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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: My Version - Clarence Miller's Finger Chopper (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of lnlver
Here is my version of this trick. Made from walnut and maple.

I made it sturdy enough to split celery. I think it can also split a carrot.

Click here to view attached image.
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I went to the Magic Cafe and all I got were these lousy
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Profile of Rook
That looks very nice!
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Wizard of Oz
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Profile of Wizard of Oz
Well done Inlver! You must have some woodworking chops if you can deal the tight tolerances that this prop demands.
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Profile of lin
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
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Profile of lnlver
Someone had mentioned that I could hide the workings of the trick better if I had not used maple for the blade.

But in the course of its construction, the spirit of Houdini appeared before me and he said that the physical appearance of the trick mattered more than masking its mechanism.

We conversed for a few more minutes, then he said he had to go. I asked him why and he said he had a meeting to attend and it was impossible for him to get out of it.
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Profile of jdstewart
Very nice and inspirational.
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Profile of mroek
Your version looks very nice indeed! I like your spirited explanantion of why you chose maple for the blade. Smile
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Profile of lnlver
I like your spirited explanation of why you chose maple for the blade. Smile

That's supposed to be a joke! Houdini always bragged there wasn't anything that he couldn't escape from.
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Profile of mroek
I got that it was a joke, I just found it funny. Smile