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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Good News! :: First time on a stage (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of GlenD
Just a request for a little HELP! It looks like I am going to get a chance to perform a couple of tricks on stage. It will be at a church as a preface to the pastors sermon titled "Miracles vs. Science".

One in a series of theme messages dealing with various hot or difficult questions (like Evolution vs. Creation, "If God is good, why is there evil", etc). They only want me to demonstrate a couple of tricks before the message in about 3-5 minutes. It isn't like I will be doing a 25-30 minute show or anything.

The series starts June 30 the topic of miracles vs. science (when I will be there) is July 7th, for two services and after the first service (between services) I will be going down to do something for the childrens church. I will be able to have a table and meet people between services and hand out business cards to any interested, etc. If I had any items to sell they said that would be ok too, although I don't have anything to market (no biggie).

But what I am asking help for is, what would be good for me to perform under this premise?? Any ideas for good visual tricks that would compliment one another and not take too long to demonstrate. I was thinking of something that would appear, and another item that would disappear. The seating in their sanctuary isn't very deep but it is wide. The stage seating is about 120 degrees I would guess. (almost 180)

I have a lot of close-up stuff, some of which may work for a stage situation but just asking for some help from those who have been there and have experience. Thanks in advance to any who may be able to help me out!!

Magically yours,

Glen Dodd
"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Profile of BroDavid
Sounds like a great opportunity to show the difference between reality and illusion.

I am primarily a close-up guy (except where fire is concerned) but I do stage work when necessary.

You already understand the issue of visibility and know the venue well enough to understand lighting etc. So it is just a matter of deciding what points can be best made with what you have available.

Miracles vs science? Hmmm. What miracle can you approximate with the magic you have?

Can you do anything like what the ancient magicians did to try to explain away God's miracles.

Since I like fire, I can think of a dove pan or chick pan etc, on fire and then you take something out that should have burned in the fire.

Or possible float something around with an ITR or other IT hookup etc, not sure of the story line there. But you may think of one.

And how about anything that could provide a lot of production to correlate to the fishes and loaves that fed thousands. A square circle, or temple screen? Or production tube?

I use the Dream Bag effect with a bunch of additional appearance items and it plays big as the empty bag just keeps producing items.

But if the sermon is about Miracles vs Science, think about the Miracles and apply your magic science to simulate them. And even if you don't duplicate them (which would be tough anyway) if you give enough analogy, you can get away with a lot, and folks will get the point!

Hope it goes well. Keep us posted.

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Doug Peters
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If it were me, I'd perform Slydini's "paper balls over the head". Rather than an attempt to emulate a miracle(!?), you demonstrate that science, which depends on observations, is not infallible.

"Stars of Magic" teaches PBotH well, but I'd use bright sponge balls instead.

BTW, science has all kinds of room for miracles. Miracles are not (as the popular definition would have it) the breaking of the laws of physics. Rather, miracles are the participation of God in His world. They happen all the time -- if only we'd let Him perform them more...

regards, Doug
"if you have any answers, it's time to ask harder questions!"
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If you are familiar with s***h powder, you could make use of it to demonstrate the following scientific principle:
Have a volunteer fill a cup (secretly containing about a teaspoon of the powder) with water. Cover the cup with a piece of cardboard and turn the cup over as you explain that the water remains in the cup because of the vacuum caused by the cardboard covering the opening. Then remove the cardboard with the cup still inverted... to the audience, the water has either vanished or some unknown force prevents it from spilling out. Explain that God created the world that science tries to understand and He holds the true key to understanding all mysteries.
Just one simple idea you might be able to utilize...

Professional Provider of Wonderment!
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Profile of GlenD
Thanks to David, Doug and Andrew! I very much appreciate your thoughts and ideas.
Great idea Doug, although I don't think I will utilize a volunteer due to time restraints here. I appreciate your comments too.

I like your idea with the powder, Andrew... yes I know what it is and did a bit of thinking in regards to a gospel effect using it. Something like explaining how Christ fills us with living water when we thirst after Him. Pouring in the water, then showing it empty again and explaining how we are to give it away as we serve and allow Him to use us... And when we feel emptied or dry again (again turning over the cup) we find that our cup is once again full (add more water) because He promises that we will never thirst again, or something like that... just some thoughts, I haven't worked it out all the way through or done it under this theme yet.

But I liked your idea and will consider doing something like that and trying to figure out what else to do. I want to do 2 good visual tricks.

