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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Betchas :: Capit (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of gamgick73
Ok, so you're in a beer garden- someone's garden any garden-in fact any place with a bit of land (aimed at those who need to be ultra specific).

You've just impressed your friends- associates, family (whoever) with a performance of matrix using bottle caps. Just as you're about to discard the caps you mention how you're able to throw a light weight object (such as a beer top) a distance that most people would be unable to equal. You ask for someone to select a weapon of their choice (read - bottle cap) and ask them to give one of the remaining tops to you.

Ask the challenger to go first and see how far they are able to throw the cap. Let's say they throw around 10- 15 feet (remember this object is very light). You on the other hand step up to the plate and are able to exceed the distance of your challenger by some distance.

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Profile of DelMagic
As with throwing playing cards, I would think the orietation can make a difference in throwing a bottle cap. A frisbee-like toss should work best.

Also, in some instances the shape can be modified (bending or crushing the cap) to allow it better movement through the air.

You could also throw it out a window (for example 3-stories up) and claim the cap is now 30-feet + the distance it went horizontally from you.
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Profile of gamgick73
Thanks for the response but its actually a lot more simple than that. As your opponent is throwing their cap you simply load yours with a small coin to add some weight. To be sure that the coin remains in place you could use a bit of blue tack to secure its position. Shared this idea with Greg Wilson when I met him in April and he seemed impressed.

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Profile of chrismatt
That's how Titanic Thompson did it 75 years ago.

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Profile of gamgick73
Was blue tack around that long ago?
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Profile of trampabroad
Does the tack have to be blue?
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Profile of MRSharpe
Blue Tack is a generic term because the original product was blue. It comes in other colors now. Other materials would work, even chewing gum in an impromptu situation. Excellent idea!
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