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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Wizard Magic Review :: The Wizard Product Review 65, Spirtz Switch, Jump, Notion, Cannibal (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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On 2011-08-17 11:15, natmagic wrote:
This weeks review proves why I don't listen to what these two clowns have to say about products. I have been performing both Notion and Balloon burst with great success for the last two weeks. The Balloon burst is a great way to get attention and gather a crowd. Nobody has caught me out on the method it's really *** clever. I would say it's easily one of the most amazing things I've seen in years. For anybody working in a bar situation or even trade-shows (where I performed it all all last week) it was perfect! One of the best ways to gather a crowd. Also I imagine street magicians would love this. Balloon Burst is fantastic! After having performed it all week I give Balloon Burst 95%

I also included Notion at the trade-show because it involved four spectators and a great way to involve more people. I can only assume Petty and Penn didn't watch the entire DVD because the instructions talk about using it as a tool for other things - which I did to reveal the last card. A very clever, easy to do effect and I take everywhere with me. I give it 95%

So - I will now give a review of Penn and Petty - I give them 1% for their review blog. There are many other video review blogs out there, as well as review sites that are much better and not so annoying to watch. Again I find myself turning away from these clowns. Their arrogance is what I find totally annoying and the fact they come across as two little spoilt school kids. I can only assume because they aren't really performers and own a magic shop they can't road test what they perform. This is what makes their reviews so misleading. You can't review a product like this - you need to really test it. Jamie D Grant who does him Magic Friday reviews actually takes something out in the real world (not sitting on their mothers couch at home) and performs it - then reviews it.

There are many other magic review sites out there, getting over 10,000 plus hits on their sites which are a lot more fun and better respected performers - I would suggest watching those instead.

Nathan B

You do realise David and Craig are two of the most respected magicians in the uk right? And they don't own the shop, they demo the products for customers and serve them. You have been to a magic shop before have you not?
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Profile of gaffed
Watched another review on "Notion" and it also got a thumbs down. It was for the very same reason that Craig stated. Simply being; there is no reason whatsoever for bringing out a deck of cards and then obviously fishing in a somewhat awkward manner until the spectator sees their chosen card. As others have mentioned, there are much better effects that achieve the same end in a less suspicious and an extremely convoluted manner.
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Profile of Xiqual
They gave Balloon burst a great mark, they simply said it would not be good for people trying to relax. Your examples are excellent ideas for balloon burst though. The reason the DVD got low marks is the coin routines need a TRIPLE THREAT by Todd Lassen [just a moment I have to bow down every time I say his name] Ok, I am back. I wish the balloon effect was a download or something.
Anyway, it is just their opinion. No need to get flustered.

On 2011-08-17 11:15, natmagic wrote:
This weeks review proves why I don't listen to what these two clowns have to say about products. I have been performing both Notion and Balloon burst with great success for the last two weeks. The Balloon burst is a great way to get attention and gather a crowd. Nobody has caught me out on the method it's really *** clever. I would say it's easily one of the most amazing things I've seen in years. For anybody working in a bar situation or even trade-shows (where I performed it all all last week) it was perfect! One of the best ways to gather a crowd. Also I imagine street magicians would love this. Balloon Burst is fantastic! After having performed it all week I give Balloon Burst 95%

I also included Notion at the trade-show because it involved four spectators and a great way to involve more people. I can only assume Petty and Penn didn't watch the entire DVD because the instructions talk about using it as a tool for other things - which I did to reveal the last card. A very clever, easy to do effect and I take everywhere with me. I give it 95%

So - I will now give a review of Penn and Petty - I give them 1% for their review blog. There are many other video review blogs out there, as well as review sites that are much better and not so annoying to watch. Again I find myself turning away from these clowns. Their arrogance is what I find totally annoying and the fact they come across as two little spoilt school kids. I can only assume because they aren't really performers and own a magic shop they can't road test what they perform. This is what makes their reviews so misleading. You can't review a product like this - you need to really test it. Jamie D Grant who does him Magic Friday reviews actually takes something out in the real world (not sitting on their mothers couch at home) and performs it - then reviews it.

There are many other magic review sites out there, getting over 10,000 plus hits on their sites which are a lot more fun and better respected performers - I would suggest watching those instead.

