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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: From Soup to Nuts :: DVDs -vs- Downloads (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I'm not sure if this has been addressed anywhere in the Café before. I did a search and found nothing so I thought I'd post this to see what the responses might be.

More and more magic videos are being sold through downloadable videos rather than DVDs. I've noticed some sites give you a choice of either but most new magic creators seem to be going the way of downloads. One young creator told me downloads were his preference because of the ease of making a download versus a DVD.

So here is the question:
When purchasing magic material of these two formats (downloads & DVDs) which do you prefer and why?

I'll start it off by saying as a buyer of magic I prefer DVDs as they are a tangible and re-sellable. In the event that the effect does not agree with my style I could re-sell it and purchase something else that would be a better fit.
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Profile of DelMagic
Prefer DVDs. Even with software I like having a hard copy. I'm just not comfortable in the "cloud-only" digital world. I still like to watch things on my television and I'd rather have a DVD handy instead of having to hook up my computer to the TV.
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Profile of Taterini
Just checking to make sure.... out of 59,514 registered members only 2 have an opinion about this topic?
I would've thought more people would have had a preference of one over the other when it comes to DVDs vs downloads.
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I prefer dvd.
Is better to watch something on my large screen TV, than a download on my phone.
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Profile of med_doc7
I believe that I may be in the minority but I actually prefer downloads because I can store it on my hard drive and back it up. I don't have to worry about losing the DVD as I have lost a few DVDs in the past when we have relocated and they got lost in the move. With a download, I can make a DVD of anything that I want if I chose to do so. Plus, I don't have to worry about storing the DVD. I recognize that I am in the minority.
Mike Gilbert
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I like both options. I sway more toward DVDs because I do like to watch them on TV, but DLs come in handy when I'm out of town or just away from the house and don't want to (or can't ) pack a bunch of DVDs. Additionally, if I just want to reference something real quick on the fly, DLs come in handy here as well. Also, depending on where you buy the DL from, you can DL it as many times as you like to as many platforms as you like. Although I prefer DVDs, DLs are very useful.
-Mike Gilbert Smile

"Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance."- Steven Pressfield
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Profile of somethingupmysleeve
I always like to have a DVD (somehow feels like I'm getting more for my money!), however I do like being able to watch DL's on my phone/tablet wherever I like. I commute via public transport for about an hour into work each day, and enjoy being able to watch the downloads. I'm also quite impatient, so it's nice to be able to watch an instant download rather than wait for the DVD to arrive!
B. Edwards
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DVD's because... they look awesome on a shelf in a long pretty row. Smile

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On Jan 21, 2015, B. Edwards wrote:
DVD's because... they look awesome on a shelf in a long pretty row. Smile


I second this! I prefer DVDs. I like to be able to see it in my collection and whenever I need resources, I will just head to my shelf. I have many things on my computer so it is pretty hard to find some downloads if they are not named properly.
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Profile of Kuzushi
I vote for DVDs as well. There is just something about beign able to physically see and feel the product that I prefer. Silly human attachment to tactile sensations I reckon.
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Profile of Houdiniemals
I prefer downloads...the only major advantage of DVDs is that you can resell them (in my personal opinion)
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Profile of terryisaacs
I currently prefer dvd's but I haven't had consistent internet access so that may play a part in it. I think I could switch to prefer downloads though. I don't have enough space for my dvds and not having to switch dvds is also nice. So I prefer dvds mainly because I like having the physical copy, but I can see my preference changing in the future.
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Failed Magician
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I prefer both. There are more items offered in both DVD and cloud forms. With the online one, I can download and watch it anytime, at the same time I can keep the DVD tucked in nicely in its case in my shelves that serves as my personal collection.
Magic comes through perception. -HS