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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Food for thought :: Secrets Exposed on TV :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
P T Flea
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Engelfield Green, nr Staines - innit
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I was talking to my brother recently, who is also into magic but doesn't know how some of my tricks are done (like the Raven), and he saw a program on Sky One about street magic. On this program they apparently exposed the secrets to tricks such as the Raven and Two Card Monte. I can't believe it. How can I now go out and perform these with confidence when I know there's a good chance that the person saw this on Sky One? I cannot believe what some people will do to make a few quid. For the majority of the population (including by brother) it makes a great show and boosts the channel's ratings. But for us poor magicians they are just destroying what we have worked to so hard to perfect. It just makes me MAD.
Just needed to have a rant about that.

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Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from
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Profile of preston91
Don't worry about it.
1. People have very short memories.
2. Everyone didn't see the show.
3. change the presentation slightly and specs won't identify the effect.

Example: a couple days ago a co-worker said they seen a show about how street magic was done. Today at lunch, I did a torn and restored sugar pack w/ a TT, then my version of ambitious card. After which, the same guy who told me about the show says, "WOW! how'd you do that?" Smile
Matt Graves
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Yeah, man; the presentation can drastically change how someone sees an effect. My twelve-year-old brother knows how I do almost everything, and he even watches my David Copperfield DVD in slow motion just to figure out some of the big illusions . . . but I've found that if I slightly alter a detail here and there, the same things he's seen me do a thousand times before and might roll his eyes at, he will drop his jaws in shock at when I present them just a little differently. I've even gotten to where I can really mystify him with single-coin vanishes, totally sleight of hand, and it's all in the presentation and my "acting" skills. Smile
Garrett Nelson
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What magician hasen't been fooled by something simple, like a Thumbtip, at some point when it was used out of context?

I know I have. And it isn't becsue I don't know what one is or how it is used. It was just framed in a way that was different.

The same principals apply to laymen.
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Profile of Paul
Ha ha, guess you didn't see that programme on Sky when it was aired first time around, and the Daily Mirror did a follow up with exposure pictures from the show in the newspaper etc. I think this is the third time the street one has been shown over here.

Few quid? I think he was only paid $30,000 an episode. These shows will be repeated on and off for years.

The suggestion/replies posted here are just about right. The last thing you should do is show you are annoyed if someone mentions it. I normally laugh at it, or point out no-one recognises me without the mask. SmileBut I usually comment I thought the commentary insulted the intelligence of the viewer and thought they would at least end the show by saying Santa Claus wasn't real.

P T Flea
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Engelfield Green, nr Staines - innit
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Profile of P T Flea
Thanks for the advice guys.
I am just curious about how you might present an effect such as the Raven in a different presentation. I have only ever used one (Blaine style) but I am sure there are plenty more I haven't though of.


Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from
bad judgement.
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Profile of stevenking
I think its still possible to use this device without any problems at all, but personally I'd keep away from vanishing a coin from the back of a specys hand!

There is much more you can use this device for other than that!

You can hook it up for use with short sleeves too, sure I saw a Raven video when this item was first released years and years ago


Steven King
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Profile of Paul
Mark Elsden put out a booklet called Raven Mad which had a number of ideas in. A nice one was to do with instant origami.

Not sure who stocks it now, try H & R, but if you have problems obtaining it you could always phone Mark. He might have some left.
tel; 01492 873252

Paul Hallas