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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Matthew Wrights Unusual Suspect (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Brandon Sheffield
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So the other day I placed one of the largest magic orders I have ever placed. I got a couple for my kids show, but honestly the rest were close up card magic DVD’s that I wanted for myself!

Its going to sound like a lot but I’m at the point in my magical career that I don’t get over whelmed and I’ll put something on the shelve and come back to it.

I ended up with a lot of great DVD’s but one stood way above the rest and it was one that I had honestly never heard of. But it seemed interesting and the one review I saw for it was positive. So I took the plunge and bought it.
As you can tell by the title of the thread it was Matthew Wrights “Unusual Suspect”. As soon as you put this DVD in and start watching it you will notice that Matthew is what we call a pro, or a worker. He was very entertaining, so much so he was actually able to grab my wife’s attention and keep her entertained. (Not the easiest task I promise)

Ok so on to the effects.

Calzaghe’s Opener

Named after Matthews favorite boxer and I can see why. It’s one knockout punch after the other. It’s a great opener and he teaches a new force that I’m definitely working on as we speak. It reminded me of a classic force but instead of the spectator taking the card they just look at one as they are spread eye level to the spectator. The magician only see’s the back of the cards. Wonderful routine.

Final Destination

This was amazing! A three fly routine that finally solves the problem with the final coin. If you do any three fly routine you will know what I’m talking about. While watching this routine you will see why Matthew Shines while he is performing magic and I’m writing this review. He actually has a storyline with patter and everything. Who knew? In honesty this is my favorite version Three fly.

Mental Mullica

This was also a very funny routine with a very clever use of the Mullica wallet. It’s a prediction effect that has this great presentational hook.


This Matthews take on Derren Browns classic effect Smoke. The two reasons I like this version better is because one I don’t smoke and two there are too many places where it’s acceptable to have cigarettes.

Mullica’s Nightmare

This to me is the best routine on the DVD. This is Matthews take on the Ambitious card routine. The moves are not new by any means and all though he uses a Mullica wallet, you don’t have to. But what is new is his presentation to the ACR. It’s hilarious and the patter makes perfect sense. This will make you think about how you present your ACR trust me.

The Big Finish Card Trick

This is basically a multiple selection routine. I’ll be honest I knew most of the sleights, but there were two different times where he fooled me. Actually he fooled me really bad. There is also a very nice four card production that he uses during this effect that I started working on immediately after I saw it.

This is what I call smart magic. His effects have presentations and they hit hard. This is one of the top purchases I have made. Get it!
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Profile of Rizzo
Agreed, very good routines ,effects and recommended.
Brandon Sheffield
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Profile of Brandon Sheffield
I cant understand why more people are not talking about this release. Maybe he should have out a ton of color changes on here that required you to twist and contort your body so you could get the right angles, and then he should have performed every effect with a blank stare while he kept saying one word sentences. Im just saying Smile