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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: street magic in poland (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of M.P.D.
I have been doing street magic now for a very long time, and now, I am in Europe... I must say that in Europe street performers are treated much more like artists than mere entertainers. They really respond to every effect...

So far, I have been using the swallowing razor blade effect, hummer card (on non-windy days) no-tear, and I find that Hollingworths travelers effect gets a good shock out of everyone.

I also enjoy the balloon swallowing on the streets... it blows away the balloon sculpters HAHAHAHAHA!!!

I also don't speak Polish right now, but I am learning, so I am really putting my ablilities to the test and I am loving the challenge.

Believe me when I say that in performance of magic, there is no greater challenge than doing an act silently. I find that I am very able in keeping the audience leaning more and more torward me with every effect.

What do you all think about silent magic? Smile
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Profile of BroDavid
It is my opinion that any entertainer who solely relies on words to communicate - is missing out on a myriad of other means to express themselves.

So I say "communicate every way possible, and if necessary use words" (a paraphrase from a Saint, but every bit as true in performing as in preaching the Gospel)

I admire your courage to step into another culture without the benefit of language skills, and I admire your skill to perform completely without the usual pattter and banter.

I have seen a number of performers at all levels, that I wish would learn to perform without words, since the words don't add anything - except something to the performers ego.

Keep up the good work friend!

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
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Profile of Missing_Link
I've performed in Europe (including Poland) and found that you can easily get by without knowing the language. I now speak Polish, as well as French, Germand and Gaelic, but find that just a few phrases can help endear yourself to a crowd. If you are foreign, it can help to play on this - you can create a lot of comedy this way. I often wear a kilt when performing abroad for this reason.


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Profile of Missing_Link
By the way, M.P.D, where in Poland have you been performing? I was in Krakow.