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Win one of only 2 copies of Voodini's "Book of Shadows" in The Game - an exciting new concept in mentalism & bizarre magick, plus free PDFs for all who enter!

There are 2 copies of the Paul Voodini Book of Shadows. That's all there is, and that's all there ever will be. The Book of Shadows contains every work that Paul Voodini has ever created, from The Paranormal Entertainer in 2007 to the present day. The Book of Shadows is a hard back book with in excess of 700 pages. There are two copies. One has a white cover, one has a black cover. They are identical twins in all respects except for this one difference. The white copy will be awarded to a Remote Viewer, the black copy to a Tomb Raider. To stand a chance of winning one of these tomes, you must play The Game. However everyone who plays The Game will also receive free of charge every PDF that Paul Voodini releases for the duration of The Game (details below).

The Game is a combination of Sherlock Holmes, Lara Croft, the Cannonball Run and Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. How much time you dedicate to The Game is completely up to you. You can totally immerse yourself in it and really live the life, or you can just spend a couple of minutes a month doing a spot of research on-line. Either way will work. This will be a fun experience and can be moulded completely to fit in with your lifestyle.

The Game will run from February 14th (St. Valentine's Day) through to the evening of Monday June 24th (Midsummer's Day). On February 14th you will receive a clue, emailed out to you. This clue will hopefully lead you to a location. The email will also ask you a question about this location. The answer to that question will enable you to answer the next clue emailed to you a month later. Each month you will hopefully discover a location and will answer a question about that location which will unlock the next month's location for you. Ultimately you will discover on Midsummer's Night the final location. The two Book of Shadows will be the prizes for the first two people who successfully discover the final location.

There are two ways to solve the clues and answer the questions. The first way is to be a Tomb Raider. The Tomb Raider will travel from location to location and will physically answer the questions posed to them by actually being in situ and researching the subject on the ground. These people may enjoy immersing themselves completely in the adventure that is The Game. The second way is by being a Remote Viewer. The Remote Viewer will do the research via the Internet (or Heaven's above, by visiting a library!) and will find the answers in this manner. The Remote Viewer may be unable to explore the locations physically for a variety of reasons (location, time constraints etc.) and will usually be able to solve each month's clues and questions within an hour or so. All competitors can be either a Tomb Raider or a Remote Viewer or a combination of both. How much you want to immerse yourself in this is completely up to you. There is nothing stopping you being a Remote Viewer all the way through only to become a Tomb Raider for the final challenge, for example.

All locations around which the clues and questions are based will be on the mainland UK. Hence all overseas competitors will most likely be Remote Viewers, unless of course they want to get really involved!

The final clue on Midsummer's Day will lead you to the location of both Books of Shadows.

The black Book of Shadows is actually hidden at the final location and must be physically discovered. The race will be on to get there first! It is perfectly safe and sheltered from weather and environment, and indeed on Midsummer's Night I will be holding it in my hands! I will be waiting at the location to personally hand it over to the winner!

The white Book of Shadows is safely in my office and will be awarded to the first person to email me the correct name of the location following my final emailed clue on Midsummer's Day. This final email will be sent at a designated time that will be announced beforehand, meaning that everyone around the world will know when to expect the final clue and no-one, regardless of location, will be at a disadvantage. The first emailed reply that I receive that correctly identifies the location will have the white Book of Shadows mailed out to them the very next day!

The clues and questions used throughout The Game will not be overly difficult or complicated. You will not need to be a puzzle expert to figure them out. But a bit of research will be necessary. A typical question, certainly in the early days, may be along the lines of: “There is a church on XXXXX Road in London. Discover the name of the most famous inhabitant in the graveyard. Record that name and keep it safe. The name will help you to unlock the answer to the next question.”

To play The Game you need to be a registered contestant. Registration ends on February 12th when a test email will be sent and following this, on February 14th, the first email containing the first clue and question will be sent. The answer to each question will help you to answer the following month's question, therefore once The Game has started no late-comers will be allowed.

All registered contestants will receive the following: the fun and excitement of completing each task as either a Tomb Raider or Remote Viewer, access to the official The Game Facebook group, the opportunity to win one of the ultra-rare Paul Voodini Book of Shadows, PLUS all contestants will receive, completely free of charge, all PDFs released by Paul Voodini throughout the duration of The Game. That's right, each new PDF released by Paul Voodini from today until Midsummer's Day, will be sent, free of charge, to your in-box. Paul releases a new PDF approximately every 4 – 6 weeks, so this is an extra incentive to sign up that adds up to a fairly substantial saving.

The winners of The Game will be announced via email and on the Facebook page on Tuesday June 25th.

The fee to register as a contestant is £20. To register, please visit

Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email thanking you for joining The Game and reminding you of the details outlined here.
Voodini - cold reading, past life regressions, remote viewing, Q&A, palm reading, bizarre & seance...