Nathan B
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Profile of MeetMagicMike
I love to watch Dave and Craig discuss magic tricks.

I agree with Dave and Craigs opinion of Notion but the problem isn't bringing the deck out. The problem is using PICTURES OF PLAYING CARDS. Either just use the deck or use pictures that make sense. Powerball 60 comes to mind.

Once upon a time everyone used a deck of cards for recreation. That's not true anymore so it's getting tougher to treat a deck of cards as an ordinary object let alone a laminated card with playing cards printed on it.

As others have said, it's fine if it works for you but there ARE much better ways to do it.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes did a good job of explaining the rapid evolution of the apes but the human characters simply played their parts adequately to move the plot forward. Think of Back to the Future without Michael J Fox or Christopher Loyd. (I know Back To The Future is a comedy but I think any movie can benefit from actors who connects with the audience)
Magic Mike

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Craig Petty
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On 2011-08-17 11:15, natmagic wrote:
This weeks review proves why I don't listen to what these two clowns have to say about products. I have been performing both Notion and Balloon burst with great success for the last two weeks. The Balloon burst is a great way to get attention and gather a crowd. Nobody has caught me out on the method it's really *** clever. I would say it's easily one of the most amazing things I've seen in years. For anybody working in a bar situation or even trade-shows (where I performed it all all last week) it was perfect! One of the best ways to gather a crowd. Also I imagine street magicians would love this. Balloon Burst is fantastic! After having performed it all week I give Balloon Burst 95%

I also included Notion at the trade-show because it involved four spectators and a great way to involve more people. I can only assume Petty and Penn didn't watch the entire DVD because the instructions talk about using it as a tool for other things - which I did to reveal the last card. A very clever, easy to do effect and I take everywhere with me. I give it 95%

So - I will now give a review of Penn and Petty - I give them 1% for their review blog. There are many other video review blogs out there, as well as review sites that are much better and not so annoying to watch. Again I find myself turning away from these clowns. Their arrogance is what I find totally annoying and the fact they come across as two little spoilt school kids. I can only assume because they aren't really performers and own a magic shop they can't road test what they perform. This is what makes their reviews so misleading. You can't review a product like this - you need to really test it. Jamie D Grant who does him Magic Friday reviews actually takes something out in the real world (not sitting on their mothers couch at home) and performs it - then reviews it.

There are many other magic review sites out there, getting over 10,000 plus hits on their sites which are a lot more fun and better respected performers - I would suggest watching those instead.

Nathan B

Hi Nathan

Seems like your not a fan of the show which is fine but to come on here and call myself and Dave clowns just because you don't agree with our opinion is a little weird. For example I could say that you must be the worst trade show performer in the world if you actually use Notion in a trade show environment. I could say that you obviously didn't watch the show properly because we both said the balloon trick was great but the rest of the DVD was weak. I could say many things but I won't because you have your opinion and we have ours. And the reviews are only our opinion.

Regarding Jamie Grant - I consider Jamie a friend and his reviews are great as he picks something really good and shows how it works in the real world. I love reading Magic Friday. Unfortunately (and Jamie would be the first person to agree with me here) there are so many bad magic tricks released that myself and Dave do not have the luxury to use that approach. You may not agree with us and that's fine but understand that we will honestly tell you and everyone else what we think. And on this weeks show we thought Notion sucked and there were many problems with the Jump DVD which marked it down. Unless you think that having to use expensive props which are not mentioned on the ad copy and really bad crediting is not an issue.

Anyway Nathan if you think our little show only gets 1% and we are clowns the simple solution is don't watch. Dave and I work really hard to put the show together every week and we works hard to make it entertaining as well as informative. We also release free material to the magic community all the time (Flash and Roughed in the last 6 months alone). However is this is not good enough for you just don't watch - simple.

Craig Petty
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On 2011-08-18 09:07, Shanlip wrote:
9pm on a wednesday night (in australia) is reserved for me, I think they do a great job and it always gives me a laugh.

Keep up the good work guys.

Thanks Man.

I love Austrailia - Sydney is one of my favourite places in the world!

Brad Burt
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Kudo's on your review show on YouTube. I am a big fan.

