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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Card Studio :: Deckstarter: A good way to get your own deck produced? (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Essex, UK
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Profile of martydoesmagic
What does everyone think about Dan and Dave's latest business venture? A good option?

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Profile of JH5magic
It sounds kind of hit or miss to me. I think it would be better to simply print a low quantity of decks using one of the sites mentioned in the Card Studio forum or others.

If you like artistic decks then you might consider I ordered all three decks below and the art is great, but the cards themselves don't handle very well.

Deck #1:

Deck #2:

Deck #3:
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Profile of HudsonDesign
I really, REALLY wanted this to work and be cool as I thought Kickstarter diluted the beauty and excitement that a platform just for cards could provide. Please note some of this is purely personal opinion and some speculation based on whats on the internet publically and my personal experience. I don't believe there are any bad intentions in it, just some teething problems and possbily a little bad management.

But i'f backed with deckstarter and kept up to date with it for a while and its a little messy. Sometimes unwatched and unanswered. And with a crowdfunding platform you really need to be on to the social media stuff all the time as trust is a massive thing to people. But people have been getting on there pages complaining about unethical behavior and the possibiliy of the Buck twins swooping in and saving the day. Personally I see this as a good thing for backers because they actually get printed and backers are getting the decks but others see things differently as they feel they have been gipped with a fake pre-purchase deal instead. Also the concern here is that perhaps unlike Kickstarter for example that will take on any project as to them they don't care if they get funded, if the hypothetically the buck twins were always going to make sure a deck was funded they would be only picking very specific designs/designers they liked. Again, making it not an open platform maybe?

My concern is a lot of the time these posts etc go unchecked and unanswered and that makes it look true and ignored. Also in my experience I found with the project I backed it said firstly printed and ready to go. I had to contact them to find out its not printed and it was 8 weeks away. Then I had to contact them again to find it can take up to 12 weeks. Then again to be told yes its going to print now so 8 weeks. I actually thought I'd been done for my money at one point which blew me away as I took it as a professional endevor run directly by the Buck twins and I thought it had fallen apart. (In the end I received the decks, many months later, but at least fulfilled). A little better organising and communication would have gone a very long way.

Even still now comments being posted to their facebook page

"some response to emails, and if nothing else an update on the delivery dates of the Alice in Wonderland deck would be greatly appreciated by all those that financially backed the project. I had hoped these would be ready for Christmas, but alas despite having my credit card charged some time ago now, I still wait by my letterbox with anticipation of seeing some action!"
"appreciate reply to the comments section/email. I have some issue that needs resolving"
"willing to bet these are already printed and ready to go. in D&D deck of the month club I was getting the first batch of Deckstarter decks through the monthly club shipments before the DS rewards had reached me."
"Hi, I've sent two emails now and am still awaiting a response - could you please advise on the progress of delivery of these cards please? An email reply would be greatly appreciated at this point."

They have also removed the ability to post to their page which is never a good sign. Crowd funding is all about interacting and involving the crowd. No crowd = no funding. I have not backed since my experience, even though they have had some pretty stuff. They would need to improve dramatically before I would again.

And I so wanted it to work.

Never know though could still come good. In the mean time I think the other options like kickstarter are more viable. Its still hard work though. In the middle of a campaign for my "Perspective" deck right now. Full time job in itself.

Use another platform and approach LPCC EPCC and the USPCC for printing quotes. Beforehand. You will get some very nice handling cards this way.
