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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Feminine Mystique :: A Message From Bill Tarr (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
David Martin
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East Lyme, CT
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Bill Tarr's Now You See It, Now You Don't! and The Second Now You See It, Now You Don't are very uniquie books in the realm of sleight of hand magic. I've never seen a book put as much empahsis on the visual breakdown of moves as they happen as this book does. It's also probably the first of it's kind for another reason.

After the table of contents in both books it reads:

A Special Note to Women

I have used the masculine form in this book, not because I wished to exclude you, but simply because I am not magician enough to cope with the grammatical complicatoins involved.
When someone invents a better way to say it, I'll be happy to comply. Until then, please accept my apologies and read on, content in the knowledge that these words are meant for you too.
There have been famous female magicians in years past, there are some today, and now that you are reading this book, hopefully there will be more in the future.

Bill Tarr

What is amazing to me is that this inspiring message was published in 1976 in the first book of the two. The same message is in the second volume published in 1978.

If one considers the timeperiod that these words were published, it's pretty inspiring.

I've never seen this level of encouragement towards women in any other magic book since.

It truely is sad how sexism and rascism are still so prevelant the world over today. I am a firm believer that gender or race can't deter an indiviaul from achieving anything. Unfortantly, it's the influences and evils of everyone around them that does.

Just my opinion.