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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Mentally Speaking :: The Psychic Experience - Millard Longman (6 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of seadog93
If you are a mentalist who likes to do psychic stuff for real,then you should already be on the mevproshop mailing list, and should have already bought this.
But, just in case:

This is great. Here is an e-mail I sent Loren almost as soon as I got it:
Wow, thanks. I haven't had a chance to download the MP3s yet (which is exciting to hear the presentation!), but I am incredibly excited about "The psychic experience." Like I said earlier, I've known about "Crossing Over" for a while now and I have been in love with it from the beginning. I've used it to close shows, one on one and for small groups as a full seance (either in addition to or instead of the Brother Shadow style of seance).

While I have, and still do, have an interest in deliviering messages through mediumship, I feel like "Crossing over" essentially makes it obsolete. I mean, I can give readings to people for sure, but if the goal is to make contact with a loved one, why would anyone want to listen to me talk about my contact (with their loved one!) when I can put them in contact directly!

...And the idea of applying that to so many other concpets like readings, astral travel, etc. is very exciting.

Okay, enough gushing, I'm going to go read!

Crossing over is truly amazing and Millard Longman has used similar concepts to put together an entire show!
100% propless
100% legit (regardless of your metaphysics or worldview you are doing exactly what you say you are doing)
100% awesome.

AND, ...well checkout "Bonus #4!"

I love the book, I love the discussion.
I will mention, from my own perspective and style, while this could be done as a single show (and apparently that's exactly how Millard Longman does it!) I would consider these to be 2-5 separate shows! There is a ton of stuff going one and it would be easy to do so much that your audience can't keep up.
BTW, that's not a criticism. This could easily done, exactly as presented, very successfully, and obviously everyone will adapt it to their own styles.

Definitely get this!
"Love is the magician who pulls man out of his own hat" - Ben Hecht

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Seadog=C-Dawg=C.ou.rtn.ey Kol.b
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Any reviews?
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I am very tempted, but given the price I think will wait for some reviews
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Slim King
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Nestor D
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I watched it and it was far more unique than I thought, it feels like a very personnal piece of thinking Smile

It get into many demonstrations of guided meditation/hypnotic session : it does not feels very varied but it gave a very particular feeling to the experience and I love the idea of a major effect of that kind Smile

I already read crossing over in one of Jerome Finley's books, it is a great piece but also a very emotionnal one. It might be to heavy for my taste.

The two hour interview was interesting and gave mostly a context to the act (it gave a lot more depth to the healing part of the act : healing and mediumship, we are walking on fire).

In short : The psychic experience has a very unique feel to it and is worth looking into if you are interested in guided meditation used as a major effect Smile
Given the price of other effects of that type, the discounted price was probably the right price (at least for me, if you are going to use the act as such then it is worth a lot more to you).
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Profile of Amirá
Millard´s works are always inspiring and full of interesting approaches. The Psychic Experience is completely UNDER priced.

How much do you charge per performance? You will get ideas and material for your whole life as performer and I am sure that you can the dollars and see this investment of money worth 10 times more during your performances.

Please Millard, keep your releases to a higher price! They are VERY valuable to the Mentalism community.

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Millard Longman
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Profile of Millard123
My thanks to all of you for the kind words and especially to Pablo for suggesting I raise the price!

Loren sets the prices of all my products because he is familiar with his customer's needs and desires.

If you all want some really great mentalism you should look into Pablo's products!

I especially like his Versatile Pendulum:
Millard Longman

See all my products at:
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Thank you Nestor for the brief review. It is fine if Millard and Amira recommend each other's products but sadly it does not help me in making a purchase decision. In fact, I am now unable to decide whose 'recommendation' should I follow as I have a limited $$$. For a pricey product, I think I will wait for a few more reviews before I bite. Anyway, I am not in a hurry. The fact that I like both Millard's and Amira's works is not making things easy for me.
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Bill Cushman
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I'm in the unique position of having seen Millard perform a lot of this material for an audience of about 250 people back in 2003. Interestingly, in the new release (admittedly comped, lets get that out of the way now) he states that the aura reading segment is the weakest part yet that is what I remember the best.

