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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: Master Move, Zone Zero, J. Andrus (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of CENDRE
I know... That's not a new move you will find in the "hot list" of your best magic seller.

But I saw this move on video 3 days ago, and it looks great. Everything is cool, relax, and pure.
But that's only a I ask you some questions :

Who use this motion called "Master Move" ?
Can we have a little review ?
Can you tell us if it is a kind of move you Can we use in a lot of magic act or on the contrary it is a very specific technic ?
Does this move have poor or good angles ?

Thank you for help guys !
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dAvId tOnG
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The master move can be used in a number of effects as taught by Andrus in his Lifetime of Magic video series. However, in my opinion, it is best utilised in the Zone Zero effect.

Zone Zero is a very powerful trick. The master move is NOT automatic. Like any other sleights, it has to be practiced and practiced over and over again before you are confident to do it in a public show. However, it is not as hard as it seems and is attainable with some practice. You can't do it surrounded. It is best to have the audience in front of you and not on all 3 sides. However, if you are performing on stage, it easily covers a reasonably wide angle just by standing back on the stage a little Smile
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Thank you very much dAvId tOnG !

I already supposed it was not "automatic", that's absolutly not a problem. But it seems difficult to apply this move in close up conditions because of the angles you describe. And I use to work with spec all around me...

But the front view of this effect remains very good.

Thank you again !
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dAvId tOnG
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you are welcome Cendre Smile

it is more of a parlor or stage effect rather than close up unless you only have a few audience in front of you.
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Profile of p.b.jones
I will go out on a limb here, but I have a slight problem with zone zero, I have the video and have shown the performance section to many lay people (I thought it was good and was interested in learning it). All of the lay people that saw it when asked there comments
thought "it was clever how he moved the ball from hand to hand without you seeing it!"
they did not think it was magical just clever.
Try it ask a few people, non magicians who will give an honest opinion. Most thought that the best thing was (I have forgotten the name) The effect where he removes the ball from a flat box that was inside an envelope then puts it back in.
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Thak you p.b.jones,

What you say is very important, and that's funny because I always though that we have to do magic for lay people, not for magician.

And I must admit that you are absolutly right about this move when I think twice about it : It's a beautiful move, but not a magic move.

But you will probably agree that ,sometimes, magician forget they have lost the lay-people-eyes. We appréciate what we think "well done" or "well thinked" but we forgot to ask ourself this question : can we do magic with this new thing ?

Thank you and see you soon !
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Ian Richards
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The Jerry Andrus effect where a ball is removed from a paper bag or envelope is called Perfect Package.
I have gotten great responses from Zone Zero. When I purchased the item the board that I received was white on both sides. I have since placed designs on both sides of the board and ask the audience questions about the drawings on the board. This provides great time misdirection for when the ball is initially produced. In hindsight it is very easy to say that the ball is just moved from hand to hand. I also do not see anything inherently wrong with people thinking that the magician is clever, but agree that they should think he is magical first and foremost. Hopefully, Zone Zero is one of many routines in a performance that will create this for an audience.
Alan Munro
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The best routine, in fact the only routine, that I saw for "Zone Zero" was by John Carney. It fooled me, badly. It's on John's "Up Close and Far Away" video.
dAvId tOnG
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I agree with Alan that the best routine for Zone Zero is performed by John Carney. If i didn't remember wrongly, he uses a lemon instead of a ball and produces a glass of lemonade for his finale!! it kills!!

i think the Master Move is simply beautiful and Zone Zero is a very powerful effect for layman. The Master Move is can be easily done wrong (there should be NO flicking of the wrist when you put the ball in -> those who has the trick will know what i mean). I think it is THIS crucial moment that differentiates between magic and "clever movement of the ball by hand without letting being seen". See Andrus or John Carney perform it and i bet it fries you the first time you see it, whether if you already know magic or yet to know magic!
Georgia Boy
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I have Zone Zero and simply "did it" for my kids without any patter once I learned the move. They were impressed (one is 10, one is 12).

My question is, does anyone wish to share what storyline, patter or ideas they have had to make it interesting?

I like the lemon to lemonade idea, although I have no idea how I would produce a glass of lemonade!

My first thought is of a black hole, and using a 'planet' rather than a ball. Where that's going I don't know.... (try)

"Hey! Scientists say that some day we'll all be SUCKED into a black hole - never to return!"

I think my audience would feel like finding the closest black hole to hide in. Bad idea.
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On my video, Andrus performs a routine, which I think is called "Perfect Illusion" which is where he turns a 2-D circle printed on some paper into a 3-D ball. I really like this trick and prefer it to Zone Zero itself.

I've yet to try doing "Perfect Package".
Joe M. Turner
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John Carney's routine with Zone Zero is the best I've seen. I've yet to come up with a presentation framework that I like. I've used it because it's a visual and easy to understand effect, but only in situations when I wasn't speaking at the time.

Joe M. Turner
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Alright, I'll give a little routine that I use for Zone Zero. However, I came up with two other moves that are used in the routine, inorder to fit the patter. I'll give the complete patter first:

"You see, at our house, we never get around to doing anything very quickly (especially funny during the summer months). Why, just last week we decided to take down our Christmas decorations.

I have here this glass ornament, made completely out of rubber (said as the "ornament is bounced off the floor). And this here (the board) is the box we store our ornaments in. No, it's not the lid, it's the entire box.

You see, we put the ornaments in the box, and that's where they stay, (pause while doing moves), until next year when we need tham again.

Now, you may wonder how all of these ornaments fit inot this strange little box (push ball through, but don't vanish it yet). Well, all you have do to is toss the ball into the box (my first invented move) and there's where it stays.

The strange thing is that the ornament isn't IN the box, and it isn't OUTSIDE the box. But when you need it for decorating, you reach in (my second invented move), grab the one you want (my other invented move) and remove it, ready to hang on the tree."

I don't think I can describe my moves in print, but quite a few people here in Minneapolis have seen me do the routine, and really liked it. When I showed it to Jerry Andrus (he's a really cool guy, byt the way), he said, "That's tremendous what you've done with that."

SO, that's the way I use it. It doesn't get applause always, but it usually leaves people sitting there staring, scratching their heads. Smile I LIKE that reaction, almost as much as applause.