I was just watching your review of Notion and I agree to a point. What they offer by way of routine justification is terribly weak. The switch to the reg deck is silly.

I would like to offer the following as a possible routine change. The problem of course is to GET to the regular deck in a manner that does not make you look like a moron.

You are at the point to do the move over: "O.k., you have the card firmly in mind is that correct? You won't forget it? Look, this little experiment could go any number of ways. For instance, it's a classic in mind reading magic to take, say, a deck of cards and have YOU go through the cards to discover that the only card NOT in the deck is the card that you are simply thinking of. Let me ask you...would THAT be a very, very cool little miracle if that happened? It would? Great! Look, I've removed one card from this deck .... let's run through it quickly and you tell me if you see your card...ok?"

They of course DO see it and you feign being really embarrassed.

From here I can think of lots of cool ways to reveal that you know the card:

Invis deck in seal envelope
Nail Writer
Just reading their mind, etc.

The method as you noted is quite clever, but it needs heavy justification as you move to the deck. I think what seems like a negative at first is, with a change in routine, actually a very strong point as the humor when they DO see their card will act positively in a couple of ways. First, it makes the move to the deck 'seem' to make sense for the humor alone. Second, the timed misdirection pulls them off in a direction that later will leave them with no explanation as to how you could have accomplished it.

The fact that they do see their card in a clump of cards obviously (to them) can tell you nothing, etc.

Anyway, it's really too bad that they seemingly rushed the thing out without a proper routine. And, frankly, I'm offering the above without having tested my theory above. But, I'm pretty sure I could pull it off.

Sincerest regards,
Brad Burt
Andrew Zuber
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Nathan, just curious - have you ever heard of KIDabra? There's an entire section here on the Café devoted to it. Craig has lectured for them. Have you heard of the Magic Circle in England? It's one of the most well-respected magic societies in the world. David has lectured there. Have you heard of a television show called Britain's Got Talent? David appeared on that as well.

I'd be interested to know what it takes for you to consider someone a "performer." Your entire post is full of inaccuracies. Do a little research first. It will make you sound far less uneducated.
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Brad Burt
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Part of the problem is that different people are looking for different things in a review. As a dealer for 40 years I can tell you that most dealers see so much material you just have to make judgements fairly quickly. You mostly don't have the time to learn every thing that comes out. But, if you are any good you get so you can mostly pick out the things that YOUR clients will like and that you can recommend honestly. You will make mistakes! But, mostly if you are honest and trying to do a good job, you really won't make a lot of them.

IF.....I had not been able to come up with a transition in Notion as noted above, that I thought would really work I would agree with their review of the product totally. But, you see here is another thing....I always considered it part of my job and I think "the review guys here" do also, to find a way to make an borderline trick into something that is really good. It's amazing, really it's embarrassing, how much magic is released and has the feel of just being rushed to market to make a buck. You look at it and say, "Man, this is kinda clever, but I could never do this as it's released!" It's frustrating gang. Some dealers will sell you anything and everything. That's fine, that's their niche in the market. But, some dealers actually try and vet out what they sell so that they feel good about it. These guys seem that way and it's why I just love their reviews....and I love the little white dog.

The down and dirty is that you HAVE to take ANY review with a grain of salt unless it's very obvious that they nailed it. Some of the stuff they have ripped is some of the most hilariously terrible magic I have ever seen! The Jade Rings thing is like a terrible joke that someone came up with. I made my first one using a drinking glass when I was like 10 years old and guess what? It's a much more magical way to use that particular principle!!!

Brad Burt
russ stevens
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Russ Stevens
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Hello Everyone,

Thought some people might like to know that Johnny Wong makes a set of coins that Frank tells me he also uses and they are considerably cheaper than the ones mentioned on the DVD. I found this link to UK sellers:

I always remember our first ever project "Corporate Close-Up" with Martin Sanderson came in for some flack because nearly every routine required 'props' (Omni Deck, JOC Wallet Gaffed Coins), which I always did and still do, consider strange. It didn't stop nearly EVERY close-up magician in the UK that I know from using at least one thing from that DVD in their working set list. Do people seriously think that for $29.99 (£19.99) they're going to get every routine requiring no additional cost?

Russ - rsvpmagic (producers of 'Jump')
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Also found this thread that may be of interest.
