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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Did you hear the latest? :: Theft, Credits, etc. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Andy Leviss
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1179 Posts

Profile of Andy Leviss
Recently, I've been questioned on this board and others with an accusation regarding my commercial effect "It's a Match"; I responded to these allegations over in "Penny for Your Thoughts", but I want to post it here where more folks will see it, so that the facts will be available to as many people as possible.

As those of you familiar with the effect know, the method is the same as one used in a certain Larry Becker effect. Despite the fact that Larry's wonderful effect is clearly credited in the instructions, and that Larry gave me his explicit permission to release my effect, I still get accused of stealing his effect.

I want to make it abundantly clear. Larry quite generously gave me his permission to market my effect. His effect is clearly credited in the instructions to my effect. No theft went on, and there is no bad blood.

As many of you know, I am quite adamant about defending creators' rights and have been known to quite loudly chastise magicians who don't bother to research and especially who knowingly teach another creator's work without permission. I find it quite upsetting to be accused of the same behavior that I so loudly speak out against.

I would never do such a thing, and take great umbrage to being accused of such.

When I have spoken out about somebody wrongfully releasing another person's effect, I've made sure to fully research and have the information to back up what I'm saying. Folks who have accused me of this obviously haven't done so, or they would have found out that it couldn't be further from the truth.

Thanks for the time and space,
Andy Leviss
Note: I have PMs turned off; if you want to reach me, please e-mail [email][/email]!
Tony Razzano
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South River, NJ
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Andy Leviss is an honest and thoughtful young man. For anyone to suggest otherwise is ludicrous.
I can personally vouch for Andy in any way necessary. He is also one of the up and comming mentalists to watch.
No one should make accusations that they don't KNOW to be true. Andy wouldn't steal from anyone.
Best regards,
Tony Razzano
Best regards,
<BR>Tony Razzano, Past President, PEA
Winner of the PEA"s Bascom Jones and Bob Haines Awards