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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Matchbox Mystery Problems (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Grizzpyre
Hey guys! Loving my new Matchbox Mystery from Penguin (thanks Acar!) - but I'm having a problem.

My gimmick is a tight fit. Suggestions to loosen it so that when I do my thing - the thing isn't still showing? (See - no exposure!)

Bill Hegbli
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It is suppose to be tight to withstand inspection, it will loosen with more use do to metal against metal rubbing. You can use some silicon spay.

You can try squeezing more and both ends for an even closure. It may also be that you are not applying equal pressure with your fingers. If they are on the edges of the block, and not squarely in the middle and applying straight equal pressure, then you are trying to slide it in crooked.

Study how you are holding the box with block, and see how you are causing it to go crooked as you apply pressure.
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Profile of 1KJ
I give it a squeeze in the middle and then on both ends. I open the box and dump the block in the hand of the participant. this give me the opportunity to see if there is a problem. If so, I just give it a squeeze before dumping it in the spectator's hand.
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Profile of Grizzpyre
Thanks guys! My problem seems to be that there's always a problem when I look - I still see the spot where the stuff happens. My spectators go right to trying to open it.
Bill Hegbli
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
Then I suggest you take some heavy grit sandpaper and stroke it until you no longer see the problem. Try 60 oxide metal cloth backed sandpaper. Stroke in on direction the full length. This will create a heavy brushed look on the block.

But remember, of course they are going to take the block and pull in all directions, it is logical that if there is no trap doors, then something has to move. That does not mean they see the something, they are just checking all possible solutions.

The next thing, stop doing only one trick. Always follow up a trick with a second to draw attention to you, and not the props.
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For the record - I do lots of tricks. Smile The "spectators" in question are those fun family members who we try stuff out on before we take it out to see the light of day. Smile And they're the HARSHEST skeptics, aren't they?
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Profile of nonvpro
Bill Hegbli please pm me.
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Profile of snowpuppy
I own a similar effect called "Gold Block" by Magic King and am wondering if anyone else has this and can compare the two.
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Profile of mkarav
I've had similar problems trying to close it cleanly. You can try with both hands that my help in applying equal pressure. I hold the block to my head ala Johnny Carson's Karmack and patter about the power of the mind to penetrate or something like that. When I open the matchbox I have a split second to see if its closed, if not I squeeze some more as I toss it to the table. The best advice is to move on with another effect.
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Profile of ablanathanalba
Mine is a bit tight as well. It "clicks" in and is too audible. I like the silicon idea.
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Profile of kekoa1
I've never really liked this version of the Matchbox Penetration. Reason being, I've found it awkward to hold the matchbox from the long sides while doing the "work". The matchbox then has a little magic mountain crease running along the top after a few performances. Solution...although a little difficult to obtain...use a block that you squeeze from the short end. The handling is more natural and the "secret" is only on one side. I've since used Danny Orleans "Magic Alchemy" routine and it kills! Good luck on finding the "Block" though. The Blocks from Viking Magic are almost as good as the one I currently own from Spain.
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Profile of Corbett
The Viking blocks are the ones from Spain, per George at Viking.
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Profile of kekoa1
Thanks for the info Corbett. The Viking blocks are great! Is it me...or are the Viking blocks a tad shorter in width? I have one from Spain..found in a dark corner of my local magic shop...and I purchased the Viking block as a back up...although when I place the Viking block in the same matchbox that I've been using with the first block...the Viking block is smaller width wise...not that it hinders the action in any way...I was just wondering.
Sean Xem
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Does anyone know where I can find the version from Spain or the Viking version (if they are different)? I used to own the version from Spain and while there are other good versions, they simply don't compare to the quality of the Spain version.

I unfortunately lost mine and would love to get my hands on another.

Anyone who is looking to sell one should feel free to PM me. I'm looking for one that is at least close to new condition.
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I have a version that does not use a gimmicked block, it uses at piece of sheet metal, a needle a thread and a matchbox. All can be examined afterward without in switching. I've had it for at least 20 years, I think I bought in a magic shop in Orlando, but it could have been Daytona. Very clever method.
Pedro Nieves
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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to touch base with anybody interested in the Original Matchbox Penetration "Cerillas Bloques."

Magic Inc. in Chicago just bought the manufacturing and distribution rights from Selecciones Magicas for the Original Matchbox Penetration. Jose Llacer came up with the concept and the original Brass Block Penetration in 1995, and since then it has become a modern day classic. Unfortunately many "versions" of the trick have come into the market since. Most used a simplified manufacturing process that unfortunatelly is not as mysterious in the workings (middle-split).

So, since Llacer and Selecciones Magicas were no longer making these, we decided to give it the royal treatment! We bought the rights, and are now making them in the USA (right here in Chicago). We also made 2 little adjustments that make this even quieter than the original, and that keep the secret hidden even when the piece starts to tarnish (no more half circle on the short side).

As a bonus, when you buy this from us you will get a copy of Danny Orlean's Magic Alchemy routine, which in my opinion is the best routine for this trick. It takes it from a puzzle (how did the match go through the block) to MAGIC! (where did the metal block come from, and how did it get here?). Because of this, it throws the scent in the opposite direction of the original routine, and makes it a truly mystifying magic effect. This is the routine performed by both Marco Tempest and Steve Cohen in television appearances across the world! As a side note, you can only do this routine with the Original Matchbox Penetration, and not with any of the modern versions.

So, if you want to see Danny's routine, we have video posted on site:

And if you have any questions about this new version, the workings, routine or anything else relating to this, please do not hesitate to ask, either here or through PM.


Pedro Nieves
Magic Inc.
Leo Reynolds Jr
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Does the newer model still require extra large matchboxes?
Danny Orleans
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Hello Leo: The answer to you question is this: The matchboxes are not "extra large" -- however they are the standard european size. These can be easily purchased in Europe and parts of Canada and also found online. They are not manufactured anymore in the U.S. (believe, I have looked far and wide for years in the U.S.) Both Magic Inc and I ( extras available if and when you need them.
Leo Reynolds Jr
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Profile of Leo Reynolds Jr
Thanks for the answer Mr. Orleans. I bought several extra boxes from you couple years back. Was just wondering if they may have shaved some off the block to fit American matchboxes. I wish people could see the difference between the Spanish type and the cheaper model I know they would be amazed at how well they work and how good they look.
Pedro Nieves
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Profile of Pedro Nieves
Hello Leo,

We considered shaving the block to fit an American size matchbox, but we decided against it. Not only do you get a lot more impact out of producing the heavier block, but the mechanism inside of the block (a ball bearing, spring, alignment pins) all need a certain amount of space to work properly. So, in the end, we opted for higher impact and better craftmanship.

I do agree, sometimes comparing models is all it takes! We introduced our new and improved version at FISM Italy, just a few weeks ago. By the end of the event we were completely sold out. There were several people who were convinced this was just a nicer quality version of the cheap knockoffs. It was great to see the look in their faces when they found out how the original actualy works Smile PRICELESS!

Leo, if you are at Magic Live next week and you spot me (or any of the Magic Inc. crew) in the crowd, please stop by to say hello. I will make sure I have this with me at all times, so I can show the few improvements we made.

And if you ever need replacement boxes, we have a few available on our site as well:
