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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Magnetizing (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Pete Biro
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Is it possible to take a steel linking ring and have it magnetized?
Tom Fenton
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If you've got the time you can magnetize it by stroking it with a magnet.

Pretty boring I would imagine.
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I think Tom is on the right track - the only other way I can think of is inserting magnets, but then you would need a hollow ring. Are you using this for spinning ring effects or as a way to hold it or other rings in one spot?
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You could also wrap wire around it in a coil and run DC currunt through it. The magnetic effect is likely to be fairly weak using either method and would fade over time. Banging a ring so magnetized can actually demagnetize it over time. You may want to experiment with holding a strong magnet against the ring secretly and having the magnets magnetism transfer thru the ring to whatever you are trying to attract.
Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Thanks will try the latter and let y'all know.
Ms. Merizing
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A video demo of an inexpensive gizmo that magnetizes & demagnetizes tools: . I have not used this device.

Here's a video of how to magnetize utilizing a neodymium magnet: .
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jay leslie
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Pete he type of metal is important. I would guess that a mag ring will not support another ring,
jazzy snazzy
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With hollow aluminum rings, you could epoxy in several of those small neodymium magnets until you get the right strength.

Good luck. Hope you figure it out.
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Profile of gimpy2
I tried two 1/2 x3/4 neodeiniums with 8" steel rings. It will hold but you have to be pretty close to the hand that hides the magnets. I bet it would work with smaller rings. That big of a magnet is also pretty hard to handle.
jay leslie
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You're right about the smaller rings

There is "that" trick where one ring hangs from under a second other ring, but they're only 2.5 in diameter (and the gimmick is no where in sight). A big hollow AL. ring just seems difficult to do that with... not impossible just difficult

Assuming -that- is the effect Pete's trying to replicate. He really didn't state what his intentions were.
- - - - - - - - -- - - -
Just what are you're intentions, there, young man... and is this making you feel like you're 16 again, taking a date to the school dance?
Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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It's not for me. A pal wants to have a brief display that looks like one ring hanging on another, then it drops off.
Geoff Pfeiffer
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Try this: Use two hollow aluminum rings and put a small neodymium magnet in each ring, now link them at that magnetic spot. When you want to unlink them just rotate the upper ring and the bottom ring will drop free under its own weight. I hope this helps.
The Baldini
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By just sticking a lot of magnets to the metal and leaving it for weeks and weeks, then removing the mags, your metal will now be magnetized.