booked me said that she didn't expect all of my tricks to be Harry Potter themed, but that she'd appreciate it if I put in at least a little Harry Potter stuff. So, I came up with a tie-in to Harry Potter to lead into the Rainbow Ropes. It worked so well, I still use it in almost every kid or family show I do.

Here's what I say:

"So, how many of you know who Harry Potter is? [I raise my own hand, which signals the kids to raise their own hands.] Cool! So, do any of you remember what school Harry Potter goes to? [I raise my hand again. I pick a kid who raised his or her hand. Sometimes they answer correctly and sometimes not. I keep trying kids until eventually one of them says 'Hogwarts.'] That's right! Hogwarts! You know, I tried to get into Hogwarts, but they would not accept me. I had to go to another school down the road called Warthogs! [Pause for laughter.] You know, Harry Potter's head professor for many years was Professor Dumbledore. How many of you know who Professor Dumbledore was? [I raise my hand again and look at all the hands go up.] Great! Well, my head professor at my school was named Professor Dummydork. [The kids laugh. I look at them with a kind of scolding looking on my face, and I put my hands on my hips.] Don't laugh. That was his name, Professor Dummydork. [Of course, the kids laugh even louder, so I scold them again.] Don't laugh at that. Shame on you. That was his name, Professor Dummydork. [That leads the kids to laugh even louder. Sometimes I shake my finger at the kids, which often makes them laugh even louder.] Well, one night Professor Dummydork told me a story, and I thought it would be fun to act it out in front of everybody. So, I need the help of a little girl who likes to act." And then I am into the Guinn routine.

One thing, sometimes when I say the line "Well, one night Professor Dummydork told me a story, and I thought it would be fun to act it out in front of everybody" the kids will start laughing really loudly when I say "Dummydork," and I can't finish the line without talking over them. If that happens, I stop after I say the word "Dummydork," wait for them to finish laughing, and then I say, "Well, one night my professor told me a story, and I thought it would be fun to act it out in front of everybody." And then I just continue on.

I hope some of you can use this. Kids still seem to be aware of Harry Potter, so I'm still using it. Smile

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One quick point of clarification. When I "scold" the kids, I don't do it for real. The kids can tell that I'm teasing them. I learned the most about performing for kids from Dave Risley. If you are familiar with the Riz's approach to performing for kids, then you'll know what I'm talking about. Smile

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Profile of wally
Looking for a good routine for the Daryls Rainbow ropes. Nothing too long. Cheers