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Max Maven´s Nothing and Multiplicity

Mr. Maven don't need an introduction for any reader of this blog. One of my inspiration in this art.

Yesterday I received 2 DVDs from him (thanks Tom!). One of them is an old release and the other one his latest DVD.

Nothing and Multiplicity.

Nothing: $100 approx.
Multiplicity: $75 approx.

Original description:
You can read it in :

2. Multiplicity:

My opinions:

I. Nothing:

Nothing is a 2 DVD Set that is separated in :

First DVD:
Basic and extended performance (one of the effects teached didn't fit the exact criteria of the show, so that one is edited from the basic performance),and option to access to each routine, Discussion with Michael Weber, and a GREAT section in which you can hear Max analyse each part of the performance and what happens inside of his head during each routine.

No explanation of the effects in this DVD. The theme in the act is "Coincidences" , so you will find only one "mindreading" piece at the end, the magazine test.
You can find 2 easter eggs in this disc. The first one is in the Tommy Wonder´s "Vision of Wonder" ad from "Other L&L DVD´s". You just need to press "UP" and you will hear Max talks about the easter eggs.

The second one is the "real" easter egg, just find Alex Emsley´s DVD promotion in the same section and press "UP". You will hear Max introducing Mr. Falanga and say F%·K.
Very funny.

Second DVD:

In this DVD you can find an "Easy and Quick" explanation of the effects ( VERY FUNNY) and the real explanation of the effects.
I must say that although the effects aren´t breathtaking new ideas ( in fact I think that almost all ideas are subtle modifications of pre-existing effects as Max saids) the thinking behind each effect is supreme. Simple and Direct.

The theme for this DVD is an act that you can do almost without any prior preparation and gimmicks and you can see that in the performances.
A few props, no classic methodologies but very good ideas in general

I will review each effect in a very short manner:

1. Disposable Color : From the Blue Book of Mentalism , a real classic idea . I even explain this piece time ago to my father after a show . He smiles and shake my hand for the simplicity and genius thinking behind. If a laymen can appreciatte the thinking behind an effect, surely is a good piece.

2. The Nile Derivation : An great modification in the Nile Divination from Annemann. Max creates a more direct and simple method for this piece.

3. Synchrostic: A 2 watch coincidence effect using 2 borrowed watches. Surprisingly for me
this is VERY similar to one of my own effects from "Mysteries Anywhere 2".
I like very much this idea, basically because I discovered a very similar idea independently as well.

4.Just Chintz: A very clean and fun "Bank Night/Just Chance" effects . Completely hands off. A dice is used for the selection of the envelopes/bags. You will always get the price and your participant other things that you planned beforehand.
Max gives us some thinking behind this effect and why sometimes this type of effects can be a little offensive for some audiences.
As a bonus you will learn a "Diceless" handling. Very clever.

5. Psychometier: Nothing groundbreaking in methodology in this piece. Is a classic psychometry routine with bigger envelopes and a nice climax moment and a clever subtlety that disconnects the logical method of this effect.

6.Para-Sight: Honestly, I didn't like this. Is a magazine test in which I really think that the method needs to be more cover . Even if the audience doesn't know the exact methodology ,is very easy for them to came up with a possible method.
Time ago I saw a magician to do a VERY poor book test using a similar idea, and after the performance some persons told me : "That´s obvious...he memorizes the pages".
Memorizing a magazine can be a feat itself ,but when presented as a mindreading can create some difficulties

You can find only one easter egg in this disc.
Go to the Eugene Burger´s DVD in the section "Other L&L DVD´s" and press "UP".
You will see one more time the endless discussion about the correct pronunciation of the word "Equivoque".
Just for that reason I always called that procedure "Verbal Control".

Rate: 8,5/10

A nice package, nice video editions, and a great new look to Max Maven´s ideas
Recommended for any student of mentalism

II. Multiplicity:

If you are interested in learn more about Verbal Control, Mul··"%le O&t , and other
CLEVER subleties , buy this DVD.

In here ( and ready in any DVD) the important factors aren´t in the effects but in the thinking behind.
You will see Verbal Control in action with a lot of performances with different premises( hours, flags, coins, bills, etc) and after that some exploration in ambiguity applied with other techniques for different results.

Just the conversations and the interactions between Max and Eugene are worth the price. Seeing Eugene be amazed ( I hate the word "fool") by some of the ideas is very refreshing.

Rate: 9,5/10

An excellent DVD, and maybe my favorite now. One criticism is the editing work. Looks weird,especially the beginning.

If you want to watch it completely... prepare a bottle of water ( or Coke) and even an orinal, because this DVD is LONG ( 3 hours 15 minutes)

Thanks Max for your ideas.
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Federico Soldati
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I just finished watching Multiplicity.
I really liked this DVD. To be completely honest I found the beginning to be slightly slow… but then the second part definitely captured my interest and blew me away. Well done Max. You're a genius.

I also own Nothing and to be honest I wasn't very impressed with it. There are a couple of tricks that I like on that DVD, but I wasn't thrilled by most of them.
Maybe that's just me… but I heard that there were other people on the Café that didn't enjoy it so much.
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Profile of mentalist.kin
Nothing is Good DVD for all purposes!
Multiplicity is the Best for the Equivoque, how to handle the situation and how to make it good!
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I find multiplicity to be a much better dvd