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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: I am so pitifully, disgustingly happy (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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George Ledo
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Magic Café Columnist
SF Bay Area
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For years and years, I've watched Donna come home on a Saturday or Sunday and show me something she bought: "I bought it on sale, [some] percent off." My Mom used to do the same thing. Me, when I go shopping for something, I always feel they see me coming and raise the price. Could never understand it.

So over the past few days I've been looking for a chuck for my lathe (I'll be making some props for a magic dealer and need it). Yesterday I found what I was hoping for, a chuck with four different sets of jaws, ON SALE! Couldn't believe it. Ordered it yesterday and this morning I get an email saying it's the way. Wahooo!!!!! Smile

What is it?
That's our departed buddy Burt, aka The Great Burtini, doing his famous Cups and Mice routine

Latest column: "Sorry about the photos in my posts here"
Dr. O
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It's a sign! Great things to come.