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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Wiz Kote Machine (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
The Baldini
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Profile of The Baldini
All my shows are currently at the DuPont children's hospital, soon Philly. And as many of you know, the WK produces smoke and often too much. Also not easy to control. Setting off fire alarms is not part of the trick. And there is a bad odor with the traditional method. So what is the solution?
Mine was Nick Wenger. A brilliant, talented and generous man. And a ton of cool there too, he is quite addictive . Once in his shop, you won't want to leave. It's awesome what he can do and stories he can share, oops a bit off track.
Nick dissected a Pure Smoke and built it in to the base, still controlled by the original button and invisible to the audience. The result is a controlled amount of "Real" smoke. Delivered without odor, totally silent too.
I will think of Nick every time I do this effect, I could never thank him enough.

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Profile of BanzaiMagic
NW does great work.

I am surprised more manufacturers have not reconsidered their flash pot/smoke effects to incorporate this new technology given the fire code limitations we now face.
The Baldini
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I some how pounded in
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Profile of The Baldini
I finally got to use it in a real show, it was great. Everyone loved the effect an no one knew that is was not real smoke. Nick di a great job and if not for him, I could not do this effect. Many thanks to a great person.NW.