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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Pardon me, sir... :: Loading jackets and purses on the street -- put-pocketing (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of cjl467
I've been commissioned on a prank show for an effect where I'll need to body load an item on a stranger on the street. I picked up The Art of Body Loading (which is fantastic) and I've flipped through a lot of pickpocketing material.

What seems to be missing (for various reasons) are techniques for loading handbags... I've loaded handbags a few times before while lightly "hugging" someone as a greeting. That's pretty much the only way I can think to do this. Are there any other resources or effects that involve loading purses?

I'd love to hear about other body loading resources too -- I didn't have much luck looking through Jim Ravel's Theatrical Pickpocketing or The Professional Stage Pickpocket. (The latter has one brief section, for those interested, called "Who's Stealing What From Whom?")

Lastly, I'm having trouble scripting a scenario where it makes much sense to touch the marks... I can't really do the standard pickpocketing "searching" bit most folks do on stage. It wouldn't make much sense to someone on the street, would probably scare them right off! Any other creative ways to script/disguise put-pocketing?
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Profile of BrianMillerMagic
Someone is going to say this, so I may as well. Why have you accepted a position doing something that you haven't done, and don't know how to do? Seems like you ought to hand it off to someone who is qualified for the task at hand.

Regarding resources, I don't have any. Sorry man. But you could work as a team like real street pickpockets do. One for distraction (ask directions, drop a ton of things where they feel obligated to help you pick it up), and another to do the load.

*These suggestions are with the understanding that this will be for a prank show, no harm or emotional stress will come to the target, and anything stolen with be returned*
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Profile of florisfassin
Have a hollow plastic fake hand in your sleeve. Go to control someones bag for security and put the hand in, no one will notice it. Then pull out the things in the fake hand and as finale the fake hand.