Thanks again

"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Profile of BroDavid
Another thought on the living water theme, Glen...

A foo can or lotta bowl type effect would seem to play well.

Also a chain escape (OK, I do fire and escapes, so I like them.....) might work to show what it was like when Peter's chains fell off.

But you have gotten lots of good ideas from others here, and I am sure you will be ready when the time comes.

And I know that you won't forget to ask advice of the only one who can really help you; God!

God Bless!

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Steven the Amusing
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I think I've posted this idea in another Gospel discussion group here.

Read Exodus 4:1-8; Exodus 7.

Filling a pitcher with water and pouring out blood is a rather simple effect*. Taking a staff and making it become a snake (limp rope) is easy, too. The principle for each of these can be found in (among other places) Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic.
And the BEST part is that Pharoah's MAGICIANS did all of these things. For the real thing (miracle), there is often a counterfeit (trick/deception).

Evolution is an easy target. With folks like the late Stephen Gould claiming that transitional forms may never be found because "a reptile laid an egg and a bird hatched out of it". Any absurdity can be used (e.g. change an egg into a rubber chicken).

Another idea: Display two large jars one filled 1/3 full of bolts, the other 1/3 full of nuts. Give them each a good shake. Pour the bolts into the nuts. And give 'em another good shake. Pour the contents of full jar into the other.

Explain that - if evolutionists are to be believed - over time order will come out of chaos merely by accident. The nuts and bolts will segregate back into their own jars - all by themselves. Cover both jars with a silk. Wait. Remove the cloth and Voila - NOTHING has happened!

Explain that God created man in HIS image, and WE are able to bring some order out of chaos.

Proceed to fish out a few bolts and drop them into the empty jar. MAN is able to cause "micro evolution" the cross breeding of plants and animals to produce e.g. purple roses. Pour the bolts back in with the nuts and shake them again.

But only God has the power to merely say the word and produce life and order out of chaos. Pick up both jars and move away from any obvious places where you might ditch or substitute the jars (e.g out on a table or chair in the open). Show a deep empty rectangular cylinder and cover both jars with the rectangle. We do not even begin to know of God's power and God's means. Reach into the open top and rattle the jars. Rapidly "sort" the nuts from the bolts (using a gimmick). It's most effective if you use one hand and don't LOOK into the cylinder.

Remove your hands and lift cylinder again showing it empty. Point to the jars and show that the nuts and bolts are now separated.
But we do see the results of God's handiwork, don't we.

For the sake of visibility it helps that the nuts and bolts are large AND differently colored. You don't have to use nuts and bolts, by the way. You could use other objects of similar size. You could also use two different KIND of nuts.

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LosAngeles, Ca
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Profile of GlenD
Wow, those are some very good ideas Steven, thanks for sharing them. I am going to their Wednesday evening run through tomorrow. I will give a little report about how the Sunday mini performance goes, next week! Thanks again for all who replied and offered me some suggestions. Smile


Oh, one more IMPORTANT thing and request... please pray for me that I won't be too nervous!!!
Thanks again,

"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Profile of BroDavid

Remember two things:

1. Who you are really performing for, GOD!

2. You are never alone! He is with you.

A bit of anxiousness and concern is human.

Plan and Prepare the best that you can. And then give it to God.

I will Pray for you to proceed in His strengh, that God will be Glorified, and that His Will be done.

God Bless!

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LosAngeles, Ca
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Profile of GlenD
Well, yesterday was the big day and it went very well. I had about 4 mins to work with and did 2 tricks for 2 services. I also did some stuff for the kids after each service at the childrens church. That was really fun too.

I performed a pen thru bill and a slush powder routine (similar to what Andrew suggested). I had some fun with a magic light bulb during the first childrens church, explaining how wonderful electricity is and stuff, while holding up the bulb. Then asked the question "the bulb by itself doesn't do anything because we have to..." PLUG it in, right! Then the light shines when it is plugged into the power source. I then explained how we need to plug into the true power source so our light can shine... made the bulb light up and it was cool...

I did a bill switch with gospel money and had lots of them to hand out to each of the kids. They liked that. I did a few other things for the kids and had a great time and their teacher/leader person really enjoyed it too and wants to book me for their big summer kick off thing in June next year.

Although it was short, it was a good experience for me and I made some new friends. Thanks for all who had something to offer and to those who said a prayer for me!!!

"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Sounds like everything went well.
Isn't it blessing to BE a blessing!?

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