Mill also writes/speaks about not going into the audience anymore for a large crowd but I'm not so sure as I recall it working very well. During the aura readings he made some remarkable hits and even when things were a bit more general, the audience paid rapt attention mingled with gasps of surprise and varied and assorted murmurings as couples and friends tried to figure out just what might be going on here! When he was on stage doing the other bits, you could hear a pin drop until each ended and the applause eventually began to pour in as the room returned to their normal senses. The chatter afterwards was overwhelmingly positive.

Admittedly I'm biased as we are friends but I'm also biased in the other direction as I have some ethical qualms about how this material could be presented (none with how Millard presented it during the show mentioned above). But if this is the kind of thing you are into, Millard is one of the people you definitely want to learn it from. He covers a wide range of issues related to this type of work (I would say not only "guided meditations" but "guided visualizations" in trying to capture the nuances of it) as well as sharing a lot of tips about how he works and gains rapport, both in a stage setting and with smaller groups and one on one. He definitely ruled the room for a good sized audience in a theater that night without a prop to be seen, something that seems to be on many peoples minds these days. As usual, Millard tends to be ahead of the trends.

Add to this the bonus of Jerome Finley's PC 2 and it becomes really hard to put a dollar value on TPE. PC 2 originally sold for $300 if I remember correctly. Jerome's work in this book is fascinating and his "massaging" of Millard's Crossing Over definitely belongs here with TPE. He actually writes more about it than Mill! Plus this is the book where he covers his many variations of 4DT, including one using a SAW which has a wonderful subtlety, and it is interesting to remember that Jerome uses gimmicks from time to time in various stages of his career.

I'm not sure the mp3 captures the true power of Millard's performance but I was there and saw it. He achieved great success with virtually the same scripts he shares in this package and it is up to each performer to take the "dryer" experience of reading and listening to this material and, with some guidance from Millard, transform it into a true Psychic Experience for the audience. And to keep things ethical, of course.
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Profile of Psy
Not my taste at all. I like playing mentalism for real but I found TPE to be really boring, flat and painfully looong. This could work well for new age type of audiences.
If you are going to buy it, do it to get Finley's book. Jerone Finley is one of my favorite creators and has some really great ideas in "The Professional Choice 2"
Bill Cushman
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Hey Psy, I get where you are coming from, hence my comments about reading and listening to TPE being a "dryer" experience than seeing it performed. However, I honestly believe that if you could see this presented live you'd think differently about its entertainment value. Millard needs the reactions of an audience to bring out his best work as I think anyone presenting this kind of material would. Also, the audience of 250 or so people did not strike me as a new age crowd though I'm sure there were some in attendance who would fit such a category. And I can't argue that TPE would play well for such folk but no need to limit its applications in that fashion.

I'm reminded of first looking at cold reading scripts and barely being able to finish them as I found them boring. But when I heard someone gifted (e.g, Webster) present the same kind of scripts (and riffing in response to the sitter's responses) it was a different experience altogether. Similarly, just listening to or reading the scripts being offered in TPE simply doesn't do them justice.

Millard is teaching you a valuable process to create "imaginary realities" that many would be hesitant to perform without some instruction. In TPE he gives you what you need to know in order to approach such a show with confidence but it is up to the individual performer to select from all of the options provided, edit the material to suit their tastes, their audience's needs and the demands of the venue.

Individual performers must also be up to the task of "tuning into" the audience, hence being able to expand and contract the material appropriately, something Millard did with finesse when I saw him perform TPE live. This is harder to teach, like the fine points of a good Q & A, but between what he offers in TPE and Jerome's work on TPE's Crossing Over in PS2, you are given all that can probably be provided short of seeing it live. Like with Q & A, this kind of show is ultimately perfected in the crucible of performance.