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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Minion Cage Act- Sunday Girl - Final Result Build (5 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of 1Show4U
Here is the Result of the Build from the Posts!
Almost was a group project!!! hahaha

Don't worry, if you were not involved, I have 2 more projects in this month of February to complete by March 17's performance! The 17t is rehearsal show for the Big June 2 show in Pasadena!!!

Seriously, I have enjoyed posting on this forum and receiving feedback from all of you. There is no better way then wasting time at work ahahahahah!!!

Turn the Volume up and Enjoy the Act!

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Profile of gimpy2
I saw this earlier and hesitated to comment but think its only fair for somebody to tell you the truth. Its clear you have worked very hard and spent a lot of money creating your new show. I have only seen pics of the rest of your show but if this is an indication of the direction the rest of the show is going you are off track.

I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but Honestly this is just not good. This looks to me like somebody trying to imatate a magic illussion with no magic.With as much cover as you have on that set you could produce a small pony.

I know you have a big interest in building a great show and its clear that you have tons of building skill. However you seem to lack the proper understanding of how magicians create magic in the mind of the audience with these props. You need to learn the craft before building props to use in it.

I hope you take this as constructive comments. I am the last person to want to crush someones dream and hope you only the best.

I really feel bad about hitting the post button on this and sorry again.
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Profile of 1Show4U
I don't have any dreams of being a "MAGICIAN," thus, you are not crushing it. I did not grow up wanting to be a performer or have had the aspiration to do so, though I do have aspiration to take on the challenges of building these props and resolving the conflicts of their construction. I also enjoy taking on the challenge of scripting these magic acts as well. I am looking to see where I can take all these performances, all together, after less than a year into it. From an intelligent point of view, isn't the best part of life for an active mind and an active person, is where you rise up to the challenge to aspire to something new,something you are not.

My Daughter (we), will be performing the act this Summer at her 15th birthday party.

Any illusion (tricks) per se, are just that. They deceive the visual senses.

Seriously, instead of having her wave her hands, should I have her use a Magic Wand instead? I have a very expensive USB LED rechargeable flash wand that I have yet used. hahahahah Come on, that Wand would not produce any more "Magic" then the wave of her hands!

All in all, every trick or act, is a PERFORMANCE. And the result of a how well an act is carried out, is based on the performers' performance. My first 2 show lack performance as whole... lack of rehearsal.
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Profile of gimpy2
I have great admeration for your building and design talents. You have the ability to build any magic prop out there. I was also not saying anything bad about your daughters performance and am sure you are very proud of her. My comments were directed at your prop not you or your family.


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Profile of Cleverpaws
I think its great! Sure it could be improved with practice, but even as a professional woodworker, I almost always could have done better on something I've built and my work is always excellent. But is the customer happy? that's the important thing. I bet the birthday party attendees will be surprised and have a good time. The average person is not going to think "why didn't he produce a pony? The space was big enough!" They might think the minions were in the black container already (maybe), but how did the balloons disappear? There is still magic there. Don't let anyone rain on your parade. Its great to see the process of the build and a performance.
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Profile of Bairefoot
Looks good you said,
I trashed the first completed cage I made for it looked too small. So could have used the same size minions with the smaller cage?
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Profile of freefallillusion1
On Feb 1, 2018, 1Show4U wrote:

Thus, if I do a show, I will use large props
... No pooonie littl carrrrrrd trics!!! Can you dig?

Honestly I tell you... why can't people go with the flow and just be at awe!!!

So do you want constructive criticism or do you just want people to tell you what you'd like to hear?

I use large props as well, but I justify their use in my show. Your reasoning of using large props, just to have large props, well, that doesn't work. I would agree with the previous poster in that you might want to learn what makes magic work. You prove my point with your comment about card tricks. You imply that large props are always better. The truth is that both have their place. Now, I myself prefer stage magic but I am also well aware that many skilled magicians can hold a big room spellbound with nothing more than a deck of cards. That's where the skill comes in.

Also, I would not be one to attack your daughter's performance. If she's just beginning, then that's a fine start. She did better than many I've seen. As for the prop, though, I honestly didn't get the feeling of magic from what I saw. I think it's obvious to the audience as to where those minions came from. The only possible thing you've got going is "where did the balloons go", and even that's a stretch. Sorry but this just doesn't have any WOW factor at all.