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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: TabmanMagic (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Melbourne, Australia
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Profile of Jacobcapper
I wasn't really sure where to put this but I thought people who build might be the ones in the know. I was wondering if anyone backed up or "ripped" the password protected section of the TabmanMagic website as mentioned in his book? Sadly like the Tabman the website is no longer with us and the wayback machine was unable to crawl password protected areas.

Any help would be appreciated as I've just finished reading the book and my curiosity is driving me nuts.
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Profile of gimpy2
Well even if you can not open the website you have tons of posts in the Café workshop to read. Tabby was a regular poster here and posted some great help here with lots of photos. I have missed him.
Michael Baker
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Profile of Michael Baker
Me too, Gimpy.

~michael baker
The Magic Company
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Profile of gimpy2
Ha that had to be the most casual lecture ever. You cant see it in the pic but tabby was bare foot. Man that was hot.
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Melbourne, Australia
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Profile of Jacobcapper
What lecture was that Michael? And is there footage? Smile
Michael Baker
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Eternal Order
Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
That was an impromptu builders' forum we did for Bob Sanders' Magic Ranch gathering in 2010. That's me, Gimpy, Ray Witkowski, and Tabby. Only Gimpy and I are still living... and I'm not so sure about me.
~michael baker
The Magic Company
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Profile of Jacobcapper
Oh wow, that would of been a great talk to be at. Well if you could make us a Lippincott box before you decide that would be excellent Smile Must say it does look awesome.
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Profile of gimpy2
On Dec 17, 2017, Jacobcapper wrote:
What lecture was that Michael? And is there footage? Smile

The whole weekend was filmed by Tabby. He sold it on DVD. I got a copy but lord knows where Its at. Here is the thread on the weekend at magic valley.
Michael Baker
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Eternal Order
Near a river in the Midwest
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Profile of Michael Baker
There was a DVD?? I didn't know that. I was in the process of moving from Alabama to Illinois right after this event, so I must have missed it. Please let me know if you find that, Gimpy.

Tabby stopped at my house about a week or so before the event, and shot some photos there. Some of them are still being used for the Abracorndabra ads.
~michael baker
The Magic Company
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Melbourne, Australia
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Profile of Jacobcapper
I would also be super keen if you find it as well