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Profile of gentleman
Well I don't have my allan dvds yet but if your into mechanics get them. In the OTL dvds there are a lot of great tricks and the sleights are taught with them but you said you are in to learning the sleight s so I would get the allan or darryl dvds.
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Profile of Peakey
There's a ton of sleights in these volumes. Enough to keep you busy for a very long long time.....

I found Allan a good teacher, very clear in the way he explains each technique.

My favourite volumes are:

2. False Deals
5. Shuffle Work
6. Faro Shuffle
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Allan Ackerman´s Las Vegas Card Expert & Every Move A Move DVD REVIEW:
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Profile of tylerdurden

You have just saved the day. Tomorrow is satruday, well I guess its saturday now. And I will be at the magic shop in exactly 9 hours. The web site that you posted was extremely helpful. I was just doing some last minute checking before I went and emptied the rest of my bank account on other DVD's and the las vegas card expert, had almost totaly slipped off of my radar. I knew about it, but just overlooked it. The review you wrote gave me a lot of insight into what I can expect once purchasing this dvd and makes the decesion making process so much easier.

thanks for taking the time to help a couple of would be future cardicians like myself get their hands on the best resources out there.
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Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe
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Profile of Kjellstrom
Most routines in Las Vegas Card Expert & Every Move A Move DVD is very entertaining and strong. I like them very much. Of all card magic I have seen on video/DVD I think A. Ackerman´s card magic is at the highest level.
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Profile of aamwood
Agreed. I just received the Dvds and just finished the first series. The dvds are good reference for all magician. Even for me ( I am not a magician just learn it for my self and showing it to my family and friends ).
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Las Vegas Card Expert & Every Move A Move DVD:
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Profile of hp
I have only Volume 3, Controls, but it is excellent and, as mentioned, Allan is an excellent teacher. He covers from elementary br**ks, gl***ses, and j*gs to advanced items like the p**s. My only note is that the effects he chose to use to demonstrate the moves could have been stronger, although it is clear on this disk that the emphasis is on moves and not effects.

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Profile of Atom3339
One of my favorite DVD sets. Ackerman is an excellent teacher.

Occupy Your Dream
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Profile of hp
I recently purchased several of the DVDs in the Alan Ackerman Advanced Card Control Series. Here is my review of Volume 3, Controls.
As stated above, Mr. Ackerman is an excellent teacher. I feel very much that many other videos merely demonstrate moves while here the slights are taught.

Teaching include details on the little finger break and its relation to the Spectator Peek. He teaches a couple of things to do after the peek. I particularly liked Klause’s Break out Display.

He details methods of cutting to the top or bottom. The Joe Brash Middle Finger Drag was new to me and I liked it.
He discusses maintaining a break during a pressure fan and several glimpses (All-around Square Up Glimpse, Book Break Glimpse (my favorite), Fan Glimpse (and Draun’s variation)).

He teaches Kick Count to Crimp and gives some information about jogs: Automatic Jog, Maintaining a Jog while Dribbling (what must laymen think of that topic?), and the fan jog.

After all this discussion, Mr. Ackerman moves on to what we normally think of as controls, covering the Overhand Shuffle Control (some good thoughts here), Fingertip Control (good ideas here too including a force variation), Convincing Control (Marlo’s original method, Ackerman’s variation, and the Simon/England variation), and Hofzinser Control (including a version bringing the card to the top, and force variations including ones where the card is at the bottom or next to the bottom, and a switch).

He continues with Ackerman’s version of the Kelly Bottom Placement, and several versions of the pass (Mock, Bluff, Vernon, Draun’s Midnight Shift, Turnover).

He then covers the Mechanical Reverse and Christ Twist then discusses Key Card Replacements from Vernon and Marlo.

He concludes the sleight section with several shifts (D’Amico and Marlo Multiple Shifts, Overhand Shuffle Shift, Strip-out Multiple Shift to top and bottom) and crimps (forefinger crimp and crimping on a selection).

The final portion of the disc has three effects which also include the Vernon side glide and Hofzinser cull. These struck me as chosen more for their demonstration of the material covered rather than superstar effects.

Just this one DVD alone has a lot to keep me busy. I especially liked the coverage of the multiple ****s and the Vernon pass, and the little subtleties on the jogs, glimpses, and overhand shuffle control.

I heartily recommend this to the card enthusiast. I agree with those who say that those who buy the series should have some background in card magic.
