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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Ballooning 101 :: Restaurants and Adults (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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So I'm starting to get a little bit of flow and level of comfort with doing restaurants. But the other night I had the slowest shift yet. There were very few children that came in, and I did get some business from adults, but generally I can't seem to get too many wanting a balloon. I'm a big kid at heart and me and the people I know would totally go for a balloon, so I thought, "Yeah, adults will want balloons too." But I have found that most actually act their age and don't, lol. I don't want to do "adult" balloons, but I want to appeal to adults as well. I use friendly lines like, "Which one of you is leaving here with a flamingo hat tonight." And they kinda laugh, but I can't seem to reach them. What's the best way to approach adults? I want them to see that it's fun and not "childish." Should I make like a martini hat or something, if the design even exists. I don't know, but welcome any advice.
Steve Yarosko
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Robyn..If there are no kids in the restaurant, a lot of times what I will do is stand in a neutral place but where several tables can see me if they want to. I will typically make a corsage which I teach on Youtube here: . I make it a lot faster than when I am teaching it. While I am making it, I look to see if anyone looks interested in what I am doing. Usually someone does, and then I make eye contact I will strike up a conversation and end up tying the corsage on the ladies wrist. If the guy she is with is into it, I will make something for him as well. While I am working with this table, another table may have seemed interested in what I doing as well, and they will become my next victim(s). Another thing that I will do is just start making something elaborate in a neutral place and see if I get any interest. If you are making something elaborate and interesting, you will bring out the child in the adults, and it won't be hard to find someone to give your balloon to. What's great about working with adults is that not everyone at a table has to have a balloon, and you can take your time as they are more interested in the process than in getting a balloon.
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I find that that big girls like big flowers, I've never had a problem giving a woman my five balloon flower, they usually love it, the men dig manly things, I've given out fishing rods with "working" reels and fish attached, if they're hunters deer are a hit, and what big boy doesn't love a motorcycle, but I do a 2-3 balloon chopper which always gets a big reaction. Part of it is being in the trenches for so darn long ('bout 25 years) and the other is an innate ability to read people. One you'll learn the other is a little harder to come by. Robyn, I've twisted in bars, mixing it with magic, only to be told they could see magic anywhere, they'd rather see really good twisting. Play with them a little, get them to loosen up and like Steve said bring out the child in the adult, it's their...they just sometimes forget it. I'm happy to show you any design you aren't familiar with. Just shoot me a message.

Professor Twist
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Charleston, SC
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Thanks guys this gives me some ideas of what I'm going to do next time. Steve that is a really cool corsage, thank you. Samriklown I really like the idea of doing a motorcycle for the men. Smile
Wes Holly
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On 2012-05-07 01:30, Steve Yarosko wrote:
Another thing that I will do is just start making something elaborate in a neutral place and see if I get any interest. If you are making something elaborate and interesting, you will bring out the child in the adults, and it won't be hard to find someone to give your balloon to.

This is what I do as well. Either someone takes it from me directly, it get's placed on/at the host stand or the bartender will display it behind the bar. There might also be a group of adults obviously having a great time amongst themselves. They can be as approachable as a table with kids.
Happily Yours,
Wes Holly
Cincinnati, OH, USA