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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Where to put it all... :: I've reduced my magic case to my pockets.... (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Louisville, KY
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Profile of magicjack1977
I've dumped all of my larger props, packet tricks, specialty effects, etc. and focused on what I could fit in my pockets. I have reduced my carry-on luggage (lol) to a ungaffed deck of 52 cards (blue backed), two extra cards (each in my coat pockets - a red backed Queen of Hearts and a Blue Backed blank face card), a set of (4) regular Kennedy half dollars, two loops (one on each wrist), a TT, (3) - 2" spongeballs, and the largest prop I carry is my rope setup for Daryl's rope routine which is always hidden in the inside breast pocket of my jacket. No need for large props, sponge bunnies, coin shells, gaffed decks, magnetic PK rings, special pens, etc., etc, etc. With these items I'm able to put on an amazing show wearing nothing more than my jeans, a t-shirt, and a sport coat. One could esentially make a career of these items and be an amazing performer without the4 need to carry around suitcases, close up tables, or trunks.
Dick Oslund
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Profile of Dick Oslund
In the Navy in the early '50s, I carried my club act in a cigar box sized leather shaving kit. That practical little act kept me busy for my four years. In those four years, I never cashed a Navy Pay Check! (THAT money went home to the bank! I could work almost anywhere, for almost anybody. $50 back then would be almost $500 today!

I don't think that the props cost $25.00! A couple silks $2, dye t*b* $1.50, "holey" egg $1.00, set of Ireland golf balls $3.00, deck of cards $1.00, Insurance Policy $100, 5ft.rope $.50, and scissors $5.00, a P&L reel $1.50, and a 24" silk $2.50, and an egg bag $3.50.

Of course, that was a lot more than I carried in my side show days, (late '40s) #10 can and ten half dollars, couple pieces of rope--knot routine, and a set of Ireland golf balls.

Milbourne Christopher, on his way to a club date, dropped backstage to visit Harry Blackstone SR. in the mid '40s. The crew was busily loading in crates and trunks as they talked. Then Milbourne said he had to go to his club date. Harry asked him where his props were, Milbourned picked up his briefcase and shook hands with Harry. Harry sighed.

The talent and knowledge you carry in your head is a lot lighter than the props in your suitcase!!!
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Louisville, KY
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Profile of magicjack1977
On 2013-12-19 18:01, Dick Oslund wrote:
The talent and knowledge you carry in your head is a lot lighter than the props in your suitcase!!!

I agree. This is the fact that escapes a lot of up and coming magicians I think. They think you need a ton of props, gaffs, and equipment to put on a great close-up show, when all you need is a good foundation in the basics, lots of practice, and less than $50 worth of items.
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Louisville, KY
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Profile of magicjack1977
I will add that I also carry a couple 12" silks and a pluck-off knot from time-to time as well. It just depends on what I'm wearing.
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Profile of Yellowcustard
Egg bag,
Dye tube,
6 Card repeat,
Modelling balloons,
Electronic release,
Needle swallow,
Sponge balls and purse frame,
Multiplying bananas,
Deck of cards,

Fits in a small case and can travel easy as.
Enjoy your magic,

and let others enjoy it as well!
Ray Bertrand
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Profile of Ray Bertrand
For most of what I do, I can pack in a briefcase. Bill Abbott's 5 card repeat, Smart Ass, Invisible Deck, Magician's Insurance Policy, set of D'lites, Bicycle playing cards, golf pencils, pad of billets, envelopes, scissors, TT's, Professor's Nightmare, etc. There are a few other items, but I can perform for a long time with these items.

For larger shows and presentations I bring a laptop, projection screen, Fender Passport 300 with a cordless microphone and speaker stands, Multiplying Bottles and Joe Lefler's Slate of Mind accompanied by the briefcase.

This really covers a lot of ground.

Mentalism in Ontario.
arthur stead
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Profile of arthur stead
On 2013-12-19 18:01, Dick Oslund wrote

The talent and knowledge you carry in your head is a lot lighter than the props in your suitcase!!!

That's a fabulous quote, Dick!
Arthur Stead
royalty-free music and interactive routines
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Profile of Poof-Daddy
I've reduced my entire act to just my pockets. I just added more pockets to my wardrobe. A denim jacket is great as it has 2 chest pockets, 2 hand pockets and 2 inner pockets by the hands. I wear a nice short sleeve button down with a TKO 2.0 and cargo pants. tons of pockets to work with and no need to carry an extra close up case around.
Cancer Sux - It is time to find a Cure

Don't spend so much time trying not to die that you forget how to live - H's wife to H on CSI Miami (paraphrased).

Smile Smile
Dick Oslund
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Profile of Dick Oslund
Karrell Fox's carried his club act in a leather case about the size of a shoe box. The case fastened to a tripod and became his only "stage" prop. Oh! the tripod fit inside the "shoe box" .

Although he did, on special occasions, change a routine, the act included (most of the time":

Vanishing cane (in newspaper) a cut & restored rope (involved brakawa wand, and prism glasses) An Invisible Deck routine (with the little red table!) and a 10 minute comedy monolog.

The only prop that needed "setting" was the cane.
Ray Bertrand
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Profile of Ray Bertrand
Terry Seabrooke was extremely entertaining and had actually performed 2 command performances for the Queen of England. He was proud of the fact his entire show fit inside a briefcase. I had the pleasure of seeing him perform many times as well as attending his lectures.

Mentalism in Ontario.