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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Let there be magic! :: Combo TOPIT/LAPPING Device (No Jacket/Servante/TableCloth) (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Alex L. Molina
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Hello All Smile

Happy Holidays...

For the past 8+ yrs, I've been using a combo device set-up that allows Topit work [or is it spelled Toppit now - lol - seeing both spellings around] without a jacket (it's designed for T-Shirt or Dress-Shirt), & Lapping work without multiple-pocket servants attached to table/mat nor the use of the tablecloth (it's a self-contained design).

More than a few pro Magicians have asked me if I ever thought of marketing/selling it, as it has impressed and/or fooled some of the best Minds in Magic that I have had the pleasure to share it with.

What do yall think?

Peace, Love, & Success
Alex L. Molina
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Profile of Alex L. Molina
Hey All Smile

If any pro/working Magicians here with solid experience/skill in Topit/Lapping work would be interested in testing/working with this device (haven't come up with a name for it yet, for now I'm calling it "the LAPPIT" - lol) in exchange for feedback on your experience with it, I'd love to share it - just PM me...

[a Special Thank You shout-out to MCF member "maps" for inspiring the idea do to so - thanks, Bro]

...a brief FAQ so yall can determine whether the LAPPIT is a viable utility device for you:

1 - requires you to make it yourself, as it is custom-made dependent on each individual performer's specific body-type (height/weight)

2 - takes approx. 4+hrs to make, if you have basic sewing/measurement skills (or know somebody who does)

3 - materials needed to make are simple & readily available inexpensively at any dept. store (K-Mart, Gap, Walmart, etc.)

4 - for both the T-Shirt & Dress-Shirt versions, it requires either solid BLACK/Dark-Gray color, or a horizontal/vertical "stripped" pattern (in which case they can be any color)

5 - both versions require the size of the shirt(s) to be one (1) size larger than the performer's actual size for a comfortably loose-fitting ****

6 - both versions require the shirt(s) NOT to be tucked-in (so in the case of a Dress-Shirt, the "straight hem-ended" styles are the logical choice)

7 - due to #'s 5/6, perhaps, the LAPPIT it better suited to the age-range of TEENS thru 40-Somethings - with a "hip" persona - as this fashion style is a very common "urban" look

8 - the "topit" aspect of the LAPPIT loads into the pants hip-pockets, so comfortably loose pants are required (may also relate to #7)

9 - the "lapping" aspect of the LAPPIT requires a slim to chubby body-type (lol) I myself am a "big guy" & using the "lapping" aspect of it actually inspired me to loose some weight Smile to be more specific, anything "bigger" than a "Kevin James" body-type (the Actor from the sitcom King Of Queens, not the respected Magician of the "Floating-Rose" fame - lol) would not be able to utilize the "lapping" aspect - there's no size/weight "restriction" for the "topit" aspect tho

NB: the "lapping" aspect allows for both ditching & retrieving (productions/vanishes/transformations); the "topit" aspect, as mentioned above, just loads into the pants hip-pocket (so no "retrieval" of same item suitable for productions/transformations, however it can obviously be used in combo with the "lapping" aspect for such (with dupe items), as the "lapping" aspect can also be utilized standing)

k, if yall have any questions, please feel free Smile

Peace, Love, & Success
Fantasy Knight
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Did you ever market this?
Grew up near one of the greatest minds in magic the late Stewart James, in a town called Wallaceburg just 15 mins from Courtright where James could be found, time and time again he would inspire me to always be creative and just love all magic.
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Profile of Houdonni
I'd volunteer to try it out Smile
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