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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Firefly Jar (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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I modified bag-o-lights to fit into a lantern. I frosted the glass to diffuse lights, added wire to switch so I can control it from handle, put false partition so I can show inside empty.

On Sep 9, 2014, TickTock wrote:
I had an idea for an effect where I pluck lights out of the air, show them to the audience, and stick them into a jar. The story behind it is collecting "fairies", or "Magic motes", or whatever will resonate with the audience. I accomplish the first part using the Rocco D'Lite, and it works just fine. I need some technical help getting the lights from my hand into the jar. The idea is that it's a walk-around act, and I'd like to be able to do it from multiple angles, hence the jar. Ideally the lights in the jar would have some kind of motion. The end result would look like one of the firefly jars you can buy for your patio, but I need to be able to add and subtract lights on the fly...

Any thoughts?

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Profile of wizardmagic
I made a lantern version

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