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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Deck the Halls :: Video Review: OCULUS playing cards - [[[[ NEW ON KICKSTARTER ]]]] (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of DavidKenney


The OCULUS Deck is inspired by Pointillism. It features a full-bleed borderless design with bold and vibrant Reds and Blues. The Court Cards each have a radial design structure that gives them an abstract, yet familiar, look to them. The design is also meant to flow through flourishes and allow for continuous displays that aren't possible with borders. In addition to allowing for table displays as well.


The faces are semi-custom with a carryover of the back design. The design comes from the center and works its way to the edges. The designers chose to leave the pips larger and easy to read allowing playability of the cards....for those times that people want to see us do more than just "shuffle". Making this a deck that can become part of your every day carry, as you can practice cardistry, magic and stealing money from your friends in a game of poker. The Ace continues the design and incorporates the Joker design.

Go and back this on kickstarter right now: