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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Did you hear the latest? :: Gossip Magic, do we need to codify yet another branch? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Repost, didn't realize there was a gossip themed section, should have known. I placed this in What a Tangled Web We Weave. Originally.All three sections are kind of appropriate.

I contemplated posting this in Looking Out For Our Own.

A friend was contacted by MagicLeaks he asked me to read over his response.
Which is here:

My advice was this,

Back. It's ok. There are some edits to do, and some misreading/ misinterpreting of the alexa comments. It's a cool piece.
If it was me however I would just give a terse account of what happened ie the explication portion w/ all of the attachments.
Title it "Manning" Up or something stupid like that, How about -I'd F--k Mr. E but I don't f--k with Children. And post it up, but to whom?
Who really gives a F--k. This idiot really thinks someone gives a S--t? Hell even if someone did, f--k them too.
Seriously F--k him and his Stupid Books of Magic name, He should do everyone a favor and call himself Mr. L, for Libel.
To wrap it up I'd rewrite it dry, even in an underwhelmed style. I wouldn't make it personal, and I wouldn't use the lines about the emails that don't directly pertain to the topic. I would however post all of the emails. Just don't address them, they show more about him than you.

What you wrote is a good piece about overcoming societal stigma, and will probably help others. Maybe push out both. (I'd still leave out the fluff pertaining to the emails)

If you want me to proof it let me know.

Best of the best,
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Edit: MagicLeaks response to XS's post is here:

Not sure which type of exposure I dislike more. Perhaps I'm just offended by sham masquerading as journalism.