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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: Confidence in "doing" (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Iron Butterfly
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Profile of Iron Butterfly
My show is simple as I followed the advice of mastering a few routines instead of trying to learn everything that looks cool. On the street I use nest of wallets, Professors Nightmare(which could be expanded apon) Benson Bowl/Sponge balls/Three in the pocket and then load an orange. I end with Brother Pauls Stupid bean Trick (Simple, Fun and effective)

One of the most fun aspects of busking/public performing is when you take a routine from practice at home to using it in public. yesterday I had a three hour gig which was a promotion for a store opening. I had my table and was performing to draw a crowd. I had my rope around my table and did the Neo Coin Matrix. The first to phases are pretty straight forward but the last phase one has to be careful of angles and timing. People loved it. I was surprised no one caught on as people are quick to point out when you flub up like sharks to blood. A couple of times in my second phase a mishandled the coin and it appeared on top, but I made believe that was what was suppose to happen while the second coin would appear under the card.

I just felt the need to share as Its nice to have one more trick in ones bag.
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Dargaville, New Zealand
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Profile of MagiCol
Yes, it is nice to have one more trick. In the case you mention, it sounds like you were just using whatever tricks you wanted to fill in the 3 hours.

Whether you get to use a 'one more trick' regularly in your Street Magic Show is another thing. I realized about a month back, "I know too many tricks". That is, too many tricks to use in my street Draw and street Show for the length of time that's practical. There's a balance when busking between the number of tricks you use in your show and the amount of donations you look like you're going to make. A series of short Shows and lots of hatting versus longer shows and long gaps between hatting.
I've got more tricks stored than I care to use. I've cut back on collecting books, instructions, and videos off You Tube and buying extra props, because I don't need them.
That said, I still watch and read, but more as recreation than the desire to put more stuff into practice.

What's your thinking on that?
The presentation makes the magic.
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Dargaville, New Zealand
929 Posts

Profile of MagiCol
OOps! I wrote "the amount of donations you look like you're going to make."
I meant "the amount of donations you look like you're going to GET". That is, judging from the size of your crowd.
But, who knows? much is variable on the streets...
The presentation makes the magic.